PeatmoorCommunityPrimary School
What is my child doing in Maths?
Level 2
Place Value, Ordering and Rounding
- Order numbers to at least 100
- Read all numbers to 100
- Write numbers to 100 but may make errors with higher 2 digit numbers
- Know the value of each digit in a Tens and Unit number (e.g. 54)
2B /
- Read and write all numbers to 100
- Partition a number into tens and units (breaking up numbers into tens and units e.g. 54 = 50 + 4)
- Order numbers and familiar measures
2A /
- Read and write all numbers to 1000
- Partition a number into hundreds tens and units (breaking up numbers into hundreds, tens and units e.g. 254 = 200 + 50 + 4)
- Order numbers to 1000
Counting & Negative Numbers
2C /- Say quickly the 2x patterns to 20
- Say quickly the 5x patterns to 50
- Able to work out the pattern involved in a sequence of numbers
- Count reliably to 100
2B /
- Count in 10’s from 0 to 100
- Count on or back in 2’s 5’s and 10’s
- Know what is meant by odd and even numbers
- Know that the 3x table alternates between odd and even numbers
- 3 – odd, 6 – even, 9 – odd, 12 – even etc…
- Know that the numbers in the 4x table are all in the 2x table and that they are all even
2A /
- Count from 0 or 1 in steps of two to 40 or more. Count back again.
- Count on in 2’s 3’s 4’s 5’s to 30 or more from zero
- Create sequences with a given constraint e.g. make a sequence with the numbers 6 and 12 in it
- Be able to explain the difference between odd and even numbers
- Recognise that multiples of 10 end in zero
- Recognise that multiples of 5 end in zero or five
- Recognise that multiples of 2 end in 0 2 4 6 8
- Begin to recognise two digit multiples of 2 5 or 10
Addition and Subtraction
2C /- Add two 2 digit numbers
- Recognise key words associated with + and –
- Set out a subtraction on paper and take the larger number away from the smaller number
- Solve simple problems by working out which operation is needed
- Know addition and subtraction bonds to 10
2B /
- Quickly remember all addition and subtraction bonds to 10
- Partition a number into tens and units and then add together
- Add two 2 digit numbers without apparatus
- Subtract a 2 digit number from another 2 digit number using apparatus
- Use key words in problems to decide whether to add or subtract and then solve
2A /
- Add 2 two 2 digit numbers that require carrying into the tens column (e.g. 35 + 28)
- Subtract a 2 digit number from another 2 digit number without apparatus
- Use key words associated with numerical problems to help work out which operation to use
2D & 3D Shapes
2C /- Find the line of symmetry in simple shapes
- Collect examples of cubes cuboids cylinders and spheres and match to name labels
- Sort 2D shapes according to their properties
- Build models out of 3D shapes and record the shapes used
- Make pictures and patterns out of 2D shapes and describe
2B /
- Sort 3D shapes in different ways according to properties oftheir faces
- Choose 2D shapes, name them and describe
- Use construction equipment to make a 3D shape and describeit
- Make pictures and patterns out of 2D shapes and describethem
2A /
- Choose an example of a 3D shape to match properties described by others
- Use cubes to make solids from pictures
- Sort a range of 2D and 3D shapes according to their properties
Position, Direction and Co-Ordinates
2C /- Describe the position of a feature on a simple map in different ways using higher than, lower than, next to, below, further away from, on the edge of, at the corner of
2B /
- Describe the route of a counter moving on squared paper from a square near the centre of the paper to a square near the edge as threesquares along and two squares down or three squares to the left and two squares up
2A /
- Move clockwise and anti- clockwise in PE
- Draw a simple maze on squared paper and give simple instructions for someone else to follow to find a route through
- Devise instructions to make a floor robot navigate a floor plan or maze in which all the paths are at right angles to each other or dead ends
Multiplication and Division
2C /- Learn 2x and 5x table
- Recognise key words associated with multiplication
2B /
- Quickly recall 2x 5x 10x tables
- Start to learn 3x 4x tables
- Recognise that multiplication is repeated addition
2A /
- Learn and recall 3x 4x tables
- Multiply TU by U (up to 5 )
- Know the key words associated with multiplication and use them in problem solving
- Know that to find a quarter of a number it must be divided orshared by 4
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
2C /- Recognises what a half or a quarter of a number is to 20 in practical contexts
2B /
- Recognises and shows a half and a quarter of a familiar shape
- Finds half or quarters of numbers to 20 that are a multiple of 2 or 4 respectively
2A /
- Finds half of numbers to 20 and some higher numbers
- Can find a quarter of multiples of 4 to 12 or 16
2C /- Solve money problems by working out which operation is needed using numbers to 20p and 50p
- Be able to use equivalence of values up to 20p and 50p
2B /
- Work out whether to add or subtract when dealing with problems involving money
- Exchange coins for their equivalent value using 2 or 3 smaller coins up to £1
- Work out change from 50p
2A /
- Total money to £1
- Know that £3 and 45 pence can be written as £3.45
- Solve money problems deciding what to buy and how to pay
2C /- Read the time to o clock and half past and solve simple problems
- Know in order the months and seasons of the year
- Know significant times in the day or year
- Know that 1 week= 7 days and know that 1 day = 24 hours
2B /
- Read the time to o clock half past quarter past quarter to on analogue clocks
- Make estimates and check using a simple timer e.g. what takes about 10 seconds 1 minute 1 hour
- Solve simple problems involving time
- Know that 1 hour = 60 minutes
- Know that 1 minute = 60 seconds
2A /
- Read the time to o clock half past quarter to and quarter past on analogue and digital clocks
- Solve simple problems involving time to the quarter of the hour using both analogue and digital written times
2C /- Begin to work out where a line of symmetry is in simple shapes
- Make, talk about and describe symmetrical patterns using ink blots, paint, gummed shapes etc
2B /
- Continue to make, talk about and describe symmetrical patterns using a range of materials
2A /
- Recognise and sketch a line of symmetry in pictures testing with a mirror where appropriate
- Complete a symmetrical pattern by drawing the other half
2C /- Understand and use long, short, tall, high, low, wide, narrow, deep, shallow, thick, thin, far, near, close
- Make direct comparisons by finding things longer or shorter than 1 metre
- Suggest suitable units to measure or estimate e.g. how many cubes/centimetres fit across the table
- Make simple measuring devices e.g. a paper tape measure to measure with
2B /
- Make direct comparisons by finding or suggesting things longer or shorter than 1 metre or 1 centimetre or 10 centimetres
- Suggest things that could be measured using metres and centimetres
- Use a ruler to measure and draw lines that are a multiple of 1 cm
- Solve simple word problems involving length, explaining methods orally and write a number sentence using numbers and signs
2A /
- Measure accurately using a ruler to 30 cms
- Suggest units to measure e.g. the width of the classroom
- Read a simple scale to the nearest labelled division
- Record measurements to the nearest metre or centimetre
- Solve simple word problems involving length, explaining methods orally and where appropriate, write a number sentence using numbers and signs
Movement and Angle
2C /- Recognise whole, half and quarter turns
2B /
- Know what a right angle looks like
- Recognise that corners of classroom furniture have right angles
- Recognise that a square and a rectangle have right angles at each corner
2A /
- Know clockwise and anti clockwise
- Begin to recognise angles smaller than a right angle and greater than a right angle
Data Handling
2C /- Put collected information onto a block graph
- Sort and classify using more than one criterion
- Be able to tally
2B /
- Sort and classify using two or three criterion
- Make a simple pictogram where the symbol represents one Unit
2A /
- Collect data quickly
- Make a simple 1:1 pictogram or block graph and discuss it
- Record classification of objects on a table independently
2C /- Find things that hold more or less than 1 litre
- Find out which of two or more things holds most/least by filling with and counting cups of water, litres.....
- Suggest things that could be measured using litres
- Identify in a collection of different bottles or containers those which hold 1 litre or 2 litres
- Make a simple measuring device e.g. put a vertical strip on a large jar to measure cup fulls. Use the jar to measure the capacity of smaller containers
2B /
- Estimate whether containers hold more or less than or about 1 litre and a half litre
- Use terms such as nearly almost and about to explore ‘between-ness’ of measurements
- Explore the range of shapes, heights and widths of different containers
- Estimate and find the capacities of different containers and record to the nearest litre
- Sort containers from smallest to largest according to capacity
2A /
- Compare a range of containers. Estimate whether they hold more, less or about a litre. Check by measuring
- Begin to understand the need for a way to measure vastly different amounts e.g. medicine in spoonfuls and the amount of water in swimming pools
2C /- Estimate whether objects weigh more or less than or about 1 kg
- Find out which of 2 or more things is heaviest by balancing with and counting cubes, plastic weights, kilograms
- Suggest things that could be measured in kgs
- Record estimates to the nearest kilogram
2B /
- Estimate whether objects weigh more or less than or about 1 kg and a half kilogram
- Use balance scales to compare the weight of objects using 1 kg and ½ kg weights
- Use compression scales to read own weight to the nearest kilogram
- Solve word problems involving weight, explaining methods orally and write a number sentence using numbers and signs
2A /
- Begin to use balance scales to weigh in multiples of 100g
- Begin to read to the nearest 100g on different scales
- Suggest things that could be measured using grams and kilograms
- Solve simple word problems involving weight, explaining methods orally and where appropriate write a number sentence using numbers and signs
Level 3
Place Value, Ordering and Rounding
- Write numbers to 1000
- Read numbers in thousands
- Order negative numbers -10 to -1
- Round a 2 digit number to the nearest 10
- Round a 3 digit number to the nearest 100
3B /
- Read and write numbers in thousands
- Round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
- Order a set of familiar numbers
3A /
- Read and write numbers in ten thousands and hundred thousands and know what each digit represents
- Round 3 and 4 digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
- Order a set of familiar numbers
Addition and Subtraction
3C /- Add up to three 2 digit numbers with carrying (e.g. 23 + 35 + 27 = )
- Confidently subtract 2 digit numbers from each other with no exchange (e.g. 78 – 34 = )
- Know the key words associated with addition and subtraction and use them when solving problems
3B /
- Add amounts of money set out in decimal form
- Subtract any 2 digit number from another using decomposition when necessary
- Use rounding skills to estimate and check answers
- Solve problems
3A /
- Add 2 numbers with 1 decimal place
- Subtract HTU/TU from HTU using decomposition
- Solve addition and subtraction problems requiring 2 steps
- Check if answer is reasonable
Counting & Negative Numbers
3C /- Count on or back in 1’s 10’s 0r 100’s starting from any 2 or 3 digit number
- Count back in 2’s starting from any 2 digit number
- Know that all numbers associated with the 4x and 6x tables are all even numbers
- Recognise that multiples of 100 end in 00
- Recognise that multiples of 50 end in 00 or 50
- Recognise that multiples of 10 end in 0
- Recognise that multiples 5 end in 0 or 5
- Recognise that multiples of 2 end in 0 2 4 6 8
- Devise patterns using shapes apparatus or numbers and explain them orally or in writing
- Begin to understand which of two negative numbers is the larger and begin to understand the relationship between positive and negative numbers in general e.g. by describing the floors above and below ground level
- Order negative numbers from – 10 to – 1
3B /
- Count on or back in steps of 3 4 or 5 from any number
- Create sequences with a given constraint e.g. make a sequence with the numbers 7 and 16 in it
- Make and test general statements about odd and even numbers
- Start to add or take away involving negative numbers set outon a number line in context e.g. through temperature scales
3A /
- Count in 50’s to 1000 then back to 0
- Recognise 2 digit multiples of 2 5 10 and 3 digit multiples of 2 5 10 50 and 100
- Know what a square number is and recognise them all to 10 x 10
- Use the constant function on the calculator to count on
- Find pairs of factors to any number to 30
- Know all prime numbers to 30
- Recognise, continue or devise growth or repeating patterns and construct a chart or table of the numbers and make simple predictions
- Use thermometers to take accurate readings of different temperatures. Order the readings
2D & 3D Shapes
3C /- Know the difference between regular and non regular polygons
- Sort polygons in different ways
- Investigate tessellating properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- Create a simple tessellating pattern and describe it
- Recognise some prisms
3B /
- Construct simple 2D shapes using geostrips, pinboards etc
- Recognise some families of shapes particularly triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and octagons
- Classify common 3D shapes using criteria which include faces edges and vertices
3A /
- Sort a set of 2D shapes in at least 3 ways and give reasons
- Sort 3D shapes in different ways using mathematical criteria
- Use a simple database to classify or sort 3D shapes in
- different ways
- Create 2D and 3D tessellating designs and describe them
Position, Direction and Co-Ordinates
3C /- Understand instructions for turning through right angles in relation to the four points of the compass
- Use clockwise and anti- clockwise
- Devise instructions to make a floor robot navigate a route using the four points of the compass, right angle, anti–clockwise, clockwise, forwards and backwards
3B /
- Use and interpret the eight points of the compass
- Give directions for following a route
- Explore simple inverses involving distance and direction
- Use ordered pair of letters and or whole numbers to specify location
3A /
- Use LOGO to investigate ways to draw letters of the alphabet
- Design a treasure hunt game giving clues to locations e.g. the first is 25 strides SW of the bench
- Specify location of points using whole number coordinates
Multiplication and Division
3C /- Learn 4x 6x tables
- Recognise that division is sharing and like repeated subtraction
- Divide HTU by U
- Recognise the key words associated with multiplication and division when solving problems
- Use mental calculation skills to work out approximate answers to problems
- Multiply TU x U and record
3B /
- Learn and recall 4x 6x 7x8x9x tables
- Work out appropriate methods to help with division and know that they often have remainders
- Estimate the answer to check
- Know the key words associated with multiplication and division when solving problems
- Multiply HTU x U and record
3A /
- Demonstrate secure knowledge of all x tables and apply them in problem solving
- Recognise the relationship between multiplication and division and how it can be used
- Multiply HTU x TU
- Divide TU by U then HTU by U
- Check answers
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
3C /- Begin to name and recognise fractions such as ½ 1/3 ¼ 1/5 or 1/10
- Find fractions of quantities
3B /
- Recognise and name fractions such as ½ 1/3 ¼ 1/5 or 1/10
- Position simple fractions on a number line
3A /
- Know that two halves and four quarters make a whole
- Know that 2/4 and 3/6 is a half
- Recognise and name fractions such as ¾ 2/3 3/10
- Know that half is the same as 0.5
- Add two simple fractions
3C /- Look for the key words to work out which operation to use when trying to solve a money problem
- Add amounts of money in decimal form using a calculator
- Add up to 3 amounts of money (TU) with carrying
- Confidently subtract 2 digit numbers from each other with no exchange
- Investigate amounts of money which can be made up using a given number of coins and present results systematically
3B /
- Add any amounts of money set out in decimal form
- Work out which number operation is to be used for a given money problem
- Use rounding skills to estimate the answer and then check
- Recognise £5, £10 and £20 notes
- Solve money problems involving the four operations and record using decimal notation
- Decide whether to use mental, mental and jottings, or pencil and paper methods to solve a money problem
3A /
- Solve money problems using the four operations involving amounts up to £25
- Calculate fractions of amounts of money
- Use a calculator and interpret the answers in the context of money
3C /- Read and tell the time in five minute intervals on both analogue and digital clocks and solve simple word problems
- Recognise equivalent forms of the same time
- Know that 1 year = 365 days/52 weeks/12 months
3B /
- Use and interpret calendars and diaries
- Know the number of days in each month
- Make estimates and check using a simple timer e.g. estimate then check the greatest and least time taken to run 200 metres
3A /
- Begin to read and tell the time to 1 minute intervals on analogue and digital clocks
- Begin to recognise equivalent forms of the same time e.g. 3.46 or just after a quarter to four
- Understand am and pm
- Solve simple word problems involving time
3C /- Investigate 2D shapes which have turning symmetry or no turning symmetry
- Recognise reflective symmetry and lines of symmetry in 2D shapes
- Recognise some specific shapes with more than one line of symmetry
- Make and describe reflective patterns reflected about one line of symmetry
- Design and create patterns involving translation
- Recognise and use sliding movements
3B /
- Create turning patterns using sets of 2D shapes
- Create turning patterns by rotating a shape through 4 right angles
- Begin to identify the symmetrical properties of some 3D shapes
- Make models and test predicted ways of cutting through the shapes (along planes of symmetry)
- Distinguish between simple patterns made by rotation and reflection
- Use grids to copy continue or create accurate repeating patterns by translation
3A /
- Create rotating patterns by the systematic rotation of shapes through 1/8’s of a turn
- Begin to link rotation and reflection
- Distinguish between common 2D shapes with one, two and no lines of symmetry
- Know the term axis/axes of symmetry
- Build 3D shape patterns with several colours of interlocking cubes and use card to show a plane of symmetry
- Choose the materials and the method to create a repeatingpattern by translation and explain choices