PTO Meeting November 4, 2014

  • Attendance:

Lynn Will President, Jessica Ashley Vice-president, Patty Boaz Treasurer, Charlotte Freeman Secretary,

DennaGebhard, Kelly Murphy, Mrs. Lisa Weirich, Mrs. Terri Eggers.

Treasurer Report:

Balance$2755.22 (Class Party 482.00)

Payments: 145.22

Expenses = Raffle startup & bowls for Parent/Teacher conference dinner$21.84,

PTO Banner $30.00, Charlotte Freeman Parent/Teacher dinner $41.58,

Reimbursement school fundraiser – check written to PTO $51.00

Deposit: 279.00

Cook book $10.00, Class Party $12.00, Nike school Fundraiser (error)$51.00,

Oct. Movie Night $88.00, Bake Sale (Monday night) $67.25,

Bake Sale (Wednesday Night)$50.75

Outstanding Bills:

Old Business:

  • Continue to receive many thank you’s from staff for start-up funds
  • Student Movie- Sept. 26th -42 kids in attendance Oct. 24 - Frankenweenie - 44 kids in attendance
  • Student Movie – November 21st - Free Birds - $2 juice/popcorn
  • Flyer update- Charlotte Freeman
  • Popcorn –Deanna Gebhard
  • Juice-Patty Boaz
  • Fall Festival – Nov. 7th – Patty organizer
  • Silent auction items – Kelly Murphy Collecting donations
  • list of donors- done by Kelly Murphy
  • Volunteer status- done by Patty Boaz
  • Games items needed- plastic bags from store
  • Food items needed-Charlotte going shopping Wednesday
  • Set up starting for fall festival 2pm Any Volunteers to help? Charlotte, Kelly and Patty
  • Gift Store for students - Quick fundraiser
  • Voted yes at meeting
  • 1st week of December Set up on Monday. Preview days Tuesday and Wednesday. Buying days are Thursday and Friday Additional one day open on Saturday Dec. 13 at PJ with Santa.
  • Volunteers Patti Charlotte, Jessica and Kelly. Any others would be appreciated
  • Possibly sale or give away of High School Musical dvd found in PTO Room. This item was a previous Donation.
  • Cardinal Calendar sales? Fundraiser – 15.00 to sale and 7.00 given back to PTO
  • Selling thru Nov. 13th
  • Deliver early December
  • PTO banner- Kelly Murphy was able to get for $30 instead of $50

New Business:

  • Talent Show info to go home Nov. 25 (before Thanksgiving break)
  • Committee Chairperson Needed - Lynn
  • Rule Changes: students to submit lyrics with each song, once student submits song can’t change it. First come, first receive for song choice. No changing groups after deadline.
  • No profanity, violence, sexual content etc.
  • Suggestions? Singing, dancing, jokes, skits, reading poetry, juggling, Public Reading
  • PTO has the right to reject any song
  • If a child use kidz bop variation PTO will need written lyrics to be given too
  • Need permission slip signed before 1st rehearsal
  • Lynn will need to buy S-video cord for music and movie night
  • Return slip Dec 18th Practice April 19,March 6
  • Dress rehearsal April 15
  • Talent show date April 17
  • Raffle for quilt and Bake Sale at talent show
  • PJ Pancake Breakfast w Santa- Saturday Dec. 13th 8am-10 am
  • Committee Chairperson Needed-Charlotte Freeman
  • Santa will be Russell Freeman –Charlotte’s Father & Mrs. Claus- Barbra Harry- Patti’s Mother to read The Night before Christmas
  • Kids of Character helping Santa? Or PTO helping as Elves? More to follow
  • Christmas Program at high School
  • PTO Voted to participate in Bake sale Fundraiser
  • Lynn to contact Robertsville PTO about Nike being first Bake School
  • Adult and child Dance Feb 13, 2014 630-730
  • Music?
  • Will discuss More at nest PTO Meeting

NEXT MEETING:Tues., December 2nd, 2014