Ocean Mining PowerPoint Presentation
CATEGORY / A / B / C / D
Content - Accuracy / All content is accurate. There are no factual errors. / Most of the content is accurate. / The content is generally accurate but possibly misunderstood by the presenters. / Content is confusing or contains errors. The presenters misunderstand key ideas.
Effectiveness / Project gives a good understanding of the topic. The team persuades the audience to see their viewpoint. / Project is lacking one or two key elements. The team has some good points to persuade the audience. / Project is missing more than two key elements. The team is not persuasive in presenting their viewpoint. / Project is lacking several key elements and has inaccuracies. The project does not help the audience accept their viewpoint..
Sequencing of Information / Information is organized in a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the next slide. / Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. One slide or piece of information seems out of place. / Some information is logically sequenced. An occasional slide or piece of information seems out of place. / There is no clear plan for the organization of information.
Use of Images or Graphics / All are related to the topic and help the audience understand. Every key idea is supported with an image. / Most graphics support the topic of the presentation. / A few do not support the topic of the presentation.
Few graphics. / Many distract the audience from the content of the presentation.
No graphics.
Text - Font Choice & Formatting / Font formats (color, bold, italic) are easy to read, and highlight key ideas. / Font formats are easy to read. / Font formats may be a little hard to read in some places. / Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material.
Spelling and Grammar / Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. / Presentation has 1-2 misspellings or grammatical errors. / Presentation has more than 2 errors. / Presentation has more than 5 errors.
Cooperation / Group shares tasks and all performed responsibly all of the time. / Group shares tasks and performed responsibly most of the time. / Group shares tasks and performs responsibly some of the time. / Group often is not effective in sharing tasks and/or sharing responsibility.
Delivery / All members spoke slowly clearly, could be heard at the back. They maintained eye-contact while using, but not reading their notes. / Members spoke a little faster or slower than necessary, or too quietly or loudly. They maintained eye-contact, but relied too much on their notes. / Members spoke at a good rate and volume. Theyrelied heavily on their notes. / Members demonstrated having paid little attention to rate, volume or grammar. They read nearly word for word from notes.

Presentation Guidelines

Minimum of 12 slides

Title Slide and References are required

Slides for introduction and conclusion are required

EACH group member must explain at least two slides

Slides should be POINT FORM only – slides should not be read to the audience. Presenters should have cue cards with their explanation.

2 classes in MacLAB to prepare the slides and research the topic further (be ready to save your work on a flash drive)


113-2 describe possible positive and negative aspects of a technology and describe how different groups in society have different needs in relation to the technology

318 – 11 analyse factors that affect productivity and species distribution

Groups 8A

Conservation International / Nautilus Minerals / Tourism Board / Scientists at WHOI
Nathan / Kody / Riley / Austin
Oliver / Meaghan / Felicia / Shinka
Amy / Kasey / Kaylee / Eduardo
Kelsey / Hannah / Brianna / Makenna
Conservation International / Nautilus Minerals / Tourism Board / Scientists at WHOI
Ryland / Aaron / Nathan / Donovan
Griffin / Juan / Tyler / Sam
Nick / Chelsea / Jessie / Jeeho
Adam / Tara / Madison / Amy
Olivia / Jessica / Jenny / Sarah

Groups 8B