ABC @419 on 24th July 2017 Appreciation

Dear Toastmasters,

Appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well’-Voltaire’.


Word of the day was OBEDIENT! TM Murali brought the word obedient, a very nostalgic word, immediately took me to those days when I was an obedient boy of my parents.Honestly speaking, it’s the abundance of appreciation that provides us the courage and strength to grow and become mature in knowledge and wisdom.


DTM Cyprian Misquith conducted the session in alluring manner with absolute perfection and expertise. He imbibed in our memory the importance of appreciation in one's life. How a small yet simple appreciation can change and motivate a person's attitude and behavior.

He mentioned that Father Varghese used to appreciate him a lot and he still treasures it very much.

Let us all try to appreciate people, “we reap what we sow”, if we try to appreciate others, others will try to appreciate you.Give a line of appreciation in a piece of paper to all project speakers, they treasure it very much.

After both speakers completed their speeches, gave sheets of paper to everyone to give appreciation and stated the thought of the day ’Appreciation is a wonderful thing, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well-Voltaire’.

DTM also commented on TM Thomas George’s dedication and commitment,sighting the example that even he hadhis flight at 2 am,yet he came for the session as he had committed to perform the role as GeneralEvaluator.

2 speakers

MTM AbidaAkther – AbidaAkther who is a - French teacher in Indian School Muscat, a hard core, staunch toastmaster, gave Adv P5 speech titled “2017 WORLD CHAMPION…TOASTMASTERS AWARD”, and expressed gratitude to her family and to all in the toastmaster fraternity.

She had delivered her speech with aplomb, was showered with praises as she delivered her speech on a last minute request from DTM Cyprian Misquith. The criteria was ‘Accepting an award’-spl occasion manual.

TM Ahsan Jalal-(Area Director ,Area 17)(5 minutes speech + 3 minutes Q&A)- (Won the best speaker award)

Explained bad effects of fast food, and the adverse effect it has on our health. High sugar content in cokes and similar drinks increases blood sugar level in our body. Causes stress, obesity and diabetes.

High level of sodium in fast food increases blood pressure. It affects bones and teeth, brain, heart, liver and in fact whole body.

Therefore he urged everyone to take a pledge that we won’t use fast food and we will try to avoid or get rid of such Junk food for our own health benefit as well as for the benefit of future generations.

Evaluator 1

MTM SurangaRanasinghe– She expressed her thought that ‘appreciation is a way of motivation and a way of showing love and gratitude, but unfortunately it’s diminishing in our lives.’

Evaluator2TM Harwin Gabriel started with the thought ‘a small amount of appreciation is much better than a big amount of praise after a success.’

He urged all the toastmasters to pen down a line of appreciation to each speaker. He also suggested that every session must have a dedicated 1 min for appreciation.

Table topics master—T M ShijinVelayudhanmade the session lively and entertaining.

1) How do you show appreciation to your parents!—Jyothivas

2)Give us a simple way to make easy money---NysamHaneef

3)What is missing in your life! George meladath

4)What would you like to change—HarwinGabriel(Won thebest table topic speaker award)

5)When did you first realize that life is short—Neel Kamal

Passionate time keeper-Simon D’Souza and Staunch Ah counter –Rafeeque P Sainudeendid an excellent job.


VPE - MTM Neel Kamal said “No one appreciates the very special geniuses of your conversation as the dog does”, the saying she got from pet training course. She has continued and later concluded like how a leader always says to their followers “Let us all start by appreciating smaller things rather than appreciating bigger things”. I repeat, let’s do it.

Grammarian viewed that MTM SurangaRanasinghe is one of the best evaluators she has ever known for and this was one of the best evaluation she has ever witnessed .She had all the praises for her very calm, poised and well worded evaluation with excellent usage of the language, subtly presented her views/recommendations and appreciation of her speaker.


President TM NysamHaneef concluded by saying let’s all give 1 minute after every speech to give our appreciation in writing.Let’s make this a practice.let’s do it

Announcements-TMI annual convention at Vancouver, Aug 23-26, contact DTM Cyprian Misquith or George Meladath for details.

The Oman Malayalam tm speech contest has been scheduled on Aug 19 and 26 respectively.

Warm regards,


ABC Toastmasters club 2017-2018 ,

24th July 2017 4th session of the year – Session minutes for the purpose of daily reference for learners .Page 1