DHBW Mosbach University*


THE UNIVERSITY / As of March 1st, 2009, the Berufsakademie (BA) Baden-Wuerttemberg, in accordance with the National Higher Education Law in the Dual Academy Baden-Wuerttemberg (DHBW) converted and thus gained university status. The now Duale Hochschule Baden-Wuerttemberg is the first dual, practice integrated university in Germany. The DHBW is, like all other universities, a public corporation and a state institution.
The dual studies program consisting of both theory and practice will continue as usual, gaining only additional benefits and advantages from the new identity. The conversion to dual university status means the new institution can grant academic degrees and partake in more intensive research projects with collaborating enterprises. This will result in cutting edge opportunities for students, faculty and partnering organizations. The Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University offers a broad spectrum of bachelor degree programs in the fields of business, engineering, and social work. All the degree programs are worth 210 ECTS credits and count as intensive programs.
With the name change comes multiple innovations such as:
• Participating companies are now considered a part of the institution and can become more involved in the education of the students.
• The university has the ability to grant dual degrees.
• The DHBW now receives grants for cooperative research projects allowing cutting edge opportunities and continuing improvement.
Read more about the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg institution as a whole by visiting:
THE CITY / Mosbach
Within a one hour driving distance of Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Würzburg, and Mannheim, Mosbach, with its 25,000 inhabitants, is a regional center of economic, administrative and cultural significance.The friendly atmosphere of Mosbach's old town with its small shops, cafés and diverse cultural events attracts visitors throughout the year. During the "Mosbacher Sommer", Mosbach's festival season, the city becomes the venue for a wide range of cultural events. Many of these take place in the historical setting of the market place, while others are held in the "Alte Mälzerei", the city's restored malthouse, which has become Mosbach's community center and concert hall. In Mosbach, tradition and modern lifestyle complement each other to form an attractive place to live, work and study. The picturesque medieval town with its restored half-timbered houses bears witness to an almost 1,200-year history. While preserving its original look, Mosbach is a modern center for service industries and trade.
Bad Mergentheim
Like Mosbach, Bad Mergentheim is a town steeped in history. The Teutonic Order of Knights (Deutscher Orden) established its headquarters there in 1525 and built the castle whose mighty walls and domed towers still dominate the town. Bad Mergentheim Business School is located in one section, the "Archivbau," of this Renaissance castle.When its mineral springs were discovered in 1826, Bad Mergentheim grew into one of Germany's most celebrated health resorts where thousands of people combine their vacations with "taking the waters". Bad Mergentheim, with its 22,000 inhabitants, is located in the scenic Tauber river valley. Würzburg in Frankish-Bavaria is within a 45-minute driving distance from Bad Mergentheim. Another nearby highlight is the medieval town of Rothenburg ob der Tauber, which is still completely surrounded by its original wall, gates and towers. With its relaxed and subtle atmosphere, its elegant stores, cafés and restaurants, the wide spa gardens, and its pools, Bad Mergentheim is an attractive place for living, working and studying.
LOCATION / Mosbach Nestled among ancient castles and steep vineyards, Mosbach is located in the heart of the scenic Neckar river valley near the southern foothills of the Odenwald, a mountain range and recreational area in northern Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
STUDIES / The Junior Program
offers international and German students the opportunity to receive a global education in English taught by an international staff of professors.
All classes and activities aim at…
• Broadening students’ knowledge in a wide range ofinternational business topics
• Developing students’ communication and intercultural skills
• Familiarizing students with Germany, German language and culture, and its internationally oriented economy
• Providing opportunities to enhance international communicationand cooperation
• Can be chosen as a one- or two-semester program
• Is available in Mosbach (JP I + II) and in Bad Mergentheim (JP II)
The Junior Program includes
• Business classes taught entirely in English
• Modules in one- or two-week blocks
• Intercultural mix of students in class
(50 % internationals, 50 % Germans)
• Excursions to major cities (Hamburg, Berlin), regional attractions, and companies
• Orientation and social programs
• Intensive German language course
• 30 ECTS credits per semester
APPLICATION / To be considered for study at the Duale Hochschule, you will have to complete the
following forms:
1. Duale Hochschule Application consisting of personal information, home
institution information, work experience related to course of study, language
skills, and an essay detailing your motivation for studying at the DHBW
2.Housing Form that allows you to voice your preferences as well as include personal information affecting housing (do you smoke, are you bringing a pet, etc.)
3. Learning Agreement specifying which classes you wish to take at the Duale Hochschule
4. Financial Security Statement proving financial stability during your time abroad
_ Note: Proof of health insurance and your financial security statement
need to be turned in at least four weeks prior to your arrival in Germany.
All these forms, plus official transcripts (as well as language certificates and a letter of reference from a former/current employer, if these items are available) are to be sent to the International Office of the Duale Hochschule.
Application Forms can be found on our website:

DEADLINES / Fall semester: February 15 Spring semester: September 15
CALENDAR / Academic Calendar and Course Catalogue
JP I - Mosbach: Fall Semester (September - December)
Courses available:
German Lang. & Cult., IT, Intercult. Com.,
Intercult. & Social Skills, Int‘l Trade, Macroeconomics,
Marketing, Supply Chain Mgmt.,
Taxes / Corp. Tax Burden, Trade & Coop. Law
JP II - Mosbach: Spring Semester (January - April)
Courses available:
German Lang. & Cult., Economics, IT,
Intercult. Com., Intercult. & Social Skills,
Int‘l Finance, Int‘l Law, Int‘l Marketing,
Negotiation, Organization & HR
JP II - Bad Mergenth.: Spring Semester (April - June)
Courses available:
German Lang. & Cult., Org. & HR, IT, Intercult.
Mgmt. or Change Mgmt., Int‘l Financial Accounting,
Macroeconomics, Money & Currency
INSURANCE / You are required to have insurance coverage for your entire stay in Germany. If your insurance from home covers you while abroad, you will need to bring documentation in the form of your insurance policy – a copy of the policy needs to be sent in advance to the Duale Hochschule, and you will need to bring the original with you. If your insurance is not valid internationally, you will need to purchase insurance before your departure that covers your trip and initial days abroad. After your arrival in Germany, you will have the opportunity to purchase permanent insurance covering for your entire stay.
HOUSING / The Duale Hochschule doesn’t have traditional student housing (i.e. dorms) in
Mosbach; in Bad Mergentheim there is a small number of dorm rooms available.
However, the International Office will assist you in your housing.
In general, the International Office makes a housing arrangement for you in either
Mosbach or Bad Mergentheim, depending on where you are studying. The arrangement, which is sent to you per e-mail, is based on the information provided in the Housing Form submitted with your application to the DHBW, and it corresponds with your requirements as much as possible (depending on the rooms available). The arrangement is usually found in the form of a WG (abbreviation for Wohngemeinschaft) which is somewhat similar to an apartment; a number of students share a living room, bathroom and kitchen, though most of the time each student has a private bedroom.
_ Important: If you do not want to accept the offer made to you, you must
decline in writing within the next few days, and it is then expected that you
will undertake your housing search in either Mosbach or Bad Mergentheim
In Case You Want to Look for Housing on Your Own
International Office: They can provide you with options and help you with your
1. Schwarze Bretter (bulletin boards) at the Duale Hochschule
2. DHBW Mosbach Website
3. Studentenwerk (Student Services) for dorm rooms in Bad Mergentheim: http://www.studentenwerk.uni-heidelberg.de
4. An additional list of private landlords and residences in Bad Mergentheim:
http://www.dhbw-mosbach.de/campus-bad-mergentheim/studieren-in-badmergentheim/ wohnen/wohnheime-und-pensionen.html
Budget around 200€ to 350€ a month for rent for your stay in either Mosbach or Bad Mergentheim – don’t forget to factor in the cost of your safety deposit which can often equal two months rent. In addition to this, you will need to buy groceries (as there is no meal plan included except with a host family) and perhaps pay utilities such as phone bills, etc.
For the stay in a host family you need to budget a weekly rate of about 50€. This
housing option is usually not offered for the entire stay, but rather just for the first
weeks in Mosbach/Bad Mergentheim until you have settled down in your permanent room near the Duale Hochschule.
COSTS / For exchange students estimated minimum monthly expenses in Mosbach or Bad
Mergentheim are approximately 500€ to 700€. This breaks down as follows:
Housing (per month) plus refundable safety deposit of two to three
months in most cases 200€ - 350€
Lunch at the Mensa (per meal) 2.50€
Student services fee (one-time fee) 56€
Public health insurance (per month) 55€
Residence permit (for non-EU citizens) 50€
Study-abroad students – versus exchange students – will additionally be charged the following fees:
Administration fee (one-time fee) 80€
Beside additional personal expenses, such as for public transport, household articles, etc., additional program specific costs may arise depending on your DHBW study program. This can include costs for books, photocopies, excursions, trips, and other things.
Ivonne Zilling
International Manager, Study Abroad Advisor
Room A-1.04 b
Phone +49 (0) 6261/939-516
Web Address
On the DHBW Mosbach website the International Office can be found under the following link:
Apply for a Passport
Common sense dictates that you will need your passport to travel to Germany if you are not already an EU citizen. It will also be necessary during your stay; you will need it to apply for residency in Germany and your passport will be used as your main form of identification while abroad, despite a U.S. driver’s licence being widely accepted.
Although while travelling aboard in Europe, having your Passport is an absolute must. It is essential that you apply for your passport within ample time in your home country, as it may take up to 6 weeks to complete, and costs roughly $165 for first time applicants.
Opening a Bank Account
Opening a bank account for your stay is your best option to access your money; not only is it free for you as an enrolled student, but a lot of your bills, such as your rent, will be paid via money transfers out of your account (in German called an Überweisung meaning transfer). A German bank account will also be necessary to collect any stipends or scholarships you might receive while in Germany.
_ Note: Attempt to bring enough cash or have a debit card accepted at
German ATMs (Geldautomat) to last through the intensive German language
course. It is ideal to open the bank account after moving to Mosbach to
ensure accessibility.
* Information subject to change