STUDY GUIDE - Cell Processes

1. What are the products of photosynthesis, respiration, fermentation? What are the reactants (stuff used)?

2. What is the purpose of the photosynthesis reaction?

3. What are the similarities between photosynthesis and respiration? Differences?

4. What is the purpose of the respiration reaction?

5. What is fermentation? How is it different from respiration?

6. What structure in the plant cell captures sunlight to use for energy? What is the pigment known as?

7. What is osmosis?

8. What is diffusion?

9. What is active transport?

10. What is the difference between active and passive transport?

11. What is an enzyme?

12. What are the four different compounds found in cells?

13. What are the stomata? What is its purpose in the plant cell?

14. Where in the cell is glucose broken down?

15. Which reaction gives you more energy, fermentation or respiration?

STUDY GUIDE - Cell Processes

1. What are the products of photosynthesis, respiration, fermentation? What are the reactants (stuff used)?

2. What is the purpose of the photosynthesis reaction?

3. What are the similarities between photosynthesis and respiration? Differences?

4. What is the purpose of the respiration reaction?

5. What is fermentation? How is it different from respiration?

6. What structure in the plant cell captures sunlight to use for energy? What is the pigment known as?

7. What is osmosis?

8. What is diffusion?

9. What is active transport?

10. What is the difference between active and passive transport?

11. What is an enzyme?

12. What are the four different compounds found in cells?

13. What are the stomata? What is its purpose in the plant cell?

14. Where in the cell is glucose broken down?

15. Which reaction gives you more energy, fermentation or respiration?

STUDY GUIDE - Cell Processes

1. What are the products of photosynthesis? What are the reactants (stuff used)?

The products of photosynthesis are oxygen and sugar. The reactants are

carbon dioxide and water.

2. What is the purpose of the photosynthesis reaction?

The purpose of photosynthesis is to create sugar molecules that the cell can

use to create energy.

3. What are the similarities between photosynthesis and respiration? Differences?

They are both needed in order to create energy in a cell, however respiration

occurs in both plants and animals, and respiration is the opposite of photo.

4. What is the purpose of the respiration reaction?

The respiration is where the energy for the cell is released from sugar mol.

5. What is fermentation? How is it different from respiration?

Fermentation is another method of getting energy from sugar molecules,

however, fermentation does not use oxygen, respiration does.

6. What structure in the plant cell captures sunlight to use for energy?

The chloroplast, and the chlorophyll in the chloroplast, catches the sunlight.

7. What is osmosis?

Occurs when water molecules move across a membrane to balance something out.

8. What is diffusion?

Occurs when molecules move in order to balance themselves out.

9. What is active transport?

The movement of molecules that requires cell energy to be used. The

molecules may be too large to move by diffusion.

10. What is the difference between active and passive transport?

Active transport requires cell energy to be used, passive transport does not.

11. What is an enzyme?

An enzyme is a substances that helps a reaction get started quicker.

12. What are the four different compounds found in cells?

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids.