DP/MYP Theatre Arts



Mrs. Engel


Welcome or welcome back to DP/MYP Theatre Arts! This year should be very fun and productive. My goals this year are to provide you with an engaging curriculum that will allow you to perform well on stage and on assessments. I expect scores to reflect the enthusiasm in the classroom so please come to class prepared.


Expectations:My expectations are high. I expect respect and cooperation everyday you enter my class. You should expect the same from me. The rules will be followed or consequences will occur. I hope that we will not have to deal with problems, but be assured I will not hesitate to take action. You are growing closer and closer to the adult world and immature behavior will end. Specifically,what I expectthis year is:all work to be turned in on time. I will not accept unexcused homework. You will receive a 30 and will hopefully learn from your mistake. I demand no talking when I am talking and listening attentively. I expect everybody to participate and work hard. We have a lot to learn and do, and we cannot afford to be lazy. Be cognizant that there is a time for everything. Please do not ask me to do improv!!! I believe we will have an awesome and rewarding year. We are a cast and a team working together to complete the task. Be kind to one another and me and be respectful. Leave unrelated drama at the door.

Assessments: Please remember that you will be internally and externally assessed. I will be handing you an assessment schedule. Keep it in your notebook and DO NOT LOSE. I will also post one in the classroom and on my Weebly. You will have no excuse if assessments are not turned in on time. I will not tolerateunexcused late assessments. More specifically, unexcused late assignments will not be accepted and will result in a 30. Please don’t make me do that! Unexcused late assessments(may weigh more than one Henrico grade)will be accepted, but will result in a Henrico failure(s).

Materials: This year you will need a three ring binder, dividers and paper. You will also need a marble notebook for your PJ, which will prepare you for your assessments. You will also need pencils, pens, colored pencils, make up kits* and your Dell everyday.

*11th and 12th

Process Journal: This journal is a tool in which you will record your learning experience throughout the year, as well as prompts. It is collected eachnine weeks in which you must have at least ten entries completed. You may use it to record notes, but they will not count as an entry. You also may not “carry over” entries from one marking period to the next. For example, if you have twelve in MP1 you may not use the extra two for MP2. In view of this you will be asked to always document the date and lose points if you do not comply. You are expected to place your name on the front of the notebook as well as responsible for bringing this journal daily, which exemplifies the LP trait of Principled. If lost do not expect leniency, but please tell me immediately so that we can work together.

PJ expectation and point deductions:

Date 2 pts.

Prompt 2 pts.

*Length requirement5 pts.

Margins2 pts.

*Length requirements vary

Play Analysis: Please see more specific instructions on the Weebly. My expectation of this assignment is that you will turn in *two per semester for grades 10-12; 9th you are expected to turn in one. You may complete an analysis on a musical or straight play that can range from professional to elementary. You may not apply this to a ballet, opera, circus, or Disney on ice. You may not use a “carry over” with this assignment either. For example, if you saw a show during the summer you may not use it for the first semester.

*9th grade sees only one a semester

Evaluation: I will evaluate according to a point system that will vary with each assignment. Major grades will be assessments and performances as well as tests. You will also be evaluated on your PJ, quizzes, play analyses, home work, and daily participation.

NEW!!! Class participation will now be a DAILY GRADE . If you do not perform to a satisfactory degree you will be held liable for deductions. For example, if the class is rehearsing then the expectation is that you are blocking, running speed-throughs, or writing on the process in your journal. Talking and not doing your work is unacceptable.






Grade Conversion

IB Criterion Score / Henrico Grade Points
8 / 95-100
7 / 90-94
6 / 85-89
5 / 80-84
4 / 75-79
3 / 70-74
2 / 65-69
1 / 60-64

* If you misbehave multiple points will be deducted depending on how frequent and severe the behavior.

Again, unexcused late assignments* will not be accepted and will result in a 30*. Please don’t make me do that! Unexcused late assessments(may weigh more than one Henrico grade)will be accepted, but will result in a failure(s).

DP: Formal assessments will now be turned in through turnitin.com as well as hard copy on the due date.

All: Typed assignments such as a performance reflection will be typed, printed before class, and placed in the appropriate tray. Certain students may be asked to do this as well as email so that there is no discrepancy or blame.

Consequences:When theEngelrules are not followed you will receive Code of conduct results and/or the following depending on infraction and frequency:

  1. Warning/CP points deducted(if phone is found or being used an automatic 20 will be applied for the daily participation)
  2. Short teacher conference/Phone call home/CP points deducted
  3. CP points deducted/referral

Academic Honesty

You are expected to adhere to Henrico county’s and IB honesty guidelines. Infractions will lead to appropriate consequences. For example, if you are found cheating on a test an automatic 0 is awarded as well as parent contact. If plagiarism is committed on an assessment the student will receive a 64, but will be allowed to revise with a 11 pt. deduction. So, 89 would be the highest awarded Henrico grade. The amount of revision time will be considered on a case by case basis.

Connection to Personal Project

The arts can develop skills associated with ATL that greatly helps you succeed with the personal project. Aspects such as creativity, communication, and collaboration are very important in drama, and will certainly help you with the personal project as well. The units covered this year will utilize these skills and prepare you for your project.

Connection to CAS

Theatre provides great opportunities to make connections with CAS activities. Specifically, through theatre class you learn to enhance your creative thinking through planning, rehearsing, and presenting a variety of pieces. Also, through collaboration in the classroom with multiple activities and performances it can lead you to make links to designing projects with the local community or touring theatre in education pieces targeted at a specific audience with specific needs.

Connection to TOK

The arts correlate to TOK by providing connections and allowing you to explore the strengths and limitations of individual and cultural perspectives. Studying the arts requires you to reflect on and question your own understanding of knowledge.

Connection to EE

“Undertaking an extended essay in theatre provides students with an opportunity to undertake independent research into a topic of special interest”. –IB theatre guide

If you are absent you can reach me at . Parents please know that I welcome your input and involvement.

My weebly address: henricoibtheatre.weebly.com

Thanks! Mrs. Engel

Engel’s Rules

  1. No talking when someone else is or the teacher.
  2. Computers allowed only with teacher permission.
  3. Do not touch classroom objects without permission from the teacher.
  4. Cell phones are not allowed, and if they are visible I may confiscate. Phones will be turned into the designated drawer at the beginning of class. *Exceptions
  5. Electronic devices may not be used or seen without permission from the teacher.
  6. Always respect others and their belongings.
  7. Do not ask for improv. Violation will result in Class participation point deduction.
  8. Always be prepared.
  9. Late assignments are not accepted. *Exceptions

10. Have fun and be open-minded!


-Food and drink is a privilege so do not abuse or the privilege will be revoked.

-Be on time to class and/or have a pass.

-Place assignments/quizzes/tests in appropriate class box in a timely manner. Failure to do so will result in point deduction.

-Only use the door that connects to the hallway.

-Phones will be silenced and placed in the designated drawer upon entry to the class and should not be retrieved until five minutes before the bell.

-Assessments will be turned in through turnitin.com as well as hard copy.

-Warrior time: Must have pass prior to going to tutoring. You must be reading, doing homework, or going to tutoring otherwise you will receive point deduction for the class participation grade.

-Check the Weebly for assignments and announcements


Theatre student/ Parent Pledge:

I have read and understood the Welcome sheet and Rules handouts as well as the COC and IB honesty guidelines. I accept the terms and conditions stated and will follow them diligently.

Student Name______

Student signature ______

Parent Name______

Mother/Father/Other (Please circle)

Parent signature______

Student email______

Primary contact email ______

Mother/Father/Other (Please circle)


Please check the appropriate spot.

___ Yes, my student has a phone they bring to school, and understand that they are required to turn it in to the appropriate box when they enter the classroom.

___ No, my student does not have a phone.

Class period

Please circle the appropriate class period.
