MINUTES of the ORDINARY MEETING of the St. Enoder Parish Council held on Tuesday25th February2014in the Fraddon Village Hall at 7pm


PRESENT: Cllr. M Hopkins (Chairman)

CllrsM. Bunyan, P Cocks, J Baker,M Kessell, D Cole, D Hearl, C Watts, J Austin & C Dixon.

APOLOGIES: Cllrs R Brawn, J Pickles, D Hearl & M Morcom.

ABSENT: Cllr D Bennett.

14/20 Declaration of Interest in Agenda items
Cllr Watts declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 21b, Wesley Pre-school, (child attends).
Cllr Cocks declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 19aiii, planning application PA14/00882, Trustee of Fraddon Millennium Green, neighbouring land.
Cllr Cole stated he is also a Trustee of Fraddon Millennium Green but only as a Parish Council Representative, therefore as we have adopted 3.5a of the Code of Conduct, he is able to make a statement (does not vote on any planning application as Cornwall Councillor), and declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item21a, governor of Summercourt Academy.

14/21Police Liaison
PCSO M Burgess in attendance, written report received.
Query raised as to whether restorative justice is the first step in the prosecuting process; PCSO Burgess stated that is the way the Officer who dealt with this casedecided to go.

14/22 Public Session
No issues.

Chairman moved SO 31 to bring forward items of public interest and to allow public speaking, agreed. Elevated agenda items 19d, 21b & 21g.

14/23 Andy Loos- Proposed location Fair Field, School Road, Summercourt.

This has been brought to the attention of the Parish Council by concerned residents. The Parish Council have not been consulted although Andy Loos have applied for a license to operate 8 heavy goods vehicles. Miss Pytel(Link Officer for SEPC) is still investigating whether this application will require planning permission.
Query where effluent will go; this is transported in a large lorry to SWW. The manager of Andy Loos will be happy to attend a Parish Council meeting, contact details passed to the clerk.

14/24 Wesley pre-school
Cllr Watts left the room.
Cllr Cocks queried whether there were any funds for a building; Chairperson of Wesley pre-school responded that land would be needed first, ideally in Fraddon. Fifty plus children currently enrolled at the pre-school and the Wesley Hall is not an ideal building due to the other users.
The Parish Council owned land is cemeteries, Indian Queens Rec, Thomas Playing Field & the old allotment field on Moorland Road. Chairperson of Wesley Pre-School to contact the Clerk to view the various locations and to ascertain if any are suitable.
Cllr Watts re-entered the room.

14/25 Trenithon Farm Project
Correspondence received from Mi-Grid with their 3 proposed options. EIA is currently taking place. Resident reported she was very concerned regarding the noise assessment, which had taken place on neighbouring land, during the storms, between two buildings with broken roofsdespite a request to delay to enable repairs to be made; she has written to Cornwall Council to advise them of this.
The Chairman reported he had received a phone call from the land owner and advised them to contact the Clerk; no contact to date.
Concerns raised regarding consultation, a neighbouring land owner reported he had received no consultation documentation.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to reply to Mi-Grid requesting a formal presentation, justification for 1MW connection and highlight lack of communication with residents, seconded Cllr Bunyan, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

14/26 Minutesof theMeeting of 28th January 2014

It was proposed by CllrKessell, seconded by Cllr Cole that the Minutes of the meeting of 28th January 2014be,approvedand signed as a true and correct recordby the Chairman, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

14/27 Matters Arising

  1. 14/03Neil Farrington.
    Request for further montages has been submitted, Pedna Carne, Ashleigh Villas, Penhale, Church Town & Narrow Lanesuggested as viewpoints.
    Mr Farrington has queried exact locations to ensure they are from public places, as is unable to take photos from residential addresses. Chairman delegated to tour the area and provide grid references.
  2. 14/17h Summercourt PO
    Clerk confirmed letter had been sent to the retiring Sub-postmaster.
  3. 14/19 PCC Grant
    Grant cheque has been given to the PCC along with accompanying letter regarding confirmation that the grant is for Cemetery up-keep and a request for receipts; no response to date.

14/28 Report of Chairman
Written report circulated with the agenda.
Cllr Hopkins stated he was concerned regarding an inaccurate report in the Cornish Guardian, although it is difficult to control when the press just take notes during a meeting. He has also been contacted by Cllrs concerned with an email sent, as it wasn’t clear if it was a personal email or as a Cllr, all correspondence sent by Cllrs on behalf of the Council must have delegated authority.

14/29 Report of Cornwall Councillor
Written report circulated with the agenda.
Cllr Cole stated he also had an update on patching/resurfacing at Highgate roundabout; this is due to take place in May and the roundabout will be closed for 4 days due to the scale of the work.

14/30 Reportfrom CALC AGM
Cllrs Baker & Morcom attended the AGM. Mr Hogg, Police& CrimeCommissioner, was in attendance. Mr Hoggreported crime is down in Devon & Cornwall. Cornwall & Devon is the safest place, although crime increases during the peak months. £40million savings need to be made in the next 3 years, even though Devon & Cornwall are the most cost effective force. No compulsory retirement age for Police Officers.
Mr Hoggis responsible for the police budget and will be concentrating on cutting crime & speeding up justice.

14/31 Youth Club – update report.
Cllr Cole reported the Youth Club had caused £30 of damage to Wesley pre-school equipment.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks Parish Council reimburse Wesley Pre-school £50 and to add the amount to the grant cheque, not yet issued, seconded Cllr Hopkins, carried.
The above was duly resolved.
Youth worker is keen to get the youth involved in the design of the new building, helping them take ownership of the project.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks Youth Group working group have delegated authority to meet with the youth workers, agree building size, tender specs and tender advert, seconded Cllr Baker, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

14/32 Website- update report
Cllr Kessell stated that despite himself and the Clerk having several consultations Vision ICT have not come up with a suitable website design. First website design was a carbon copy of the existing, so this was rejected, they were under the misapprehension we wanted exactly the same.
A suitable examplewebsite has been found andcommunicated together witha word document outlining pages required and photos.
Proposal by Cllr Hopkins to set the deadline of 15th March, Cllr Kessell and Clerk to liaise, seconded Cllr Watts, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

14/33 Indian QueensCemetery Extension- update
Clerk has contacted the land agent who has advised the vendors have the land valued and then he will attend to advice whether he considers the land is worth the asking price. Vendors have been contacted to update them on the situation.
Cllr Cole reminded members that the land behind the Cemetery is the old roadand was a waste site, Cllr Cocks felt a land survey may be needed.
To place on next agenda.

14/34 Honorary Service Award.
The working group is Cllrs Cole, Cocks & Baker, nominations discussed but no decision made.
3 nominations received, discussion took place.
Proposal by Cllr Baker Mr & Mrs Westlake receive the award for 2014, seconded Cllr Cocks, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

14/35 Noticeboards-to consider relocating.
Discussion took place regarding the locations of the noticeboards. The Chairman felt that as Summercourt PO had re-located the Parish noticeboard would be better at the new site. There is also a broken noticeboard on the Old Chapel in Fraddon, which is a listed building and the noticeboard has been listed. Also need to consider the re-location of Fraddon PO.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks, Clerk put in the consent to remove the noticeboard from the listed building, request we relocate our Summercourt noticeboard at the Premier Store, and write to Kingsley Village to request we have a noticeboard at that location, but leave the ‘new’ Fraddon noticeboard in situ, seconded Cllr Austin, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

14/36 Parish Trees
Clerk reported, at the recent SLCC conference, a Parish Council Insurer advised that Parish Councils must annually inspect their trees. If a tree falls in bad weather and there is no record of checks taking place the insurer may not pay out for any damage, as the Parish Council did not minimise the risk. 2 trees have come down in Thomas PF, although have fallen onto the trackbehind, so no damage, these are still to be cleared, too large for handyman on his own. Another tree fell at Indian Queens Pit into a neighbouring garden; the handyman has cleared this (small tree).
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to engage a tree surgeon to inspect Parish Council’s trees and to cut & clear trees in Thomas PF, seconded Cllr Baker, carried.
The above was duly resolved; Cllr Kessell to forward tree surgeon’s details to the Clerk.

14/37 New Publicity Act.
The new Publicity Act comes into force on 1st April 2014. It received Royal Assent this week. Public will be able to come along to any Parish Council meeting and record or film without Parish Council consent and place onto the internet.
Standing Orders will need to be changed to reflect this Act.

14/38 Indian Queens Well
The handyman had advised the Clerk it is now running freely, water levels have returned to normal. He feels it must have been blocked even though it has been regularly rodded.

14/39 CERC Rep.-replacement Parish Council Rep required.
Cllr Bennett was the Parish Council’s representative on this Committee, but she has had to resign, due to a conflict of interests with her new employment.
Proposal by Cllr Hopkins, Cllr Austin takes over this role, seconded Cllr Watts, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

Cllr Baker took the Chair.

14/40 Planning Matters

a. Planning Applications

i. PA14/00628 Woodlands Farm, New Road, Summercourt. Existing hardstanding to be used for storage & distribution.
Site visit taken place.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to object to the application for the following reasons:

Incomplete application form and plan prevents an informed decision being reached. No detail as to what is to be stored or distributed. St Enoder PC supported the 2012 application for the hardstanding to store hay & straw. Due to its rural location we would only support development linked to the farm & agriculture.

Metal fencing is mentioned on the application but not shown on the plan. The installation of such fencing would harm the rural landscape.

Opening hours of 8am to 5pm Monday to Saturday are detailed but there is no further information re the business use. Would this create a need for office or residential development on the site if granted?

No business need for this development established, seconded Cllr Hopkins, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

ii. PA14/00228 Summercourt Boarding Kennels, School Road, Summercourt. Erection of workers dwelling & assoc. works.
Site visit taken place.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to object to the application for the following reasons:

It will harm the semi-rural character of the area and it is outside of the building envelope. St Enoder Parish Council supported the building of the stables in 2006 & their conversion into kennels granted 2013 to enable the owners to diversify from their farrier business. This seeks to undo that diversification by selling off land & buildings & artificially creating a need for a new dwelling when there is already one on site.

Due to the short time the kennels have been established there is insufficient evidence it can support this development or will create any additional employment. There are suitable alternative dwellings for sale within 100 metres of the site. It has not been established there is an essential need for a dwelling on the holding, seconded Cllr Hopkins, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

iii. PA14/00882 Land West of Kilburn, Blue Anchor, Fraddon. Erection of residential development comprising 8 open market houses, 6 low cost affordable houses, 6 intermediate affordable as phases 1B & 2 of site development.
Proposal by Cllr Hopkins to object to this application for the following reasons:
Failure to develop site and comply with all conditions within granted timescale.

Need for affordable housing being met elsewhere.

Possible flooding risk.

Overcrowding at local schools.

However if permission were to be granted it should include:

Full contributions for Open Space and Education.

No dilution of the affordable content for any reasons as it is an exception site.

Simultaneous development of affordable and open market so that the profit from one cross-subsidises the other as intended.

A plan which meets planning guidelines with regard to "mixing" open plan and affordable within developments, seconded Cllr Dixon, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

iv. To note applications received after despatch of the agenda- none.
Cllr Cole, as Cornwall Cllr did not vote on any of the above applications.

b. Decisions & Appeals

i. PA13/11493Trebarkea, 1 Carworgie Way, St Francis Road, St Columb Road. Building plot for detached dwelling- approved.

ii. PA13/11399Chy-an-Parc, Chapel Road, Indian Queens. Demolish existing front porch at the front of the property and replace with conservatory- approved.

iii. APP/D0840/A/13/2199853- Change of use of land from agricultural to two Traveller pitches and assoc. works- including 1x septic tank and improvements of surfaces. Informal hearing 1st April 10am Council Chamber St Austell.

iv. APP/D0840/A/14/2212162- Chytane Farm, Summercourt. Proposed 1x500kw Wind Turbine, Ancillary Equipment, Grid Connection & Access Arrangements- Appeal start date 5th February 2014.

v. APP/D0840/A/14/2212340- Burthy Farm, Summercourt. Installation of photovoltaic power-plant including photovoltaic panels, electrical substation, inverter stations, pole mounted CCTV cameras, security fencing and other ancillary works- Appeal start date 27th January 2014.

c. Enforcement report

i. EN13/02175The Garages, Penhale, Fraddon. Alleged car repairs being undertaken from field at the rear of the site- immune from action.

ii. EN13/02421 Vista Verde, Blue Anchor, Fraddon. Alleged erection of unauthorised garden sheds- not expedient.

iii. EN13/02622Bodanna Barn, Summercourt. Alleged unauthorised construction of stables and use for commercial enterprise/livery- immune from action.

Cllr Hopkins took the Chair.

14/41 CORRESPONDENCE - Cornwall Council

a. Planning Consultation- Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning.
Proposal by Cllr Bunyan to delegate response to Cllr Cole reflecting the Parish Council view that the discount is insufficient and shared ownership problems, seconded Cllr Kessell, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

b. Home School Transport Consultation.
Proposal by Cllr Baker, to note, seconded Cllr Kessell, carried and duly resolved.

c. Mobile Library Consultation.
Cllr Cole reported this was discussed at the Network Meeting.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to delegate response to Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Watts, carried and duly resolved.

d. Cornwall Councillor Grant Scheme- £1000 towards youth club.
Noted and Cllr Cole thanked.

e. S38 & 228 adoption St James View, Fraddon- noted.

14/42 CORRESPONDENCE – General

a. Summercourt Academy- grant request
Clerk advised members that Parish Councils do not have a Power to donate to Schools.
Clerk to respond to Summercourt Academy explaining this.

b. Invitation from CPRE Cornwall.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to decline the invitation, seconded Cllr Dixon, carried and duly resolved.

c. Waste Management document
Proposal by Cllr Baker, to note, seconded Cllr Kessell, carried and duly resolved.

d. Signpost Quarterly Magazine.
Passed to Cllr Bunyan.

e. Cornwall AONB Calendar.
Distributed to members.

The Chairman stated that most members of the public who attend our meetings are interested in Planning and asked for members’ thoughts on moving the Planning Section up the agenda.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to move Planning to after Public Session on future agendas, seconded Cllr Hopkins, carried.
The above was duly resolved.


  1. Accounts: as presented to be approved for payment.


Chq No / Payee / VAT / Amount
3460 / Fraddon Village Hall- Rent / £50.00
3461 / Lanier- photocopier / 16.87 / £101.20
3462 / Indian Queens Methodist Church- Youth Club / £36.00
3463 / Summercourt Memorial Hall- rent / £176.00
3464 / Duchy Cemeteries- Cemetery maintenance / £462.00
3465 / ICO- renewal / £35.00
3466 / SLCC- 1/2 conference & 1/2 book / £64.50
3467 / Trevithick Supplies- handy man sundries / £5.18 / £31.02
3468 / Mr N Trebell- salary £510 mileage £40.80 / £550.80
3469 / A Kendall- net salary £1236.89, mileage £47.25 phone £24.02 / £1,308.16
3470 / Travis Perkins- IQ Pit repair / £19.44
Total / £2,834.12

Proposal to approve payments by Cllr Cocks, seconded Cllr Baker, carried.
The above was duly resolved.
Budget statement also circulated.

b. Audit-pre-audit 10th March.
Auditor will be carrying out a pre-audit check on 10th March. Cllr Baker confirmed she will be carrying out Internal Control Checks before this date.

c. New Audit & Accountability Act.
The new Act comes into force on 1st April 2014; unsure how this will impact on Parish Councils but training will be taking place.

  1. Urgent Financial matters.
    Clerk reported that due to repairs taking place at the Queens Pit the drainage ditch is now much deeper, to prevent further flooding. The ditch runs along the footpath, therefore a handrail is advisable.
    Proposal by Cllr Cocks to delegate the Clerk to approve erection of handrail, due to health and safety, seconded Cllr Baker, carried.
    The above was duly resolved.

Chairman reported that the Restorative Justice in the Police Report was in relation to Parish Council property, the Band Shed on Recreation Ground Lane. Quote to repair the damage is £60, which the police will ensure the perpetrators reimburse.
Proposal by Cllr Cocks to pursue Restorative Justice and authorise repair, seconded Cllr Baker, carried.
The above was duly resolved.

There being no further businessthe meeting was closed at 9.50pm.

