Webber Elementary School

Parent Teacher Organization



Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Webber Elementary Parent Teacher Organization. It may also be referred to as Webber PTO.

Section 2 The Webber PTO is a non-profit, 501© 3, organization established to:

  • Promote the welfare of children in home, school and community.
  • Provide an avenue of communication, enhance mutual understanding, and build cooperative relationships between parents and the Webber Elementary staff.
  • Assist in the operations of Webber Elementary by providing volunteers for educational and extra-curricular activities.
  • Conduct fundraising events for the purpose of securing financial resources for the school and to supplement those provided by school district budget allocations.
  • Finance special projects as will serve the goals and objectives that will better the learning and social experiences of children attending Webber Elementary.


Any parent or guardian of a child attending Webber Elementary and any Webber employee is a member of the Webber Elementary PTO.


The following are the basic policies of the Webber PTO:

a. The organization shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.

b. The organization may not show bias for or against any school board member or bond issues. However, a portion of PTO meetings may be used for the purpose of presenting information.

c. The organization shall cooperate with school administration to support the Improvement of education.


Section 1 The six (6) classifications of Officers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Teacher Representative, and Principal. No two Executive Board members shall reside at the same household.

Section 2 Officers shall be elected at the last meeting of the school year. Terms will run from July 1st to July 31st (the current board and the newly elected board will overlap for a period of 30 days).

Section 3The terms of the office shall be two (2) years. An officer may hold the same office for up to two terms.

Section 4 Any officer may be removed from the office by the school administrator if the actions of the member conflict with school policies.

Section 5 Should any vacancy occur with the Officers once the term has begun, the Executive Board shall have an emergency meeting and have the option of adjusting their own positions. Following this meeting, the school administration will recruit and appoint, fulfilling the vacancies for the remainder of the current school year. All changes/appointments will be reported to executive board prior to being shared with the general membership.


Section 1 Open nominations will be accepted at the meeting preceding the last meeting of the year. Floor nominations will also be accepted on the day of the election. The person being nominated must accept the nomination prior to being placed on the ballot.

Section 2 Candidates will be elected to office at the final meeting of the school year.

Section 3 The candidate with the most votes will be elected.



a. Be the official representative of this organization.

b. Prepare the agenda for each meeting.

c. Preside at all meetings of the organization.

d. Be a member of all committees.

e. Appoint necessary committees and committee chairperson(s) as need arises.

f. Keep the Executive Board informed on all Webber PTO activities.

g. Maintain materials with all correspondence and contacts made during the school year and transfer this documentation to the incoming officer.

h. Perform a detailed review of the monthly financial reports including budget vs. actual amounts and all detailed monthly transaction activities.

i. Make weekly visits to the school for the purpose of checking mail and signing checks.

j. Contribute to the PTO newsletter.

k. Attend monthly executive board meetings.


a. Preside at the meetings in the absence of the President.

b. Aid the President at all times.

c. Maintain materials with all correspondence and contacts made during the school year and transfer this documentation to the incoming officer.

d. Coordinate baby-sitting during the General Membership meetings.

e. Maintain communications with and establish guidelines for chairpersons.

f. Maintain roster of chairpersons and find replacements for those who step down.

g. Responsible for sending cards, flowers, and gifts within the guidelines set forth in Article XI, Section 7.

h. Contribute to the PTO newsletter.

i. Attend monthly executive board meetings.


a. Be responsible for all PTO records, except for the Treasurer’s records, these records are to be made available to any Webber PTO member or chairperson at reasonable notice.

b. Keep minutes of ALL PTO meetings. The minutes of these meetings will be approved by the Executive Board and posted to the PTO website prior to the next meeting.

c. Have a current copy of the By-Laws.

d. Preside at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President.

e. Maintain materials with all correspondence and contacts made during the school year and transfer this documentation to the incoming officer.

f. Maintain and update the PTO website.

g. Compile and distribute the PTO newsletter.

h. Attend monthly executive board meetings.


a. Chair the Budget committee.

b. Responsible for conducting the budget planning sessions.

c. Responsible for preparing the Proposed Budget and presenting it to the general membership at the first meeting of the school year for adoption.

d. Maintain all financial records for the Webber PTO.

e. Reconcile the bank account on a monthly basis.

f. Prepare and provide a detailed financial report for the Executive Board to review on a monthly basis. This report will include a year-to-date statement showing budget/actual amounts; monthly activity including line item detail for all transactions—check number, date, payee amount.

g. Perform a monthly review of expense vouchers and deposits.

h. Submit the books annually for an audit by an independent auditor selected by the Executive Board (excluding Treasurer).

i. Maintain materials with all correspondence and contacts made during the school year and transfer this documentation to the incoming officer.

k. Contribute to the PTO newsletter.

l. Attend monthly executive board meetings.


Section 1The teacher representative will be a volunteer from the Webber Elementary teaching staff with a term of two (2) years. A teachers may hold no more than two consecutive terms.

Section 2 If more than one Webber teacher volunteers, a vote will be conducted of all Webber staff members. The volunteer with the most votes will be the teacher representative.

Section 3 Responsibilities include attending each PTO meeting, reporting to the members happenings of the school, and reporting back to the staff PTO happenings.

Section 4 In the event of a teacher representative vacancy, the administration will recruit and fulfill the vacancy for the remained of the school year. The newly selected teachers will be communicated to the executive board prior to the general membership.

Section 5 Teacher may choose to contribute to the PTO newsletter, attend executive board meetings or other PTO functions but is not required to do so.


Section 1 General membership meeting times and dates will be established by the Executive Board by the first meeting of the year. A minimum of four (4) meetings will be scheduled.

Section 2 If a committee chairperson cannot attend a regularly scheduled PTO meeting; it is that person’s responsibility to designate someone to represent them and their committee at the meeting.

Section 3 Special meetings of the organization may be called by the President or by the majority of the Executive Board, three (3) days notice having been given.

Section 4 All meetings will be conducted in an informal atmosphere with “Robert’s Rules of Order” as a recommended guideline for the maintenance of order, while adhering to the topics on the agenda.

Section 5 The privilege of voting on business matters shall be limited to members in attendance of that meeting.


Section 1 Committees will be formed for conducting specific projects.

Section 2 t will be the Committee Chairperson’s responsibility to coordinate all the work involved in carrying out specific projects to their conclusion.

Section 3 It is the Chairperson’s responsibility to recruit personnel to assist them in accomplishing their intended project.

Section 4 It will also be the Chairperson’s responsibility to consult with the Principal whenever necessary and to provide continual reports to the Board at regular meetings on his/her project’s progress.

Section 5 It is the committee’s responsibility to complete objectives within the budget.

Section 6 Chairpersons are to deliver to their successors all official material at the end of their term.


Section 1 The fiscal year of this organization will begin August 1 and end the following July 31.


Section 1 The preliminary budget for the next school year will be set by the current Executive Board and approved at the first meeting of the school year. The new Executive Board can make amendments to this budget prior to the first meeting of the school year.

Section 2 Once the annual budget is approved by the general membership, it is the responsibility of the Executive Board to appropriately approve all expenditures within the scope of the budget (as funds are available). If the expected income is not realized, an amended budget should be prepared by the Executive Board, with input from committee chairpersons, and submitted to the general membership for approval.

Section 3 All checks will be recorded and deposited into the Webber PTO bank account by an Executive Board member within five (5) business days. All cash in excess of $100.00 will remain in Webber’s safe, no more than five (5) business days. Funds under $100.00 may remain in the safe until it can be deposited.

Section 4The signature of the treasurer and at least one of the following: President, Vice President, or Secretary are required to issue a check. Note: No board member shall sign or write a check made payable to themselves. In the event that a check needs to be written to the treasurer, two other board members may sign the check.

Section 5 A funds requisition form will be used by all Executive Board members and members for the allocation of any, and all, funds relating to the Webber PTO. Receipts and/or invoices must be submitted to the Treasurer within two (2) weeks.

Section 6 All requests for expenditures over $500.00, outside the scope of the budget, must be made in writing to the Executive Board at least five (5) days prior to the upcoming general meeting. The President will then present it to the general membership for approval. Theses request will be discussed and voted upon at the general membership meeting.

Section 7All requests for expenditures of $500.00 or under, outside the scope of the budget, may be allocated by the executive board if 4 of the 6 executive board members agree on the purchase. In the event that 4/6 members do not agree, the request may go to the general membership meeting for consideration.

Section 8 If the budget allows, the Executive Board will purchase a gift and distribute under the following guidelines:

a. Death of a Webber student or staff member – a card sent to the family and a book donated to the Webber Elementary Media Center in the person’s memory.

b. Hospitalization of Executive Board member or Webber staff member – a card sent from the Webber PTO.

c. Gift certificate of $25 will be purchased by the Webber PTO for the Principal and the teacher representative at the end of the school year.

Section 8 A minimum balance of no less than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) must be left in the treasury at the end of the school year when the books are turned over to the new board. Funds approved for long term projects/commitments should not be included in the carry over amount.

Section 9 Non-consumable materials purchased by the Webber PTO for classroom use will be considered the property of Webber Elementary School.


Section 1 The By-Laws will be re-evaluated by a committee made up of three (3) members; one current executive board member , one past board member and one general member, every two years or sooner if needed, as in the case of year to year deviations. Any changes will be presented to the General Membership. A majority vote of those present at the meeting is necessary to amend the By-Laws.

Section 2 Deviations from these By-Laws must be presented to and approved by the General Membership on a year to year basis. Examples of deviations include but are not limited to:

b. Sharing an Executive Board position (i.e. 2 people holding the job of treasurer)

c. Extension of Executive Board positions, beyond 4 years in one position

Section 3If deemed necessary or in the event of any unresolved vote, the administrator of the building may deviate from by-laws. When this is the case, information should be shared the executive board prior to sharing with the general membership.


Section 1This organization reserves the right to dissolve. A two week notice of a Special Meeting will be required at which time a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote will be required to dissolve the current PTO. Upon the dissolution of this organization, after adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the organization, the remaining assets shall be gifted to Webber Elementary.

Revised and Adopted at the regular monthly meeting held Monday, May 18, 1998 of the Webber PTO.

Revised and Adopted at the regular monthly meeting held Monday, May 15, 2000 of the Webber PTO.

Revised and Adopted at the regular monthly meeting held Monday, April 23, 2001 of the Webber PTO.