Ballard City

2381 E. 1000 S.

Ballard, Utah 84066

Phone: (435) 722-3393

Fax: (435) 722-5726


City Council

May 5, 2015 7:00 p.m.



Welcome and Roll Call –Mayor Bob Abercrombie welcomed all in attendance and called roll. Those in attendance were Council Members, Tom Nordstrom, John Plant, Mark Reidhead, Secretaries Kaelyn Meyers and Anissa McDonald. Council Member Lloyd Meacham was excused from this meeting.

v  Prayer – John Plant

Pledge of Allegiance

Conflicts of Interests -- All Council Members who have a conflict with any item on the agenda please state concern.

2)  RECYCLE BINS – Dustin Redmond

Dustin Redmond was in attendance and said that he has talked to Uintah Parks and Recreation and they said that the Town of Ballard would need to purchase the recycle cans for both parks in Ballard. A discussion was held as far as how many cans per park we would need. Mayor Bob Abercrombie would like to place this item on the next agenda in two weeks so they will have time to look into the amount of cans, and to decide if one is necessary to put in the office. Mayor Bob Abercrombie told Dustin to tell Uintah Recreation, on Thursday, that the Town of Ballard will buy the cans we just aren’t sure how many will be needed. Council Members agreed to the additional fee to have the cans secured so they won’t tip over.

3)  SPEED SIGNS – Lloyd Meacham

Mayor Bob Abercrombie said that the Roosevelt Police Department has concerns with all of the different speed limit signs within the Town of Ballard. Mayor Bob Abercrombie asked Council Members to observe the posted speed limit signs around the town and if there needs to be any changes we will do so accordingly.


Mayor Bob Abercrombie said that Roosevelt City would like to utilize Ballard City’s storm drain for the new Taco Bell restaurant being built on 200 N just west of Maverick. Council Members discussed the issue and the decision was made to not set that precedence and allow that to happen.


v  Preface – change Ballard, Utah to Ballard Town, Utah

Title 1, General Provisions – No Changes

Title 2, Administrative Code – 2.19.100 Contractor Employees, change City Manager to City Council.

6)  LIGHTING PROJECT – Eric Majors

Sidewalk / Lighting Project -- Eric Majors from Jones & DeMille was in attendance with final plans for the sidewalk project. Eric said that the ad goes in paper tomorrow for a bid and will run for 3 weeks. At the first City Council meeting in June we will award the bid, and the project should be completed in August. Eric Majors stated that we may need to obtain further Right of Ways on each corner for traffic light on 1500 east.

1500 E. Easement Letter -- Eric Majors said that the 1500 east easements are on flash drive for Secretary Kaelyn Meyers to mail to residents.

Transportation Master Plan -- Eric Majors said that the Transportation Master Plan should be ready to be discussed at next council meeting.


Improvements were discussed.

8)  PUBLIC INPUT – No public input at this time.

9)  Planning & Zoning update – Bob Abercrombie

Mayor Bob Abercrombie said that we need to have an Engineer look at the road going south on 3500 east to make sure it is wide enough for Gasco, who is wanting to build a well site. Council Member Mark Reidhead said he will talk to Eric Major at Jones and DeMille about it.


Secretary Kaelyn Meyers was asked to place K&K Sanitation on the next agenda to report on the 2015 spring cleanup.


v  April 21, 2015

Motion made by Council Member Mark Reidhead to accept the minutes of April 21, 2015 as corrected, 2nd by Council Member Tom Nordstrom. All in favor.


Council Members

Bob Abercrombie

Tom Nordstrom

John Plant

Mark Reidhead


a)  Copier Update – The new copy machine is here and is currently being set up in the office.

b)  Cardwell, Kafusi, paving roadways –

Kaufusi’s should be completed by the end of the month.

Mayor Bob Abercrombie read a letter that will be sent to Cardwell Dist. And Brad Knight Construction regarding the paving of their entrance into their property and around their buildings.

A reminder letter was sent to Vertical tanks to pave back to the upper lot, Mayor Bob Abercrombie asked to follow through to make sure that it gets done.

c)  Trees on 1000 N. – Council Member Mark Reidhead said he has talked to Al Kettle who was asked to help get the name of the person who owns the property of the dead trees. Council Member Mark Reidhead said that he is still waiting to see what they want done as it is the landowners responsibility

d)  Council Members asked to pull the minutes regarding Harmston church and will discuss at the next city council meeting.


Mayor Bob Abercrombie said that on May 13 from 10 am to 2pm will be the grand opening for the UCSSD K9 isolation kennel annexation building over in Vernal.


Ø  Council Member Tom Nordstrom attended LEPC meeting regarding emergency response training if a terrorist attack were to happen. He stated it was very informative.

Ø  Council Member Mark Reidhead said that he attended the UDOT meeting today, and reported that the variance into the subdivision, next to ShopKo, off of hwy. 40 has been given.

Ø  Council Member John Plant said that we no longer need the landline to the shop and suggests canceling it. That will save approximately $54.00 on our bill.

15)  FINANCES: Checks, Statements, Reports and Budget

Checks and finances were gone over and approved.

Council Member John Plant said that the new printer came in at approximately $3900, plus the additional paper tray and an additional $1400 for a 2 year warranty. Total cost came it at $5300 with our discount it will be approximately $4400.00.


Motion made by Council Member Mark Reidhead to adjourn City Council meeting at 9:15 pm, 2nd by Council Member Tm Nordstrom. All in favor.


Council Members

Bob Abercrombie

Tom Nordstrom

John Plant

Mark Reidhead


Mayor Bob Abercrombie Date


Secretary Kaelyn Meyers Date

May 5, 2015 3