From the Great Depression to the Red Scare

From the Great Depression to the Red Scare.The Poetry of Edwin Rolfe.Reprinted from Revolutionary Memory: Recovering the Poetry of the American Left (Routledge, 2001).1. Poetry as Lived History.Sometimes I wake at night.out of completest sleep.and see their remembered faces.luminous in the dark

10. Territorial Expansion and Sectional Issues, 1820 1860

10. Territorial Expansion and Sectional Issues, 1820 1860.32. Manifest Destiny - The Oregon Country.The spirit of Manifest Destiny pervaded the United States during the Age of Reform the decades prior to the Civil War. John L. O'Sullivan, editor of the

Unit 1: Concepts Found in World History

World History.Unit 1: Concepts found in World History.Elaborated Unit Focus: This important first unit is designed to introduce students to the eight themes that will feature prominently in the World History course. Activities will focus on relating

Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism

Chronology on the History of Slavery and Racism.Compiled from Archive, library and Internet source documentation, this timeline on Slavery and in part the History of Racism, has been used to guide the direction of independent research into the history

NCFE Study Guide: American History I

NCFE Study Guide: American History I.North America Before Settlement.Native American tribes dominated North and South America. They migrated many years prior by walking across the Beringia Land Bridge into North America. They settled in regions where the environment could provide for them

Antonio Panizzi, Prinicipal Librarian of the British Museum Library from 1856 to 1866

Teresa Negrucci.205 Historical Methodology.Historiography of Antonio Panizzi.Antonio Panizzi, Prinicipal Librarian of the British Museum Library from 1856 to 1866, generally is regarded as a preeminent leader in nineteenth century librarianship. He is

List the Divisions Within the Second Continental Congress and Give the Aim of Each Faction

List the Divisions Within the Second Continental Congress and Give the Aim of Each Faction

Guided Reading Questions.Topic: The American Revolution (CHAPTER 5).Pg. 127 to mid-pg. 133; pg. 142 - 143 The Age of Revolutions.List the divisions within the Second Continental Congress and give the aim of each faction. How did the factions attempt to gain their ends?

The Idea of Civilization in World Historical Perspective

The Idea of Civilization in World Historical Perspective.The belief that there are fundamental differences between civilized and barbaric or savage peoples is very ancient and widespread. For thousands of years the Chinese set themselves off from cattle

The First World War

GCSE Study Materials.GCSE Assignment: Haig.1. Why is the Battle of the Somme regarded as such a great military tragedy?.2. Study Source a. (page 9). Do you agree with this interpretation of the importance of the Battle of the Somme? Use the source and

Indianapolis Public School District

Indianapolis Public Schools Standards-Based Pacing.Grade 8 Social Studies.NOTE: Asterisks ( ) next to an indicator number denotes a repeated and further developed indicator.Indianapolis Public Schools Standards-Based Pacing.Grade 8 Social Studies

Name: Date: Period

Name: Date: Period.HUNDRED YEARS WAR

Central Dauphin High School s2

American History II.Central Dauphin High School.Chapter 13 Postwar Social Change.I. Society in the 1920 s.A. The Roaring Twenties.1. A time of rapid change in America.2. Industrialization and immigration make for more complex urban nation.3. Lasting impact of World War I

Does My Town Have a Racist Past

Does My Town Have a Racist Past

Does My Town Have a Racist Past?.How students can convert the shameful history of sundown towns in America into a rich opportunity for setting the record James W. Loewen

Churchill S Wartime Speeches: 1940-1941

CHURCHILL S WARTIME SPEECHES: 1940-1941.This lesson is intended for use in a unit on World War II. It will focus on the time period from May 10, 1940 to June 21, 1941 the time period beginning with Winston Churchill becoming Prime Minister of Great Britain

Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance.Lost generation.Miners in the 1920s.Fundamentalists in the 20s.Women s rights in 1920s.Symbolism of flapper.Demographic shifts in 1920s.Mass media development.Charles Lindbergh

Higher History Britain and Germany Revision Notes

Higher History Germany Revision Notes.German Nationalism.The reasons for the growth of German Nationalism between 1815 and 1850.Economic factors.Urbanisation and industrialisation of the German states political fragmentation can be argued to be the most