American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Following is a list of website resources that have been compiled by the physicians at Kansas City Psychiatric Group. We hope you will find these sites to be helpful educational and coping tools. Alzheimer s Association.

UNIT TWO: Mental and Emotional Health

UNIT TWO: Mental and Emotional Health

UNIT TWO: Mental and Emotional Health. Chapter 3 Achieving Mental and Emotional Health. Lesson 1 Developing Self Esteem. Lesson 2 Developing Personal Identity and Character. Lesson 3 - Expressing Emotions in Healthful Ways. Chapter 4 Managing Stress and Coping with Loss.

Core Safety Profile

CORE SAFETY PROFILE. Trazodone hydrochloride. 4.1 Therapeutic indications. Depressive disorders with or without anxiety. 1. Supportive treatment of pain. Enhancement of anesthesia. 2. 4.2 Posology and method of administration 3.



EAP/Members/Articles. Personal/Emotional. Stress Management For Today. Everyone could benefit from knowing that stress exists as a normal part of daily life. It seems as though today, we have more stress to deal with than ever before. Some stress is within.

Heart Rate Pattern and Resting Heart Rate Variability Mediate Individual Differences In

Heart Rate Pattern and Resting Heart Rate Variability Mediate Individual Differences In

Heart rate pattern and resting heart rate variability mediate individual differences in contextual anxiety and conditioned responses. Dieuwke Sevenster1,2,3*, Alfons Hamm4, Tom Beckers2,3,5, Merel Kindt2,3.

Great Depression

Great Depression

Great Depression. Photo Essay Project. Your assignment is to find 7 pictures from the Great Depression. Each picture must include a subtitle description or caption. In addition, write a full paragraph about what you can tell about the great depression.

NAMI Texas Education and Support

NAMI Texas Education and Support

Education and Support. NAMI Texas offers a variety of programs and services directed to mental health consumers, family members, friends, professionals, other stake holders, and the community at large to address the mental health needs of Texans. NAMI.

Are You Interested in Sharing Your Experiences with Your Emotional Support Animal?

Are You Interested in Sharing Your Experiences with Your Emotional Support Animal?

Do you use a prescribed Emotional Support Animal? Are you interested in sharing your experiences with your emotional support animal? If so, please read below about an opportunity to participate in a new research study! Study Explanation.

Supplemental Table 3. Review of Studies of Vocal Affective Processing in Schizophrenia

Supplemental Table 3. Review of Studies of Vocal Affective Processing in Schizophrenia

Supplemental Table 3. Review of Studies of Vocal Affective Processing in Schizophrenia and Its Relationship with AVH. Note. SZ=schizophrenia; NAVH=without AVH; SAD=schizoaffective disorder; AP=affective psychosis; P=paranoid; U=undifferentiated

Chapter 14: the Great Depression Begins

Chapter 14: the Great Depression Begins

Chapter 14: The Great Depression Begins-WebQuest. Objectives: Students will be able to identify the causes and effects of the Great Depression. Students will be able to evaluate how the Depression affected Americans.

Lesson 18: Counseling the Depressed

Lesson 18: Counseling the Depressed

Counseling the Depressed. Understand what you re dealing with. Don t assume you know what a person means by depression. What is depression? Is this a case of depression or discouragement? What is the difference between depression and discouragement? What is depression?

Chapter 16 Psychological Disorders

Chapter 16 Psychological Disorders

Chapter 15 Psychological Disorders 16. All of us where to draw the line? Psych disorders: deviant, distressful, dysfunctional. How to Understand / treat? vs. past medical model: needed reform; universal, cultural, bio-psycho-social perspective.

Behavioral and Social Research Program, Nia

Behavioral and Social Research Program, Nia

BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL RESEARCH PROGRAM, NIA. Behavioral and Social Research Program. National Institute on Aging. National Institutes of Health. NIA Exploratory Workshop on Allostatic Load. Background Materials and Statements from November 2007 Workshop Participants. Lis Nielsen, Ph.D.

History of Bipolar Disorder

History of Bipolar Disorder

History of Bipolar Disorder. Variations in moods and energy levels have for centuries been observed as part of the human experience. The words melancholia (an old word for depression) and mania have their origin in Ancient Greek. The following is a brief.

Multisystemic Therapy Referral Form

Multisystemic Therapy Referral Form

Multisystemic Therapy Referral Form. MULTISYSTEMIC THERAPY. Referral Screening Form. Completed Referrals should be sent to Adeline McCarty either by fax to 492-4889 or email , for additional questions please call.

Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee

Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee

Mental Health Act Monitoring Committee. The Mental Health Act, 1983. The number of informal and detained patients on Acute wards on. The number of informal and detained patients on Addictions, Neuropsychiatry and Low Secure wards on 31st December 2014.