Enclosure 6: Example animal feed (including pet food) import requirements

Source: Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AFVAS)

Pet food containing meat or meat products from Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom*, Canada* & United States of America* may be imported into Singapore, provided that the following documents accompany the consignment:

  1. A certificate from the veterinary authority of the exporting country certifying:
  • That the animal feed originates from a manufacturing plant approved by the veterinary authority of the exporting country;
  • The conditions under which animal feed was manufactured/processed;
  • That the end product is packed in the plant in new and sterilised packages; and
  • That precautions had been taken to prevent the contamination of the end product.
  1. A general certificate issued by the veterinary authority of the country of origin must also accompany the shipment,certifying that the country has been free from Rinderpest and Foot-and-Mouth Disease for the last six months prior to the date of export. The authority must also certify country freedom of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE). For pet food containing mammalian proteins, additional certification will be required, certifying that "The mammalian proteins in the animal feed are derived only from animals kept since birth in the country which has no report case of BSE prior to the date of export of the animal feed or mammalian proteins".

* Import of animal feed/pet foodcontaining beef from UK, Canada and USA is currently suspended because of BSE.

Approval from AFVAS must be sought prior to import of animal feed/pet food containing meat and meat products from countries other than the above-listed countries. The importer must submit a technical dossier from the manufacturing plant to AFVAS for evaluation. Once in-principle approval has been given, the consignment may be imported into Singapore if accompanied by the above documents.

For Animal Feed/Feed Supplement/Feed Premixes, the importer should provide technical information on the ingredients used in the feed for AFVAS's evaluation before import.

Labelling requirements

The packaging of the pet food must be clearly labelled, in English, with the following information:

  • To indicate the ingredients used in the pet food.
  • The date of manufacture of the pet food and expiry date.
  • The species of animal for which the pet food is intended.
  • The name and address of the importer.

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Enclosure 6 to the PIMC Pet Food Controls Working Group Report