Client : Suse Compton

Brief: Redesign her living room

Suburb: Berowra


Suse is a good friend of mine and when I asked to redesign one of her rooms she was thrilled and asked me to redesign her living room.Suse is separatedfrom her husband and has two children half the time and she also has a cat called whisky who is very fluffy.

She has a very large living room( I thought but we don't go in there very often) with rake ceiling and so I had all sorts of ideas about a mezzanine or so I thought, until I walked back into the room with designer head on, not quite as large as my memory had me believe. oh well scrap those ideas.

Her living room now is a mismatch of furniture that do a job. The paint on the walls and ceiling is tired and dull. The windows are in the wrong places framed in dark brown Aluminium and varnished wood which is very old and dated. The slider opens onto the inside of garage. The window at the rake ceiling end is old and does not even open onto the garden. The curtains are hanging literally.

I had given her a bag full of magazines to go through before our meeting and pick out random styles and designs she liked. I also put together 15 questions relevant to her about her, her house, house designs and styles.

Q1 How are ceiling, floor, walls, woodwork and windows any preferences that she wants changing?

A1 Ceiling plaster is fine but needs more light, carpet to be thrown out and changed to wood floors. Sliding Windows onto carport to be taken out and plastered and bricked up. window at end of living room to be made bigger and have doors onto garden.

Q2 Do you need extra power points?

A2 Yes and internet network points

Q3 How much natural light is there?

A3 Not much natural light but she would like window at end of living room to be made bigger and have doors onto garden and more skylights.

Q4 Would you like more storage in this room?

A4 Suse would like lots more storage especially for the boys stuff and books

Q5 How many people live in this house?

A5Suse and the two boys age 12 and 10

Q6 Do guests stay overnight?

A6 Yes

Q7 How good is your pet?

A7 Getting old so not too bad

Q8 Will elderly be moving in or in the future?

A8 No definitely not

Q9 Do you work from home and will require an office area built into the space?

A9 Suse works from home often and has no other office space in the house and often works very late into the night on conference calls overseas.

Q10 What do you like most about this house and what do you hate most?

A10 Loves the rake ceiling and the height as Suse is very tall. Hates the carpet and not so keen on front door into living room

Q11 Do you all agree on decorating taste?


Q12 what style of decorating do you like and is it suitable for the house?

A12 Country come arts and crafts and yes very suitable for the style of the house.

Q13 What colours do you like and dislike in interior design?

A13 Orange and reds together or blues and greens together.

Q14 What did she like out of the magazines?

A14 Suse liked an array of styles and decorative peices but her standouts are more country style with tongue and grove panelling and simple comfy furniture with legs and lots of natural light. Not too fussy

Q15 Which way is the room facing North South East or West?

A15 The end of the living room is facing SW

Things that really pop to mind/ stand outs.

large window at rake end, wooden floors, country style, need office space/ storage, like orange red as accent colours , would like gas fire, more light, maybe extra bed/sofa bed.


WIDTH 4050mm x LENGTH 6930MM


Double power point



HEIGHT 3760mm x 4050mm