C.1.2 Contract Data

Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the clause in the Conditions of Contract to which it mainly applies.

Part 1: Data provided by the Employer

Clause /


1.2 / The Employer is.
Name: The Perishable Products Export Control Board
The address of the Employeris:
Address (physical): 45 Silwerboom Avenue, Plattekloof, Cape Town
Address (postal): P.O. Box 15289, Panorama, 7406
Telephone: 021-9301134 Facsimile: 021-9112610
VAT registration number: 4520111198
5.1 / The Principal Agent is:
Name: Infracon Consulting
Address (postal) 21 Viridian Street, Burgandy Estate, Cape Town
Telephone: 012450 3700 Facsimile: 086 535 8556
5.2 / The Agent (1) is:
Name: Leroy Wasserval Archictects
Address (postal) 54 Central Drive, Camps Bay, Cape Town,
Telephone: (021) 419 0638
5.2 / The Agent (2) is:
Name: Tshiki Consulting Engineers
Address (postal) 45 Doordrift Road, Constantia Cape Town, 7806
Telephone: 021-794 8580 / 082-958-5195 Facsimile: 086 552 9006
1.1 / The works comprise the refurbishment and alteration of the PPECB head office including alterations in the main entrance, the conversion of garages and storeroom and the construction of 24 new parking bays.
1.1 / The site is ERF 19927, PAROW
1.1 / The bills of quantities have been drawn up in accordance with the measurement system stated in Part 2: Pricing Data
1.1 / The contract documents are listed in Form of Offer and Acceptance
1.1 / The contract drawings upon which the accepted tender is based are listed in Part 3: Scope of Work
1.1 / The contract sum is the offered total of prices inclusive of VAT as stated in the Form of Offer and Acceptance
1.7 / The governing law is the law of South Africa
14.5 / No advance payment guarantee will be provided by the employer.
31.16.2 / Waver of the contractor’s lien or right on continuing possession is required.
3.6 / The original signed set of contract documents is to be held by the employer.
3.7 / 1 copies of drawings, unpriced bills of quantities and contract documents are to be supplied to the contractor free of charge
12.6 / Contract works insurance is to be effected by the Contractor for the sum of not less than the contract sum with a deductible in an amount 20%
12.6 / Public liability insurance is to be effected by the Employer for the sum of R 10,125,000.with a deductible in an amount R 20%
12.1 / Special insurance is to be effected by the Employer for:
Type of special insurance / For the sum of / With a deductible of
Temporary lateral support
15.1 .1 / The contractor is to submit the priced documents to theemployer
15.1.2 / The contractor is to submit the following documents to the principal agent within 7 days of appointment:
1)Health and Safety Plan
2)Final project programme of works
15.2.1 / Possession of the site is to be given by 15March 2018
15.3 / The period for the commencement of the works after the contractor takes possession of the site is 5 working days
28.0 / There will be no sectional Completion of the works.
16.1 / The following restrictions apply to the site:
Part 4: Site Information describes the restrictions that apply to the site
16.7 / The provision of the following temporary services are required on the basis as indicated in the nominated option:
Service / Option
Water / A
Electricity / B
Telecom / A
Ablutions / A
Note:Option A = Contractor at his cost; Option B = Employer free of charge; Option C = Employer metered (contractor cost)
28.1 / The date for practical completion and the penalty per calendar day is as follows:
Section / Description / Date / Penalty amount
1 / The whole of the works / 15 June 2018 / R 1 500,00
Whole of the works
24.9 / On achievement of practical completion, the contractor is to hand overmanuals etc. related to the works as listed below:
1) Electrical Works / 2) Mechanical Works
3) / 4)
5) / 6)


/ The interim payment certificate is to be issued by the 20th day of the month
40.3.4 / The dissatisfied party is to refer the dispute to Arbitration
40.4.2 / The arbitration rules as set out in the Rules for the Conduct of Arbitrations Fifth Edition 2005 published by the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa)
The variations to the General Conditions of Contract are:
Replace the following definitions in DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS with the following wording:
AGREEMENT means the agreement arising from the signing of the Form of Offer and Acceptance by the parties.
CONTRACT SUM means the total of prices in the Form of Offer and Acceptance.
Delete “in terms of the JBCC Payment Certificate” in the definition for Payment Certificate
Delete clause 1.6.4
Replace 14.1 with the following:
14.1 The Contractor shall provide the type of construction guarantee stated in the contract data.
Replace the word “priced document” in 19.1 and 19.2 with” agreement
Replace sub-clauses 21.1.2 to 21.1.4 and 21.2 to 21.6 with the following:
The contractor and principal agent shall appoint a selected subcontractor in accordance with the provisions of the Scope of Work.
Replace 40.2 with the following:
40.2 Where such disagreement is not resolved within ten (10) working days of receipt of such notice it shall be deemed to be a dispute and shall be referred by the party which gave such notice to adjudication, where the adjudication will be conducted in terms of the edition of the JBCC Rules for Adjudication current at the time when the disputes was declared.
Replace “an arbitrator” at the end of 40.3.3 with ”either arbitration where the arbitrator is to be appointed by the body whose rules shall apply or court proceedings as stated in the contract data.
Replace “arbitration” at the end of 40.3.4 with “court of law”

Contract1 of 3C1.2

Part C1: Agreements and Contract DataContract Data: Part 1

Tender No. RFP/HMC/HOR/2017/14