Greater Avalon Community Association


Re: Meeting of December 13, 2016

Location: Home of Bren Walker, 518 Allegro Way

Time: 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

In attendance: Regrets:

Danick LaFrance Rachelle Lecours ValérieAssoi

André Arsenault Nadia Elajjouri Alain Bourgeois

Margarita Iraheta Brendon Walker

Guests: Jason Coulas, Assistant to Councillor Blais

1.  Welcome

The President welcomed everyone.

2.  Approval of the agenda

Nadia Elajjouri moved to approve the agenda seconded by André Arsenault. All in favour. Motion carried.

3.  Reading and Approval of the minutes of the last meeting

The Octobe minutes were approved as read 2016. Margarita Iraheta moved to accept the October 12th minutes as read seconded by Bren Walker. All in favour. Motion carried.

4.  Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer reported a balance to $3,270.00.

5.  2017 Celebration application for funding – update

The Secretary reported that the application for 2017 funding from the City had been rejected.

6.  Family Day planning

After a brief discussion it was proposed to celebrate Family Day on Sunday February 19, 2017 instead of the 20th. The event will take place again in the evening from 6:00 to 8:00 pm under glow lights and will be held at Aquaview Park based on the availability of the Aquaview Community Centre. Jason Coulas offered assistance in providing a path for the wagon should it become necessary.

Action Item: The Secretary will contact Navandale Farms to see if the horses and wagon would be available.

Action Item: The Secretary is to change the reservation for the Aquaview Community Centre from the 20th to the 19th.

Action Item: Bren volunteered to take care of the glow lights in the park.

7.  Other Business

a)  Confirm dates for regular monthly meetings

The GACA will conduct their monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of every month with the exception of February and March.

Action Item: The Secretary is to forward a copy of the proposed dates to every member.

b)  Incorporation Update – what next

The President discussed the way ahead with the Past President and will follow-up with the legal firm to finalize the incorporation.

Action Item: The Secretary is to provide the President with an updated list of Directors and the new Bylaws.

c)  Petition for Hydro One

The Secretary provided some background on the petition signed by Osgood Township on the fairness of the Hydro rates and suggested that the Association may do something similar for the areas of Orléans services by Hydro One. The issue concern is the fact that Orléans residents living east of Champlain/Mer Bleue are paying much higher Hydro rates than their counterparts living west of Champlain and Mer Bleue.

Action Item: The Secretary will contact the community associations in Orléans serviced by Hydro One to see if they would be interested to meet and discuss the issue further.

d)  Application from Tree Canada for Edible Forest Project

The Secretary discussed the possibility of sponsoring this project with the help of residents and the students from Gisèle Lalonde High School as part of their school’s environmental program.

Action Item: The Secretary will check with the project coordinator to clarify a statement in the application that states that the funding would be received once the project is completed as per the approved application.

e)  Fundraising Campaign

Action Item: The Secretary will meet with the Vice-President to hand over the fundraising/partnership portfolio.

8.  Round Table

It was noted that the community association information on the City’s web site had to be updated.

Action Item: The Secretary will send an email to Jason regarding the necessary update.

Jason Coulas mentioned that construction of the Fire Station next to the François Dupuis Recreation Centre will start in the Spring and should be open by the Fall/Winter 2017.

9.  Date of next meeting – February 7, 2017 (exception)

10.  Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.