Envision Math August26-30, 2013 (10:30-11:05) (11:40-12:45)
Monday-Lesson 2-4 Introducing Subtraction Expressions and Number Sentences
CCSS: 1.OA.1, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.6
Vocabulary: subtract, difference, subtraction sentence, minus sign, equal sign
Objective: Students will write and solve subtraction number sentences.
- Review: Daily Common Core Review worksheet 2-4: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: modeling subtraction situations and modeling addition situations.
- Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 2-4 with computer CD topic 2 lesson 4.
- Develop the Concept: Interactive (packet sheet 53): Teacher will pass out lesson 2-4 packets to students and will follow directions on teacher’s guide pg. 53 for students to complete packet sheet. This will include using 9 connecting cubes per child and a piece of paper per pair to help learn how to write subtraction number sentences after finding a missing part.
- Develop the Concept: Visual: On packet sheet 54, teacher will model how to write subtraction number sentences. Class will work together on problems on packet sheets 55-56 to answer questions on sheets and those questions given in teacher’s guide for teacher to ask same pages 55-56.
- Independent Practice: Students will complete Practice worksheet 2-4. After work time, teacher will place her copy under the document camera and students will discuss and check/correct their work on this sheet.
- Intervention activity “Subtraction Sentences” teacher’s guide pg. 56B Need connecting cubes.
- To check for understanding, teacher will place the following worksheets under document camera and students will discuss to work together the problems on worksheets Re-teaching 2-4 and Enrichment 2-4.
Tuesday-Lesson 2-5: Stories about Taking Away
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.1, 1.OA.4
Vocabulary: take away
Objective: Students will tell and act out stories about taking away to find how many are left.
- Review: Daily Common Core Review worksheet 2-5: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: using take away concepts, modeling addition situations, and writing addition number sentences.
- Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 2-5 with computer CD topic 2 lesson 5.
- Develop the Concept: Interactive (packet sheet 57): Teacher will pass out lesson 2-5 packets to students and will follow directions on teacher’s guide pg. 57 for students to complete packet sheet. This will include using 8 connecting cubes per child to help write a subtraction sentence to describe a story about taking away.
- Develop the Concept: Visual: On packet sheet 58, teacher will model how to use subtraction sentences to describe stories about taking away. Class will work together on problems on packet sheets 59-60 to answer questions on sheets and those questions given in teacher’s guide for teacher to ask same pages 58-60.
- Independent Practice: Students will complete Practice worksheet 2-5. After work time, teacher will place her copy under the document camera and students will discuss and check/correct their work on this sheet.
- Intervention activity “Eight Is Enough” teacher’s guide pg. 60B Need connecting cubes.
7. To check for understanding, teacher will place the following worksheets under document camera and students will discuss to work together the problems on worksheets Re-teaching 2-5 and Enrichment 2-5.
Wednesday-Lesson 2-6: Stories about Comparing
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.1, 1.OA.6, 1.OA.8
Vocabulary: compare
Objective: Students will tell and act out comparing stories to find how two groups are different.
- Review: Daily Common Core Review worksheet 2-6: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: using take away concepts, modeling addition situations, and comparing numbers.
- Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 2-6 with computer CD topic 2 lesson 6: Stories about Comparing.
- Develop the Concept: Interactive (packet sheet 61): Teacher will pass out lesson 2-6 packets to students and will follow directions on teacher’s guide pg. 61 to complete the packet sheet. This will include using connecting cubes 10 red and 10 blue to help see the numbers in 2 groups and write subtraction sentences to compare them.
- Develop the Concept: Visual: On packet sheet 62, teacher will model how to use information from stories to write subtraction sentences and solve problems to compare. Class will work together on problems on packet sheets 63-64 to answer questions on sheets and those questions given on teacher’s guide for teacher to ask same pages. After work on the problems, class will discuss and check/correct their work on pages 63-64.
- Re-teaching Practice: Students will open workbook up to page R2-6. Teacher will remodel and class will discuss and work together on problems on this workbook page.
- Independent Practice: Students will complete workbook pg. P2-6. After work time, teacher will place her copy under the document camera and students will discuss and check/correct their work on this workbook page.
- Intervention Activity: “What’s the Difference?” teacher’s guide pg. 64B. Need connecting cubes.
Thursday-Lesson 2-7: Stories about Missing Parts
Common Core Standards: 1.OA.1, 1.OA.4, 1.OA.6
Objective: Students will find the missing part when one part and the whole are given.
- Review: Daily Common Core Review worksheet 2-7: Teacher will place the worksheet under the document camera. Students will discuss to complete together to review the concepts: identifying shapes, modeling addition situations, and finding parts of 8.
- Teacher will introduce today’s lesson 2-7 with computer CD topic 2 lesson 7: Stories about Missing Parts.
- Develop the Concept: Interactive (packet sheet 65): Teacher will pass out lesson 2-7 packets to students and will follow directions on teacher’s guide pg. 65 to complete the packet sheet. This will include using connecting cubes 9 to help write and solve subtraction sentences to describe a story about finding a missing part.
- Develop the Concept: Visual: On packet sheet 66, teacher will model how to find the missing part and write a subtraction sentence. Class will work together on problems on packet sheets 67-68 to answer questions on sheets and those questions given on teacher’s guide for teacher to ask same pages. After work on the problems, class will discuss and check/correct their work on pages 67-68.
- Re-teaching Practice: Students will open workbook up to page R2-7. Teacher will remodel and class will discuss and work together on problems on this workbook page.
- Independent Practice: Students will complete workbook pg. P2-6. After work time, teacher will place her copy under the document camera and students will discuss and check/correct their work on this workbook page.
- Intervention Activity: “Subtracting Cubes” teacher’s guide pg. 68B. Need connecting cubes.