Employee Redundancy Consultation Pro Forma

This form should be completed at an employee consultation meeting. Where the employee has declined a consultation meeting, the form MUST be completed and forwarded to HR with the email confirming that they do not want to take part in a meeting.

For assistance with this pro forma please refer to the Supplementary Guidance for Managers

Name of employee:
«Employee_name» / Academic/Service Unit:
Contract end date: «Contract_end_date» / Contract type: «Contract_Type»
Length of service at end of contract:
«Length_of_Service» / Percentage FTE:
«Cap_Utilization»% / SAP Personnel No:
Date of meeting: / Name of Head of Unit or Nominee:
Name of HR Rep: / Name of union rep/colleague:
Names of any other attendees:

Please complete the following information

Name of project or task currently working on:
Information about the project or task:
Where there is a pool of staff, please give an explanation of the proposed redundancy criteria and how it will be applied:
(refer to Sections B2 & C2 of the Redundancy Procedure)
Reason for potential dismissal by means of redundancy:
Actions taken to mitigate the need for redundancy:
Additional Information:
Additional comments from employee:
Has the employee been informed that they have the right to submit additional comments using Employee Comments form available on the HR website?
Yes  No 
Has the employee activated their redeployee job alerts (if eligible)?
Yes  No 
Actions agreed at the meeting:

In the absence of a consultation meeting, the completed form should now be sent to HR by e-mail.

Signatures of participants in the Employee Redundancy Consultation Meeting:

I/We confirm that consultation has taken place regarding the end of contract.

Head of Academic/Service Unit or nominee: ......

Employee: ......

HR representative: ......

Union rep/colleague: ......

Non-Joint Consultative Group cases

I confirm that in consultation with HR I have determined that the Redundancy Procedure has been followed:

Signature:...... Date:......

Faculty Pro Vice Chancellor/Registrar

Page 1 of 2Employee Redundancy Consultation Pro-FormaForm updated March 2015