MA in psychology Islamic Azad UniversityFelavarjan
Maryam Khaleghi[1]
The aim of thisstudy investigate the relationshipintelligence andmoraldistresstolerancestaffin1391. For this purposedepartments andagenciesofIsfahanUniversityFalavarjan, the fieldofartsand educationKhomeini shahr was selectedusingcluster sampling and 250were selectedrandomly fromthe staffof these centers. and thenmoral IntelligenceScaleKiel, LenniekSimon & Gaherdistresssuffered questionnaire was completed byeach member of thesample. DataobtainedusingSpssversion16softwarewasused for data analysis. The findingsshowed thatthere is a significantrelationshipbetweenintelligenceand moraldistresstolerance(P ≤ 0/05). Accordingly,it was found thatdistresstolerance incomponent-based practiceprinciples, values andbeliefsarepositive and significantcorrelation. And withtwocomponentsactive ofinterestto othersandtake responsibilityforserving othershas a significantnegative correlation.
Keywords:Moral Intelligence, distresstolerance
The importance ofintelligenceis defined asa factorina person's lifenot a secret.In thescientific literature, generalintelligenceasauniversalconceptthatis associatedwithcognitiveability. Thisconceptisoftenrelatedto the ability oflearningand thinking and oftenusedto describethe application ofskills andfacts peoplehave differentlevels ofintelligence. thisdifference isdue totheirinherentlyvariable, inheritanceof acquiredcharacteristics. Ethicsis definedas a set of principlesforguidance, often usedasa prism[3].In fact isthe formsrepresents ethical implicationsofhuman life and describe beliefs and valuesguidingindividuals intheir decisions. [11].
Moralintelligenceis defined as ability todistinguish betweenrights and wrong based onuniversal principles. Thistype ofintelligencein themodernworldcanactasadirection finderforaction. Moralintelligence isnot onlyprovides a strongand defensibleframeworkforhumanactivity,but alsohasmany applicationsin the real world. In factthistype ofall other types ofintelligence,human intelligencewill leadtogreatthings [1].Borba defined Moralintelligence as the capacitytodistinguishrightfrom wrongandto actaccording toamoralcertaintyin order toprovidecorrectand honorablebehavior. This type ofintelligenceshows thehumanmentalcapacityto determine howuniversalhumanprinciples,valuesandgoalsrelatedtoyouractions. AlsoMoralIntelligencerepresentsone's abilityto setstandards ofexcellenceandpassionbeyondhis interests andevenin the midst ofsuch topics as theeffectivenessof individualreactions [15]..Moralintelligencehas differentdimension. LennickandKielbelieved thatmoral intelligenceconsiststhefourmajor dimensionsofintegrity, responsibility, compassion, and forgiveness and 10sub-categories(competence), including integrity, honesty, courage, confidentiality, commitment, personal responsibility,¬accountability(accountability) againstdecisionsself-restraint and self-limiting, helping others(responsibility of service to others), caring forothers(compassion), understanding thefeelings of others(altruism andOCB) andunderstandtheiremotionalneeds(faith, belief andhumility). They based on thismodel developed a questionnairetodeterminetheirlevel of intelligenceand moraldimensions ofthesubsetofpatients[12].
Today,researchersare interested inthemoral intelligence.Because they aredescribed the boundary betweenaltruism andegoism. Attentiontothe moralintelligence is adivineidea which is inspired ideaof thebehaviorof individuals. Research shows thatpeoplewithmoral developmentexhibitrelated behavior. Moralintelligence isthe meaningofnature and human life, economic prosperity and socialand free communicationhonest andcivil rights[8]. MoralIntelligencerefersto the factthatwe're notborninherentlymoralor immoralbut alsowe learnhowto be good. Learning forwell-being, including communication, feedback, socializationand training.that didnotend[13]. What weneed to it, to doright, same Moralintelligencewhichby usingitto learn we approach toactsmarterandachievebestpractice. Individualswithhighmoral intelligenceare doingit right, their workisalwaysconsistentwith thevalues andbeliefs;have highperformance linkworkwith ethical principles[15].Toleratedistress are defined as capacity of experience and tolerate negativepsychologicalstates. Distressmaybe theresult ofphysicalorcognitive processes.Butappears asanemotionalstateis often determined tendenciesactto alleviateemotionalexperience. Ameta-emotional bearingstructurecanbe considered including the assessment ofaperson's experience andexpectationsaboutnegativeemotional states )Toleranceand disgust2) assess theacceptability,3) tendtoattractattention anddisruptthe function4) Set up a specialforceofemotionsanddesiresareexperiencingurgentaction toavoid orweaken[19] .Distress tolerance as a skill that is used when the person is not able to do something or be placed in a difficult position. It is important that personused theseskillsproperlyand in proper time. Distresstolerancemay beusedtochangea situation andhelped individual duringthecrisis oflife and cause toendure psychological and physicalpain in short-termor long-term [20]. Sincethere arecertaincoursesthatlead todistress¬¬livessomehowisinevitable, predict their tolerances Inthese circumstances usingsuch awaythatthey canbe effectiveinreducingharmto the individual is usefuland necessary.According tothe discussions it appears there is relationshipbetween intelligenceand moraldistresstolerance. On this basis, can be used moralintelligence as thecriterion for predictdistresstolerance inthe entirepopulation and hypothesized theelements ofmoralintelligence,integrity, responsibility, compassion,forgivenessandtolerancewithsmallscalesthatisdistresstolerance, attract, assess and adjustrelated
This studyisa correlation.Because it -pays.examines therelationshipbetween intelligenceand moraldistresstoleranceThe population ofthisstudy wereemployeesof Art and Culturalin Isfahan in 1391.Inthisstudy,amongavailable art and Culturalorganizationswere selected by usingcluster samplingmethod fromFalavarjanUniversity, Art EducationKhomeini Shahrin Isfahan. In thenext stage bystratified samplingproportional to sizesamplingwas performedforeach sub-group. Due to thesamplesizeand thevolume of eachofthe followinggroups, 250 individualsrandomlyclassifiedamongthese staff centerswere selected.
1-MoralIntelligence Questionnairewas developedbyLennick and Kiel which 40questions onarangeoffivedegrees,¬(never, rarely, sometimes, oftenorall the time) has been established. ThereliabilitytestusingCronbach's alpha coefficient, with r = 0.94andcontent validityitsinternalcoordination components was approvedbyexperts[12]. Thisscale for MoralIntelligence considered tencompetenciesthat are:1) operate based on principles and values and beliefs, 2) honesty 3) Perseverance and persistence for the right 4) Promise Kept 5) responsibility - personal accountability for decisions 6) admit to mistakes and failures ¬ 7) accepts responsibility for serving others 8) ¬ actively take interest to others 9) the ability to forgive your mistakes 10) the ability to forgive others' mistakes. Reliability and validity ofthe questionnairehas been confirmed by RoaMartine(2008)[14].
2-Distresstolerancescale which is anemotionaldistressofself-tolerance indicator consisted of 15matterandfour sub-scales include: Tolerance, attract, assess andsetting. statementsofthisscaleisgrading on ascaleof 5 degrees(strongly agree, somewhatagree, agree and disagreeto an extent, somewhatdisagreeorstrongly disagree).The alphacoefficientsforthese scales respectively are 072and082, and 078and070is obtainedfor thetotalscale is 082. Thisscalehasalsobeen foundthat theinitialconvergencecriterion validity andgood Simone & Gaher (2005) [19]. Inanother studybyAlavi(1388) Internal consistencyreliabilitywas calculatedfor thetotal scale of071 = α[1].To performthe study, Moral intelligenceanddistresstolerancequestionnairewas preparedand therequired numberofsampleswereselected. In theThisstudy,statisticalanalysiswasperformed usingPearson correlation coefficient (To illustrate the relationshipbetweendistresstolerance andmoral intelligence, moral intelligencecorrelation betweendistresstoleranceandsolidaritywith eachcomponent oftheelements oftheintelligence componentsof moraldistresstolerance) Andmultiple correlation coefficient(between the ethicaldimensionsofintelligence,distresstolerance) andFratiowere calculated.Findings:
Tables 1to 6, aretested theresearch hypotheses.
Table(1) the correlationbetweenintelligence andmoraldistresstolerance
Distress tolerancep / r
MoralIntelligence / 0.324 / 0.001
Theresults(Table 1), the correlationbetweenintelligence andmoraldistresstolerancelevel of05 / ≥ pwas significant andsothere is a relationbetween the Distresstolerancelevel of05 / ≥ p and moral intelligence.Based on thecoefficient of determination 14% of the variance inintelligenceisshared with moraldistresstolerance
Table 2the correlationbetween themoral intelligence anddistresscomponents
Correlation coefficient / tolerate / Absorption / assessment / arrangementr / p / r / p / r / p / r / p
moral intelligence / 0.336 / 0.001 / 0.402 / 0.001 / 0.375 / 0.001 / 0369 / 0.001
Theresults in table(2) the correlationbetween theintelligence andreligioustolerance,attract, assess, and adjustthe05 / ≥ psignificant sobetween themoralintelligence and distress tolerance, attract, assess, thereisa significant relationship.Based on thecoefficient of determination 12%ofmoral intelligence with tolerance, 16% of the variance inmoral intelligence with absorption,14%moralintelligence with assessments, and14percenthavea commonsetof moralintelligence.
Table 3Correlationcoefficientsbetween theelements ofthemoral intelligence and distress tolerate components
tolerate / Absorption / assessment / arrangementr / p / r / p / r / p / r / p
Operation based on values and beliefs principals / 0. 434 / 0.001 / 0. 221 / 0. 001 / 0. 326 / 0. 001 / 0. 107 / 0. 095
Truthful / 0. 269 / 0.001 / 0. 086 / 0. 176 / 0. 305 / 0. 001 / 0. 116 / 0. 070
Perseverance and persistence for truth / 0.257 / 0.001 / 0. 224 / 0. 008 / 0. 225 / 0. 001 / 0. 191 / 0. 003
Promise kept / 0. 258 / 0.001 / 0. 143 / 0. 001 / 0. 354 / 0. 001 / 0. 014 / 0. 832
Responsibility for personal decisions / 0. 268 / 0.001 / 0.008 / 0. 900 / 0. 291 / 0.002 / 0. 122 / 0.056
Admits failures and mistakes / 0. 191 / 0. 002 / 0. 143 / 0. 001 / 0. 284 / 0. 001 / 0. 003 / 0. 967
Responsibility to serve others / 0. 288 / 0. 001 / 0. 022 / 0. 729 / 0. 194 / 0. 002 / 0. 128 / 0. 045
actively interested in others / 0. 142 / 0. 026 / 0. 186 / 0. 003 / 0. 285 / 0. 001 / 0. 119 / 0. - 064
ability to forgive mistakes / 0. 031 / 0. 632 / 0. 035 / 0. 649 / 0. 105 / 0. 099 / 0. 067 / 0. 293
ability to forgive the others mistakes / 0. 098 / 0. 125 / 0. 101 / 0. 113 / 0. 106 / 0. 097 / 0. 083 / 0. 197
Results of table 3showsthe correlationbetween tolerancevalues andbeliefsandpracticebasedon the principles oftruthfulness,steadfastnessandinsistence ontherightto fulfill that promise, accountability forpersonalchoices, admitmistakesand failures, responsibilityto serveothers andto beactivelyinterestedin other people, tolerantassessmentsthe beliefs, values and operatingprinciplesbased ontruthfulness,steadfastnessandinsistence ontherightto fulfill that promise, accountability forpersonalchoices, admitmistakesandfailures, accepting responsibilityforserving others andbeingactivelyconcernedfor others, patienceandpersistencetoadjusttherightandresponsibilityto serveothersissignificantat the 0.05 level.
Discussionand conclusion:
Thesignificancelevelwas0.05 ≥ Psignificant based on thecoefficient of determination, 14% of the variance inintelligenceisshared with moraldistresstolerate statistical analysiswas performedusingone can say thatthe bestpredictor ofdistresstolerate, is actionbased on theprinciples, valuesand beliefs¬activelyinterested-takeresponsibilityfor others andbeingof service to others. On this basisdistresstoleratecomponent-based practiceprinciples, values and beliefs have positive and significantcorrelation. [3].
Ethical teachingstudentsto bebetter and moreconsistentresults. [16] Inaddition, many studies haveshownthatindividual personalitycharacteristics andmoral such ashonesty, kindness, good mood, patienceimportantcriteria tojudgetheperson moreover,moral intelligencestructuressuch ashonesty, responsibility,compassion and forgivenessandcompassion, awareness, respect, self-control, kindness andfairness beforebeingconsideredbycontemporaryscholars, Hasalsobeen emphasizedinthe Islamicsources whichisin linewith thefindings of thisstudy. [6] [7] [9] [17] [19]
According to thetheory ofmoral intelligenceLennick andKiel[11] if amoral intelligenceof personis highhisbusiness world alsoimprovesalsostudy conducted byAlaviet al.[1] showed thatthe use ofdialecticalbehavior therapyDBT, resulting in increaseddistresstolerancesubjectsin theexperimental groupcomparedto control group.
Sincethere arecertain conditionsthatcauseinsecurityand psychologicaldistress inapersonFormost peopleit isalmost inevitable; By usingfurther the principles, values and beliefs thata personbelieves can significantlyincreasethelevels ofdistresstolerance so thatonerather than usinginefficientpractices based onthe principles ofcognitivestylesandtheirbeliefsanduse them toovercomethe crisisbegan.Thesefindings is related. They showed thatthehigher toleranceofdisturbance these people arejust asintoleranttotolerateemotionswithoutturning tocigarettesis higher[2].
In theend,it is necessaryto point outthatstudybecause ofexisting hardships was conducted onlyamong employees ofAzad University andArt Educationshouldbecautiousingeneralizingthese results for all employees.In addition, theresultsof this studycan be used for different groups, including parents, counselors and those involvedtrainedthese findingsallowthemtotake advantageofthe compatibilitylevelsofmoral intelligence.
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[1] -MA in Counseling,Isfahan, Falavarjan, Islamic Azad University, officecounseling,Email: