
Spanish I


/ Ann Giese
Course Information / Grades 9-12
Hours 1,2,5,6
Rm # 207
1 credit
2 semesters
Teacher Information / ·  3rd hour planning. After school tutoring M, TH 2:30-3:30, by appointment
·  810-591-5575
·  BA in Spanish Education from UM-Flint, 1993
·  MAT from Marygrove College, 2002
·  Ms. Giese lives in Grand Blanc with her husband and two children. Both children attend Carman-Ainsworth Schools.
Prerequisite(s) / No prerequisites, but to continue on to Spanish II, students must complete Spanish I with a D-, or test out of Spanish I with a 78%.
Course Description and Overview of Content / Spanish I introduce skills in the area of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will cover topics such as likes and dislikes, food, sports, places, school vocabulary, family, and descriptive adjectives. They will learn how to conjugate verbs, and that nouns and adjectives have gender. Students will learn how to express themselves in the present, and simple future.
Course Goal/ Intended Outcomes / ·  By the end of the course, students will be able to navigate advertisements, have simple conversations, and write simple sentences in Spanish that will be understood by native speakers.
Texts and/ or Other Materials / ·  Realidades I
·  3 ring binder, or 3 prong folder with pockets
·  notebook
·  black or blue dry erase marker
Format and Activities / ·  Objectives, warm-up, and agenda posted on board each day.
·  A combination of lecture, whole group practice, two person practice, projects, and audio, oral, and written practice is used for each lesson.
Grading Practices and Procedures / ·  25% tests, 25% quizzes, 25% homework packets, 25% speaking projects and class participation.
·  Students can re-do any homework packet for full credit, provided it was turned in on time.
·  Students can get 5 points on any test or quiz less than 79%
·  Students can re-do any speaking project for full credit provided that they gave it their “best-shot” on due date. Students must perform on due date- even if partner is not there. Re-do’s must be arranged immediately.
·  Late work is accepted for partial credit. 10 pts off for 1 day late, 20 pts off for 1 week late.
·  No name -10 pts. No table of contents -10 pts.
·  Students must turn in a weekly summary of what they have learned with the packet.
·  Homework packets are due weekly.
Attendance/ Tardiness / ·  Students are tardy if they are not in the door when bell rings. Please, no disruptions if you are late. Slide into your seat quietly.
·  Tardiness is handled per student handbook. Expect Ms. Giese to investigate why you are chronically tardy, and follow up with a referral or a phone call home.
·  Tests, Quizzes, Speaking Projects, and Homework Packets are due the number of absence days, plus one day, after a student returns to school. Tests must be made up after school, during advisory, or during lunch. Tests take 20-30 minutes and have listening and speaking components.
Classroom Rules and Procedures / ·  Students must: be on time, be respectful, be polite, be on-task, and be pleasant. Ms. Giese will do the same.
Academic Integrity / ·  Do not plagiarize. Do not use cheat sheets. Ms. Giese will give all involved students zeroes.
·  Tests, quizzes, homework, and speaking projects all give Ms. Giese an idea of how you are doing in the class. She cannot help you if you seem to do well on everything because you are cheating. It is her job to help you. Taxpayers are paying her to teach you Spanish. Please see her if you are struggling. It is her professional and moral obligation to help you.

Technology Usage

/ ·  All students must have an AUP on file with the media center.
·  We may use websites for practice.
·  Sign up for Remind 101- Ms. Giese sends out links to study cards and study videos for all quizzes and tests.

Other Comments

/ *Do not use cell phones or other electronic devices in Ms. Giese’s class. Do not have the cell phone out. Do not wear headphones or earbuds. 1st offense: Ms. Giese will take your phone, and return it to you at the end of the hour. You will sign a form. 2nd offense: Ms. Giese will take your phone, and return it at the end of the day. You will sign a form. She will call your parents. 3rd offense: Ms. Giese will take it to the office, and you will have to deal with them after 2:30.
*Water is allowed, food or other beverages are not. It is unsanitary to eat in class, and it attracts mice. Keep food in the cafeteria, where the tables are washed every day. Food and beverages will be taken, put in Ms. Giese’s closet, and you can get them back at the end of the hour if you remember. They are thrown away at the end of the day. Peanut M and M’s will be eaten by Ms. Giese.

Remind 101

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