Приложение №1

My Project

1 The aim of our project is ......

2 It’s entitled......

3 It’s resulted in......

4 Who will assist us? Whose help could we rely on?

5 We take several steps to make it: a) to get information about....

b) to illustrate it with......

c) to learn words and phrases......

d) to think about the way of reporting

6 We have read the following books ......

7 We need the following things to present it:......

Self- Assessment

1 Have I done everything I wanted?

2Is the result the same I thought of ?Why?

3 What was done well\ badly?

4 What was the most difficult\ easiest to do?

Приложение №2

Work Card

1 Tell a little bit (1min.) about the project , how it was done.Mind the tense form( Past Simple\ Present Perfect).

2Introduce your newspaper (3 min.) Say what characters you used , what peculiarities of a holiday you know, what colours are traditional for it, what information you included, why.

3While listening to other pupils’works ,don’t forget to appreciate them.

4Introducing the musical episode (3 min.) , don’t forget to say what kind of music it is,

explain your choice, what it makes you think of , what you picture in your mind when you are listening to it, the ideas of the composer whose music you present.

5Ask your listeners how they like it, if it pictures winter well.

Приложение №3

Work Card

1 – ( the same )

2 Explain how your roll movie was done (3 min.):what you used to make TVset, what you painted on stills, why you glued them up in the following way.

3 Tell what your guests can see on stills.

4 Teach guests how to play your game (4 min.): stand in a circle, with one guest in the centre move around her \him with a song . As soon as the music stops , the person in the centre makes the participant opposite him perform something .Invite guests to play with you.

Приложение №4

1 – ( the same )

2 – Describing your collage , say what ideas you took into account , where you got decorations for your ideas, what you placed in the upper\ bottom\ right\ left corner ; in the centre, what it represents as a whole.

3 Role play the talk where a foreigner is going to visit the Russian home , being invited out to a holiday dinner and wants to find out some behavour rules(4 min.):whether he is expected to be punctual, to bring a present or a souvenir, if so what sort of it,to dress up or not, if it is polite to comment on food, how long to stay and how to take leave .Don’t forget to stay polite.

Приложение № 5

Yashin Leo Ivanovich

( 1929-1990)

the Russian goal-keeper

His name is in the history now , though his friends and fans are still alive. In 50s- 60s his name was known to everybody. The boys were eager to be like him, played football all days long and dreamed to become as famous as he was.

Yashin was born and grew in Moscow , he considered it to be his native city, he returned there after all his victories and failures . Here still live his relatives –his wife, daughters, grandsons who continue his sport traditions.

Yashin began playing football as soon as began walking. He played football everywhere, even during the war , in the short intervals during his factory work he forced to play with a ball made up of cord.

Once , when the coach got boys together and ordered Leo to be a goal-keeper , the teenager was hurt to think , he was punished. But the coach was a wise man , he saw the goal-keeper abilities of the young football player. Soon Leo enjoyed his new role in the field.

His sport life is closely connected with Moscow team “Dynamo”, where Yashin came in 1952.As a member of a team , he became the champion of the country. They won the title five times from 1954 till 1963.In 1956 the Soviet team became the Olympic champion .They were proud of their country, that was the member of the Olympic movement after the long interval.

His rivals were eager to neutralise him in different ways: he suffered from a lot of scratches, bumps, wounds made by them. In 1960 as a member of the Soviet combined team he won the European Cup in Paris. His name became the symbol of sport victories. In 1963 he brilliantly won in Webley , as a member of the world combined team in the match devoted to the hundredth anniversary of football.That match was the most important for him. He was named the best player of Europe. His motto was “to be the best”.In 1971 Yashin stopped playing football, he played 813 matches. He left football on the top of his career and is still considered to be the best goal- keeper of his time. His last match was played by the footballers from 13 countries of the world.

Приложение №6

The Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth

I pledge allegiance to the Earth and to the flora and fauna and human life it supports .

One planet , indivisible , with safe air, water and soil.

Economic justice, equal rights and peace for all.

Приложение №7

Role- Cards

You are the participant of the expedition.

Show pictures explaining why you have painted them to say how polluted the environment is. Show the places of this pollution to present them as Nature’s enemies habitats, offering to go there.

When you see the first enemy, ask who it is.

Explain what you produce when you burn things, the effect of forests’ distruction.

Explain how good it is to use bikes, to plant trees, what makes air pollution be worse.

When you see the second enemy , say why you go to Mother- Nature and what you are going to do to care of it.

Show your get- well card for children who is sick and in bed.Explain how to cheer them up.


You are the participant . Offer water contract , sound it, when you see the second enemy.

When you see the owl, ask who she is.Then thank the owl, say you’ll follow her advice.

When you see the high fence, exclaim what a high fence it is , ask where the entrance is.

Try to guess the riddles on the fence .

Greet your British friend and have a talk with him about your joint work , show him the results of your work against the pollution.

(учитывая языковые возможности учащихся, эти карточки можно составить подробнее ,

используя косвенную речь)

Приложение № 8

( речь Природы)

Look at this apple . Let’s imagine it represents the Earth. Let’s cut the apple into quarters . Three- quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one- quarter is land.

Let’s cut the piece representing land in half. Only one- half the land is habitable.The rest of the land is the deserts , mountains, frozen ice caps and other places people cannot live. Let’s cut the piece representing the habitable land into four sections .Only one- thirty- second is where all the Earth’s food come from. What would happen if this part were destroyed?

Let’s take a small shaving off one of the slices that represents the water of the world.Less than one percent of Earth’s water is fresh and drinkable and most of this water is tied up in the atmosphere and underground. You see, how little it is for you!


(одно из заданий на « заборе» )

Nature “ recycles” leaves. They decompose and become food for growing plants and trees. Work with a partner to make a list of the ways you can help the world by recycling.


( стихотворение для окончания урока)

Walking along, walking free, feeling the Earth here with me,

And I love her, she loves me, I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me,

She’s our friend, we’d like to be together forever,

The Earth is a garden, it’s a beautiful place,

For all living creatures, for all the human race .

Helping Mother Earth , we can peacefully roam,

We all deserve a place we can call our home.

Food is the treasure from the soil and the sea.

Clean, fresh air from the plants and the trees.

The warmth of the Sun giving life each day turns water into rain,

It’s Nature’s way.

And I’d like to thank you, Mother- Earth.

I like to see you dressed in green and blue, I want to be by you.

Lorraine Bayes.

(можно предложить это стихотворение для конкурсного перевода и включить его в сценарий урока).