Classroom Expectations and Procedures

Course Materials: Workbook

Having a workbook will save you a lot of writing – both with class notes, and with your homework assignments, since it contains the templates for most of the notes and homework assignments in the course. If you choose not to purchase a workbook, you will need to write all of the notes and assignments on blank paper. If you choose to use an already written in book you will have to write all your assignments out on a blank piece of paper.

Evaluation:75% Tests, 10% Quizzes, 15 % Homework and Participation

Final Course Mark: 70% Course Mark, 20% Final Exam Mark, 10% Research Project

1. Everyone treats all members of the classroom with respect and consideration.

Respect yourself:

-ensure that you put as much effort into your work as possible

-make use of the support that is available to you

Respect the class as a place of learning:

-class time is not time to socialize or to discuss what you will be doing on the weekend. Class time is work time; you are here to learn math and that is what you should focus on.


-This means sitting in your own desk when the bell rings.

-If you are late, enter quietly and do not disturb the class

-If you are late for a quiz or a test you will not be given extra time.

3.Do all homework and assignments.

-If you miss class, you are still responsible for the homework and for completing that lessons notes. You have been given a copy of the assignment sheet. We will follow the assignment sheet in order.

-Homework will be assigned from the workbook each day. At the end of each unit, I will be checking your workbook for homework and notes completion. Each lesson’s note completion is worth 1 mark. Each assignment will be worth 2 or 3 marks depending on quantity.

-As well as homework completion, you will be also evaluated on your participation and productivity in class. When we are writing class notes you are expected to be attentive and learning. When I give time in the notes for you to “try” a question I want you to try it. When I provide you with class time it is expected that you will use this time to work on math. This participation will be evaluated out of 4 for each unit.

- If you are not able to keep up with your homework on your own, you will be requested to stay during CLC time on Tuesdays and Thursdays to help catch you up with the homework.

4. Bring all necessary school supplies to class with you.

- These include 3 ring binder (3 in) with dividers and plenty of paper, pencils, pen, erasers, ruler, and a calculator. It is strongly recommended that work be done in pencil. A graphing calculator is required for this course. I will have some calculators available for use in my class but they will not be allowed to leave my classroom.

-There will be worksheets, extra notes and quizzes given out on loose paper. You need a binder to keep these paper organized. Organization helps to breed success in a course!

5.Missed Exams:

-You will make up the exam during your spare block as soon as you return. You may be given a different exam than the one given to your classmates.


I get very suspicious and frustrated when you are consistently “absent” on test and quiz days


- If I hear your cell phone in class it will be confiscated for the class.

- If I see you using your phone other than for music during seatwork time it will be confiscated for the class.

8. Cheating Policy:

-Copying someone’s work is cheating. So is letting someone copy your work. If you are involved in cheating in any way you will receive zero on the assignment, quiz or test.

-You will not receive a “G” as a work habit in any term that you are found to have cheated.

9. Parent- teacher communication:

- I can be reached by email at and I check my email daily

- I post all my class notes on my website on Kennedy Homeroom page under Classes on Gleneagle’s

My43 website.


Student’s name (printed)Parent’s Name (printed)


Student’s SignatureParent’s Signature