A popular Cumbrian brewery is to launch a new beer to celebrate the world premiere of a radio sitcom by Tyneside-based playwrights Ed Waugh and Trevor Wood, writers of the national and international hit comedies Dirty Dusting, Waiting For Gateaux, Maggie’s End and Son of Samurai.

The Geltsdale Brewery in Brampton, which specialises in real ales, will reveal Drizzlewort bitter on Monday, March 5, to mark the start of the sitcom It’s Grim Up North

Following the exploits of dodgy Roman auxiliary soldiers building Hadrian’s Wall in AD126, It’s Grim Up North will be broadcast live as five, six-minute episodes on BBC Radio Cumbria at 10.10am, starting on Monday, March 5, with the subsequent episodes transmitting at the same time throughout the week.

Those outside the BBC Radio Cumbria remit can listen to the episodes at “playback” on the BBC Radio Cumbria website. It will be available on-line from March 5 until March 18.

Geltsdale Brewery boss Fiona Deal is responsible for brewing six real ales and a lager that are loved throughout Cumbria and Northumberland. She explained: “Ed and Trevor are big real ale fans and have had special beers brewed by north east breweries to celebrate their hit plays Maggie’s End and Alf Ramsey Knew My Grandfather.

“When they approached me I was delighted. They are two of the region’s best-known and most popular playwrights. I felt their work should be celebrated, especially as this is their first BBC radio sitcom.”

She added: “Drizzlewort is named after the Milecastle featured in the show. It is a Blonde coloured beer at 4% ABV and will be available in 500ml bottles and on draft.

In addition to their stage play, Waugh and Wood recently wrote a couple of sketches for Geordie TV stars Denise Welsh and Charlie Hardwick at the Sunday For Sammy charity show at Newcastle’s City Hall which was attended by more than 4,000 people. They also scooped the Best Comedy Screenplay award at the 2010 New York-based Gotham Screenplay Festival

Ed Waugh, who worked for Vaux Breweries in Sunderland for five years, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to be associated with Geltsdale Brewery. Fiona and her team produce great beers. The Geltsdale Brewery represents beer of top quality and has a gained a well-deserved brilliant reputation throughout the region.”

Drizzlewort bitter will be on sale from Monday, March 5, at numerous outlets and pubs in Cumbria and Northumberland - especially along the Wall and into the North East.


For more information/images contact: Fiona Deal on 01697741541.

Fiona Deal

Unit 6 Old Brewery Yard

Craw Hall




Tel. 016977 41541