Congratulations on becoming a Premier Designs Jeweler!!!
This information will assist you in building a successful business from the start!
Visit(password: serving)
Go to New Jeweler Tab!
All documents referenced on this list are on thatNew Jeweler page
- _____ Be “Head Smart” (Business-Smart)
1. pay yourself back before investing too much extra back into business
2. attend monthly Training (this will determine your success)
3. call your Premier mom after EACH of your FIRST 10 Jewelry Shows
4. Work your business at least 30 minutes each day
5. Don’t quit when it gets hard; ask for help for that!
- _____ Jeweler Number
a.Official Premier Website
b.If you haven’t already, set up your password under Jeweler Login. Your username is your jeweler # with the letter J in front of it.
c.PRINT receipts for Application Fee and Boutique for taxes
d.Watch Fast Track to Success Videos located under training tab
e.You can purchase your WEBSITE (Online Catalog) under “My Account” tab
- _____ TRACK Shipment(on Premier website under “My Account” tab) so you know
exact dayit will arrive. It MUST be signed for; FedEx will not leave it!
- _____ Read the Polishing Up & Track to Success first week (in literature pack)!
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that you know the policies and procedures of
Premier! Also, I encourage you to read Andy Horner’s “By Chance or Design”
- ______DREAM- complete “Emotional WHY Exercise” to DREAM!
- ______Know “WHY” you started Premier! (write it down in Track to Success page 3)
Your DREAMS define your WHY!
- ______Set a Date for your Training Show!(chart date in Track to Success page 4)
- You are the hostess and the jewelerso you get the hostess benefits of FREE jewelry (you want to earn lots for your table) AND the 50% profit as the jeweler (to put toward paying off your start fees). You want to earn thegift cards; be sure to collect pre-ordersat least 3 bookings ahead of time!
- Invite family, friends, coworkers – different circles so you network quick
- Your goal is to have a GREAT training show so work on that NOW!!!!
- Watch the “Training Show” video on Premier site
- Create an invitation/letter explaining your business refer to sampleson website
- I actually do the Jewelry show presentation at your TS so you can watch and learn. Please plan to be focused on the show and what I’m doing; avoid distractions that take away from show (house tours, other things in household, etc)
- Serve simple refreshments – others will see it’s easy to duplicate
- Set up “checkout” near Jewelry Table so you can serve guestsbetter
- Refer to Training Show reminders (list) on New Jeweler page to prepare
- _____Count out 45, 60, 90, 180 Days from TS (chart dates in Track to Success page 4-5)
Day 1 is the day AFTER your Training Show
- ______Start scheduling Jewelry Shows!
- Call at least 6 of your friends and ask them to help you start your new business by having some friends over and letting you bring your Jewelry.
-Explain the amazing Hostess benefits and how they earn FREE jewelry!
Refer to Booking verbiage on New Jeweler page
b. Your goal is to achieve Quick Start levels so schedule within those dates.
Refer to Track to Success to see how much FREE Jewelry you can earn!
- _____ Put 10 Hostess Packets together!
- Hostess envelops come in your literature packet
- Prepare hostess packets withadvance order form, tax rate sheet and “how we make money”- save from New Jeweler page then edit and print
- Add your contact information and online catalog access.
- You can add a pack of the postcard invitations (since you receive some from Premier you should use and then you can make your own on computer from that point using samples on our website)
- When giving packet to hostess to “coach here” is when you add thecatalog
- _____Hostess Coach your Hostesses(watch video on Premier site)
- This meansschedule a time to sit down with your hostessto explain the packet(about 1 month prior). It is important that you explain the benefits well!
- Hostess earns 30% of retail in free jewelry(more if there is a promo going on)and the TWO $50 Gift Cards (explain how they earn each)
- You want her to feel confident as a hostess and know how to earn lots of FREE and understand what she is inviting her friends to!!
- Work to develop a relationship with her (less likely to cancel that way) by staying in contact with her weekly(postcards from Premier are great additional resources) to keep her excited, encourage her to collect advance orders, and discuss specific details for the show day
- Refer to “Checklist for Jewelry Show Success”-New Jeweler page on jewelrygina
- Premier has a No Alcohol Policy (we need to respect since we are “on the job”)
- _____ Different Show Options (Jewelry shows grow your businesscount for Quick Start)
- Jewelry Show - must have at least 1 guest and $100 in sales to qualify! Hostess receives 30% of sales in FREE and up to two $50 Gift Cards. Jewelry Show Presentation (no matter how quick for different settings) include – a little about Premier, explain the Golden Guarantee, give/show fashion tips, explain hostess benefits to encourage bookings, and share why you do what you do. Any extra jewelry fashion, games, and anything else you add is optional.
- Personal Show – same as above except YOU are the hostess (1/month)
- Mystery Hostess Show – is a Jewelry Show except NO Gift Cards!
- Catalog Show - must have $100 in sales. Hostess earns 20% of sales in FREE & 1 ½ price item. NO Gift Cards!
- Show locations – think out of the box – office, restaurant, park, etc…
- _____ Place ORDER from Serve Us Store (catalogs and paperwork)
(need before first show)
- You will receive some supplies in your lit packageto start with but you NEVER want to run out of supplies. You will want to have hostess packets ready for future bookings. STAY on top of your supplies!!!
b. How to PLACE an order andWHAT to order:
1. On premier website go to“ordering/products” tab, then to “online
ordering”, and“serve-us-store”
2. Order: catalogs(2-4 packs), customer receipts(order 1-2 packs), hostess envelops(order 1 pack)
*A minimum order of $30 gets you FREE shipping!
- _____ Place Order from Premier Incentives(giveaways, booking gift, & show supplies)
(On website go to Jeweler Resources then Preferred Vendors)
I encourage you to NOT spend too much before paying yourself back
- Once you have your Jeweler # you can place order.
- You can use your Jeweler Rewards card or a cc/debit cardwhen placing your order.A minimum order of $50 gets you FREE shipping!
- Recommended:
- 10 PD Charm Braceletsfor Booking Gifts,1 pack of each of the Hostess Postcards (there are 5 but you need the first 4 for sure),2 packs of $100 Diva Dollars, 1 pack of $500 Diva Dollars, 10 little fun giveaways, Bracelet bar or small tray for booking bracelets.
- Optional (but encouraged)
- Catalog/Supply tote
- 1” Jewelry trays andInserts(will fit in Boutique case with other trays).
- Business Cardsare an option (great ones on this site and priced well).
Other supplies ideas:
- Text book covers (Dollar tree/Walmart) - great for bracelet bar and ring display
- _____ Mannequin(OPTIONAL but a great way to model the Jewelry)
- Dressmaker form (many of us use) $64 + shipping
- Amazon is cheapest – type in Dress Form and you will find
- Stiffany with carrying tote $79
- Amy from Premier Incentives $36.50
- _____ Checking Account(for your business only, can be a second personal checking account)
Most banks offer a second account for free. You will start depositing checks from TS.
- _____ Self-inking Stampsfrom Staples (for convenience; not required)
- “For Deposit Only” with bank name and your name(to stamp checks)
- Your name, address (optional), phone number, email (for customer receipts)
- _____Credit Cards - highly recommended(there aretransaction fees)
- Propay (Jeweler Resources then Preferred Vendors on Premier site)to read details
- Square (can purchase swiper at Best Buy)
- Your bank may have a device/system for processing credit cards.
- _____Hood & Housesoftware $99- highly recommend(for PC and MAC users)
(Jeweler Resources then Preferred Vendors on Premier site)
- GREAT for tracking your business expenses, database, etc…
- Download a DEMO to check it out today! Call 281-890-3838 for more info
- _____ Browsewebsites ASAP and start learning:
to many great JEWELER sites on the resource page)
for business cards, postcards - sign up to receive promos)
- _____ Your JewelryShows (documents mentioned below located on New Jeweler page)
A “Jewelry Show presentation” located on Premier site under videos and script for that show is on the New Jeweler page at
Don’t forget show supplies:
- Binder/Note Cards/Posters ready to use for presentation
- 3 Hostess packets ready for potential bookings at each show
- Booking Activity supplies (Premier boxes and booking gifts displayed in a little tray or basket - however you choose)
- Sponsoring Activity supplies (big money/little money, etc…)
- Have copies of “LOVE it” List and “Guest Surveys” ready
- Diva Dollars/tickets if you are using them
- Hostess “checkout worksheet” copied and ready to use
- Giveaways for door prizes or Diva Dollar winners (spend $1-2 only)
- ALSO: don’t forget JEWELRY, ring sizer, catalogs, order forms, pens, calculator, calendar, diva $$$, “we are premier” brochure & business cards!
- _____Extra Advice, Tips, Information
- Premier takes time and effort.
- “If you work your business, your business works!”
- It’s OK to be nervous; PRACTICE, PRACTICE…it gets easier!
- Don’t get discouraged; instead pray!
- Never hesitate to call your upline with questions, to get ideas, to vent frustration, or to learn more; we are here for YOU!
- Set a goal of how many shows you want to do each month and go for it based on the needs/dreams of family.
- Have a calendar so you can build your Premier business around your personal schedule (that is the beauty of premier). Have it at your TS and at each show so you can schedule future shows at your Jewelry shows.
- By sharing Premier, you are simply giving ladies an opportunity for Premier to meet a need in their life.
- I will be more then HAPPY to sit down to share premier with ladies you come across who want to hear about it. I will help you start them!
- _____Tagging Jewelry (if you purchased the Boutique labels for Jewelry will be sent).
Tags are included as well. Tag your jewelry prior to your TS.
These guidelines will make it easy:
- Labels go on the tags (come in your boutique) for all pieces except for the earrings.
- Take the earrings off the cards they came on and put them on the “display” earring cards that were included. They look much nicer on your table that way. After changing the cards, add the label directly to the back of the “display” earring card.
- Attach tags to necklaces, bracelets, pendants. Can attach to rings if you desire.
- You can use the list of jewelry that came and/or use the index in the catalog to identify pieces and label them correctly. The boxes they come in are labeled as well.
- Tagging will help you learn the names of your jewelry quicker.
- Use trays to store and travel with Jewelry and use as part of display too
- A “photo” of Boutique layout provided for set up.
- KeepPremier boxes and flat e/r cards for future sample sales.
- _____Trainings / Rally
- Attend monthly training! Those who TRAIN will REMAIN!!!!
- Regional Rally is typically the 2ndSaturdayin January each year. It is a ONE Day event. This is when the new summer/spring line is introduced. You learn from the best, meet jewelers, and get excited about your business. It is so important that you attend your FIRST year as a jeweler so you understand what Premier is about. You also get an additional discount when you attend (65% off on the new line which is a HUGE savings).
- National Rally is the 2nd week of July in Fort Worth, TX. It is a Thursday-through Saturday event. I know it is hard to make this kind of trip but I highlyENCOURAGE you to make the effort (and it’s a great tax write-off too!!!). The NEW fall/winter line (our BIG collection) and NEW catalog comes out. We geta 65% discount on the new line when we attend Rally.
**see website for Rally Savings Program - start saving money to attend!
- _____ Start keeping ALL receipts(display items, show supplies, premier incentive
purchases, etc). File by category so your taxes will be easier come tax time
- _____ Mileage Log (keep small notebook in car - Record odometer reading when you sign)
- Continue to record start and end odometeralong withwhat you did on trip that was business related (bank, post office, walmart, shows, deliver packets, etc)
- _____ Plan now to renewby contributing to the Renewal Savings Plan. See website!
- _____Attend the FIRST (Next) Training (and all Trainings)
- _____BELIEVE in YOURSELF and that you are in Premier NOT by chance but God’s design!
- _____ Focus on what you can control and NOT what you can’t control
You have aPremier Family who WANTS to help you grow and maintain a successful business but it’s up to you to seek advice, to attend the Trainings
and participate in the challenges/contests offered.