Date: ______

Church Membership Information for the United Church of Hinesburg, Hinesburg, VT

Part 1

Name ______

Address ______

Email ______Phone number(s) ______

Birthday ______Anniversary ______

May we include your information in our church directory/newsletter publications? Circle YES or NO

May we post your picture on our church website? Circle YES or NO

Information about your family you want to share: (You may list those who are part of your immediate family, living with you or away. Please include birthdays of children; we like to list birthdays in our monthly newsletter.)



Part 2

Membership Choices: (Please circle one)

American BaptistUnited MethodistUnited Church of ChristEcumenical

Full Member ______Associate Member ______

Note: Associate Members retain membership with another church and/or denominational affiliation.

Means of Joining the Church (Please check one)

Confession of Faith ______(You are coming to publicly profess your faith and receive baptism if you have never been baptized. If you were baptized as an infant and have not been confirmed, you will come by Confession of Faith.) Youth who wish to be confirmed will come by this means.

Reaffirmation of Faith ______(You are coming to re-affirm your faith if you have received baptism and been confirmed in another Christian church/tradition. Usually, you will be coming from a tradition (Roman Catholic, for example) which would not offer a transfer of membership letter.)

Transfer of Membership Letter ______(You are coming from one of our mainline Protestant churches that will transfer a membership letter; if they do not transfer a letter, you’ll be coming by Reaffirmation of Faith.) If coming by Transfer of Membership Letter, please list church/address/phone/email, if you have this information. Our church will write to request an official transfer of letter.

For those coming by Reaffirmation of Faith or Transfer of Letter, where were you baptized? Where were you confirmed? (Place, address and date, if possible.)

Do you have someone you would like to be your Church Sponsor?

Part 3

Please tell us a little about yourself and/or your family that we may share in our church bulletin/newsletter when you become a member (hobbies, education, profession, why you want to be part of UCH, your faith journey, etc.)

Part 4: Skills/Gifts/Interests Inventory

How would you like to participate in the program/activities of the United Church of Hinesburg?

Serve as an Usher, Greeter, or Reader in worship? ______

Sing in the Choir or participate in our music program? ______

Participate in Church Auxiliary programs/projects? ______

(This may include the annual Plant Sale, Chicken Pie Supper, Christmas Bazaar, Holiday Breakfast.)

Represent our church at SCHIP, Inc. or another ecumenical/interfaith program? Please list.


Serve on a Committee of our church or give leadership in some capacity?


Christian Education, Lay Leadership (Nominating), Membership Care, Missions & Social Justice, Spiritual Formation, Worship, Stewardship and Finance, Staff Parish Relations, Trustees, Wider Church Ministries (e.g. serve as a denominational delegate): ______

Participate or lead in Small Group Study (For example, a Book Study or Bible Study)


Other ______

THANK YOU! You may write the above information or email the info to the church () with attention to “Pastor and Membership Care Committee.”