This Analytics Cookbook report recipe template may look a little daunting and long, but there are sections that may not be pertinent to your report. If that is the case feel free to cut those out. We wanted to get a reasonably complete set of detail into this template to help recipe contributors more easily capture the details that apply to their report. Additionally any text highlighted in yellow is to help you understand the intended content of that section. This yellow text should be removed and replaced with appropriate level of detail to describe that section. Additionally, any screen shots should be of your report and not the examples included in this template.

Cookbook Recipe Title


Author Name:

Company Logo/other details you wish to share (optional)

Difficulty rating: (basic) (intermediate) (advanced)

Target persona: {Who is intended to benefit from this report? Agent, KB Administrator, Analyst, Managers, Executive, other (please specify)}

The goal of this first page is a quick review of the report to help a reader understand why you created it. All yellow highlighted text should be removed and replaced with applicable descriptions/information as necessary.

Ingredients List: {The ingredients list is a list of the Analytics Functionality that is used in the report with links back to documentation or youtube technique videos found here: }

9 Columns using formulas (7 count distinct (), 1 min(), 1 max() & date_diff())

5 Exceptions with formatting

3 Conditional formats

1 etc.

Overall description/purpose: {Please provide an overall/high level description of your report. Please note that a report description should also be added to the report definition (Edit Report > Level Tab > Edit button > Add description to Description field)}

Use case being served: {How will this report benefit this persona? What is the specific use case that you are looking to address with this report? Have you looked at the report management module for standard reports that might already address this use case? Please be specific with your use case.}

Screen shot: {Please provide a screen shot of your report without any pii/sensitive data in it to show your use case}

Special functionality usage (optional): {Feel free to use this section of the recipe to highlight interesting things about the report. An example might include use of a new functionality or using an old functionality in a new way (e.g. sorting a report by a column and then hiding it from view). Although the human readable PDF of the report definition is attached to this recipe it may not describe some special features of the report you wish to highlight.}

High level flow for report creation (optional): {It may make sense to talk about the steps of the report creation at a high level. For example, “This is a two level report where the drill down is an incident details report. This incident details report is not specific to this report, but rather can include the details that you are interested in seeing about your incidents. We will be using a report link for this drill down level as per best practice recommendations. Ensure you understand how the report linking wizard works and have reviewed the video tutorial and documentation if necessary”}

Master Chef Approved (a.k.a. Report Validated)? Yes/No {Have you run a data validation against this report? {Since you are stamping your name on this report it is a good idea to do this to ensure that you are providing an accurate report for people to use. This is not something that Oracle will be doing, although we may notice some issues for correction when we are reviewing report definitions before publishing them for you}

Please fill in all pertinent areas so that your desired output is clearly articulated. This includes complex report elements, formatting, rollups/slicing/crosstab, drill downs into secondary reports, use of new functionality, calling out uncommon/unique functionality usage, etc…

Report Configuration Details

The following section is to detail specific areas of the report that are not well described by the PDF report definition. Please remove any sections below that are not pertinent to your recipe.

1)  Tables, columns, and filters are shown in the PDF definition. {If additional description of these report elements is necessary please provide it here. In general, if you were explaining this to a complete newbie report writer, what would you say? Would the PDF content be enough? For instance, it may be necessary to explain a complex expression in a column or filter definition with nested functions to do date formatting. Reasons for runtime vs. fixed vs. docked filters, etc. Please note that all filters should have a name and label to help describe these in the report. Column descriptions should also be added to the report definition for every column (Edit Report > Edit Column > Add description to Description field)}

2)  Are there special steps to create the report? (e.g. specific ordering of columns or tables in join tree)

3)  Is there specific formatting that needs to be included in the report? Why? What does this show? Please give brief explanations for each specific formatting area since the PDF will not cover this.}

a.  {Columns with rollups or slice?}

b.  {Calculations on columns or rollups? Anything special there?}

c.  {Conditional formatting/exceptions with color/font requirements? Non-standard inline cell images that you need to provide as a .zip file?}

4)  Other functionality used? {Which one(s)? Why? What advantage does this provide?}

a.  Variables? Inline editing? Which fields and why? Other

5)  Are there any charts that are needed?

a.  {What kind? Scatter, gauge, bar, line/bar combo, pie, etc.}

b.  {Are there specific definitions for chart color format thresholds?}

c.  {Any other comments on the chart setup?}

d.  {Are screen shots of the chart setup necessary here?}

6)  Are there specific options to use for the report?

a.  Reporting vs Operational DB?

b.  Record command specifics?

c.  Scheduling?

7)  Are there any drill down reports that are necessary? Yes/No

a.  Duplicate the top level report info for each subsequent drill down.

b.  Which column(s) would you like to drill down on the parent report to get to the second level report? unknown

c.  What should this/these report(s) look like? Agent specific wtg information

Please also include the following in a .ZIP file:

·  Human readable PDF report definition

·  XML Report definition

·  Any inline images needed or screen shots to help explain your report