Employee Redundancy Consultation Pro Forma
This form should be completed at an employee consultation meeting. Where the employee has declined a consultation meeting, the form MUST be completed and forwarded to HR with the email confirming that they do not want to take part in a meeting.
For assistance with this pro forma please refer to the Supplementary Guidance for Managers
Name of employee:«Employee_name» / Academic/Service Unit:
Contract end date: «Contract_end_date» / Contract type: «Contract_Type»
Length of service at end of contract:
«Length_of_Service» / Percentage FTE:
«Cap_Utilization»% / SAP Personnel No:
Date of meeting: / Name of Head of Unit or Nominee:
Name of HR Rep: / Name of union rep/colleague:
Names of any other attendees:
Please complete the following information
Name of project or task currently working on:Information about the project or task:
Where there is a pool of staff, please give an explanation of the proposed redundancy criteria and how it will be applied:
(refer to Sections B2 & C2 of the Redundancy Procedure)
Reason for potential dismissal by means of redundancy:
Actions taken to mitigate the need for redundancy:
Additional Information:
Additional comments from employee:
Has the employee been informed that they have the right to submit additional comments using Employee Comments form available on the HR website?
Yes No
Has the employee activated their redeployee job alerts (if eligible)?
Yes No
Actions agreed at the meeting:
In the absence of a consultation meeting, the completed form should now be sent to HR by e-mail.
Signatures of participants in the Employee Redundancy Consultation Meeting:
I/We confirm that consultation has taken place regarding the end of contract.
Head of Academic/Service Unit or nominee: ......
Employee: ......
HR representative: ......
Union rep/colleague: ......
Non-Joint Consultative Group cases
I confirm that in consultation with HR I have determined that the Redundancy Procedure has been followed:
Signature:...... Date:......
Faculty Pro Vice Chancellor/Registrar
Page 1 of 2Employee Redundancy Consultation Pro-FormaForm updated March 2015