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1)  The following are all complications of hypertension EXCEPT:

a)  Myocardial infarction

b)  Kidney failure

c)  Obesity

d)  Congestive heart failure

2)  Hypertension increases the incidence of:

a)  Heart failure

b)  Aortic dissection

c)  Retinopathy

d)  All of the above

3)  A 55 year-old white male with a blood pressure of 138/72 mmHg is classified as having:

a)  Normal blood pressure

b)  Prehypertension

c)  Stage I hypertension

d)  Stage II hypertension

4)  Which test is typically done in the initial evaluation of hypertension?

a)  Cardiac catheterization

b)  Liver function tests

c)  Echocardiogram

d)  Serum potassium level

5)  Which statement regarding dietary interventions in hypertension is true?

a)  Eating more than 2 grams of sodium will result in hypertension

b)  Vitamin D supplementation lowers blood pressure

c)  Weight loss can result in decreased blood pressure

d)  Dietary interventions are not important after medications are started.

6)  A 62 year-old black female with a blood pressure of 162/52 mmHg is classified as having:

a)  Normal blood pressure

b)  Prehypertension

c)  Stage I hypertension

d)  Stage II hypertension

7)  Which blood pressure medication has the life-threatening side effect of hyperkalemia?

a)  ACE-I

b)  Potassium sparing diuretics

c)  Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)

d)  All of the above

8)  Hypokalemia is a potential side effect of which of the following medications?

a)  Thiazide diuretics

b)  ARB

c)  Beta-blockers

d)  All of the above

9)  Which lab is most helpful for the initial evaluation of uncomplicated hypertension?

a)  White blood cell count

b)  Thyroid function studies

c)  Sodium level

d)  Serum glucose

10)  The following are all secondary causes of hypertension EXCEPT:

a)  Use of oral contraceptives

b)  Renal artery stenosis

c)  Family history of hypertension

d)  Sleep apnea

11)  Which statement is true?

a)  African Americans have a lower incidence of hypertension than white Americans

b)  Women are more prone to develop hypertension early in their life (before age 50) when compared to men.

c)  There is no correlation between family history and hypertension

d)  Older adults are more likely to have systolic hypertension than diastolic hypertension.

12)  Which finding may indicate a secondary cause of hypertension?

a)  A normal S1 and S2

b)  An elevated blood sugar reading

c)  An elevated diastolic reading with a normal systolic reading

d)  A decreased femoral pulsation

13)  Aerobic exercise in the hypertensive patient:

a)  Should occur two days a week

b)  Should not include bike riding

c)  Lowers blood pressure

d)  Is contraindicated due to the risk of myocardial infarction

14)  Resistant hypertension can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:

a)  Medication non-compliance

b)  Incorrect combination of medications

c)  A low sodium diet

d)  A secondary cause of hypertension.