Innovative projects and programs in education № 3 (2013)

Author / Abstract, Keywords
Komarov K.Iu.
The methodological basis for the development of innovative models of territorial educational space / Abstract. The paper reveals the complex research results concerning the essence, content, structural elements
and models of modern regional educational environment. The theoretical methodological concepts of developing the
innovative model of educational process are given with the reference to the regional educational environment of
continuing vocational training.
The main emphasis is on methodological bases of the above model of interrelated regional educational establishments
within the framework of modernization of vocational training system, including the ideas, concepts, principles and
methodological approaches. In particular, the author justifies the necessity for developing and implementing the multilevel
methodology effectively applied to developing the theoretical basis of vocational teacher training.
The proposed pedagogic technologies, which allow the Russian regional educational system to identify and develop
modernization strategies and tactics, are considered to be the condition for the model realization according to the above
multilevel methodology.
Index terms: educational environment, modernization of vocational education, vocational teacher training.
Ignatova V.A.
The socio-cultural dynamics and education in the context of post-nonclassical
science / Abstract. The paper deals with the interrelations between society, education and culture. Using the comparative
analysis of classical approaches to defining the above spheres, the author comes to conclusion that the nature of sociocultural
processes can be explored and described most consistently by applying comprehensive models of the post-nonclassical
science and considering civilization, education and culture in the context of the unified dynamic flow of sociocultural
The research investigates the dialectics of socio-cultural processes in the light of systematic synergetic approach,
the advancing role of education in socio-cultural dynamics being revealed and substantiated. The author emphasizes its
inevitably rising priority due to sustained development of civilization bringing about the new environmentally-oriented
The obtained results can be used in pedagogic research methodology, designing and modeling the educational process,
its content, technology and organization.
Index terms: civilization, culture, education, socio-cultural dynamics, post-non-classical science, sustained development.
Zakirova A.F.
Theory and practice of science education teaching hermeneutics / Abstract. The paper reveals the basic statements of the author’s concept of the pedagogical hermeneutics – the
theory and practice of text interpretation of different genres focused on deeper and detailed understanding with the
reference to socio-cultural traditions, reflective comprehension of the emotional and spiritual human experience, as
well as personal experience of educational process participants. It has been proved that pedagogical hermeneutics
is required as a methodology of the humanistic understanding of the cultural phenomena, being based on the idea
of mediated influence of cultural texts comprehension methods on human consciousness, ways of thinking, world
views, and other education related spheres such as forecasting, modeling, projecting, diagnosing and pedagogic
The paper describes the principles and methods of pedagogic hermeneutics such as cultural mediation, integrity,
metaphor conceptualization, inter-text method, converted forms, convertibility of mentality, etc. The research findings
are assessed applying the Author’s Concept Interpretation method by A. N. Slavskaya, the Semantic Differential and
M. Rockich» method, etc. The suggested approach can be implemented in comprehensive school, teachers’ training and
research work.
Index terms: pedagogical hermeneutics, comprehension, semantic development, process of metaphor formation,
convertibility of mentality.
Lur`e L.I.
Spiritual and moral education or secular ethics / Abstract. This paper discusses conceptual and methodological problems of including in the secular education the
course of «Fundamentals of Spiritual and Moral Education and Secular Ethics», the ideological aspects of personality
formation in the combined scientific and religious world being examined.
Index terms: secular education, spiritual and moral education, religious consciousness, culture, free development of
Benin V.L.
Pedagogy of the era of post-nonclassical science / Abstract. The paper considers over again the problem of the low quality of the scientific pedagogic research of the
recent time. The author analyses numerous publications concerning the above problem and presents his opinion on the
actual reasons for stagnation in the modern national pedagogy. Its crisis is primarily caused by ignoring the complications
of the world perception, changing world outlook, as well as by long ago developed but rejected necessity for devising
new methodological principles and value- and objective-oriented educational attitudes. The exact forms and methods of professional activity of pedagogic process participants are derived from the definite
historically developed complex lying in their foundation. The educational system structure depends on the logic of
cultural structure of the related era both from the methodological and organizational viewpoint. However, our pedagogy
retains the position of the New Time classical methodology not complying with the non-classical paradigm, all the more
so with the post-non-classical science. The demonstrative appeal to synergetics – the attempt of pedagogy to position
itself in terms of post-non-classical science – still remains doubtful.
Not persisting on the absolute correctness of his position, the author invites teaches and specialists from educational
sphere to the scientific discussion to facilitate, even partially, the existing problem solving.
Index terms: pedagogic science, educational system, quality of scientific pedagogic research, socio-cultural complex,
scientific paradigm, post-non-classical science, synergetics.
Kamka S.V.
Formation of common cultural competence participants in the educational process / Abstract. The article analyses the problem of the cultural education of modern society, proposes a pedagogical way of
solving this problem by means of modeling and implementing a program of development of General cultural competence
of subjects of the educational process (students, parents, teachers) of the educational institutions. In the course of the
study formulates its objectives, key concepts, and stages of implementation of the programme, criteria and indicators of
General cultural competence of subject.
Index terms: culture, competence, cultural competence of subjects of educational process, personal development,
axiology, after-hour activities. s of educational process in the logic of the FSES.
Medvedev I.F.
The concept of self-education: basic concepts and structure / Abstract. The paper is devoted to the developing approach to students’ training based on the concept of self-education.
The aim of the study is defined as developing the theoretical basis for self-education at Higher School. The initial
research positions are derived from the methodology approach; the terminology analysis is being applied for defining
the conceptual field of the research; the systematic approach gives the ground for the integral consideration of the selfeducation
The author specifies the categories and attributes of the self-education concept, its methodology basis, as well as the
essence and practical conclusions, including the didactic conformities, principles and method requirements. The content of
the concept in question substantiates organizational methodic arrangements of educational process including the complex
of procedures for working out the normative documents, planning and organizing students’ self-educational activity,
application of modern educational technologies. The research findings can be used by scientists, lectures, teaching staff
and post-graduates in the process of implementing the innovation education technologies at Higher School.
Index terms: notion of self-education, self-education concept, structure of pedagogic concept.
Kartasheva A.A. Communication skills of the educational process as a category of non-classical
paradigm of creativity, and creativity / Abstract. The article considers the urgent problems of modern education related to creative consciousness development
and acceptable imitation proportion. The author refers to the communication theory to show the interrelation between
creativity and communicative processes. The overview and analysis of a number of studies including G. Lassvell’s
formula and Y. M. Lotman’s semiotic system prove that the communication category directly influences the logic of
personal development.
The main emphasis is on J. Habermas’ theory with its core concept of rational communication procedure and
accumulation of knowledge by means of moral consciousness. Habermas singles out six stages of moral judgment: two
pre-conventional (interaction controlled by authority and interest-driven cooperation); two conventional (role action and
interaction driven by norms); post-conventional; and discursive.
The author makes a conclusion that creativity is based on both the originality of creative action itself, according to
the classical paradigm, and cooperation between the author and creative product consumer: e. g. writer and reader, teacher
and student, etc. The research findings can be used in further studies of communicative relations in educational sphere
and in practical teaching.
Index terms: communication, creativity, development logic, theory of communicative action.
Belyaeva L.A,
Novikova O.N.
Playing as a method of constructing a personal identity / Abstract. The paper suggests the game interpretation as the universal and phenomenal way of developing personal
identity by a relaxed participation in game activity. Unlike the extended definitions of game as a culturalogical and
pedagogical phenomenon, the authors suggest the game analysis in philosophical perspective revealing its existential
status. Being the active form of personal existence, the game facilitates self-awareness by means of self-understanding
and self-determination in the course of game activity developing the attitude of «I am another one», and giving a chance
to experiment with personal identity, taking and playing various social and cultural roles.
The existential significance of games activating self-understanding and meaning of self-existence is growing nowadays,
given pluralism and reassessment of values.
Index terms: game as an existential phenomenon, personal identity, self-awareness, self-understanding, selfdetermination.
Gluhareva O.G.
The formation of key competence of the students of high school at the lessons
of Informatics and ICT through project training / Abstract. The paper presents approaches to the development of a model формированиея key competences of the
students of high school at the lessons of Informatics and ICT through project training
Key words: competence-based approach, key competences, model.
Desnitckaia V.V.
The formation of a research student competence in mathematics lessons in
secondary school / Abstract. In the course of the study, methods of modeling and the design of the learning process, summarize the
results of the study (study of the activities of schoolchildren through observation, questionnaires, oral and written surveys;
testing of the experimental activity were the main components of the process of formation of the research competence
of students in mathematics classes. Describes the author develops a model aimed at the formation of a research student
competence, based on the principles of choice, governance and mainstreaming, educational reflection, trust and support.
Index terms: competence, a model of the research competence of students in mathematics classes
Solovyova G.S.,Tarakanova V.V.
Psychological and educational impact of the teacher on
student learning a foreign language in a technical college / Abstract. The paper examines the impact of the teacher’s role in the foreign language student technical college.
Keywords: spiritual, intellectual, information technology, psycho – educational scholarship.
Poltoratskaya N.L.
On the question of the organization of an inclusive educational process in
the Smolensk Pedagogical College / Abstract. The author shares the experience of organizing inclusive educational process in a definite secondary
professional educational institution according to the Act of the president of the Russian Federation «About the measures
in realization of state policy in the sphere of education and science», 7 May 2012.
Keywords: inclusive, people with disabilities, barrier-free educational environment, individual curriculum for every
student, transformation competence.