BRIS Newsletter, Week 3, Term 1, 10th February, 2012

Principal’s News

/ Around BRIS this week...
Firstly, please accept my apologies for not being at the pizza night on Wednesday. Unfortunately I had a prior engagement with senior staff at St John Ambulance in Brisbane. Prior to coming to BRIS, we had started to design an Enrichment Unit on First Aid for the QCE. I had postponed two meetings and wasn’t able to cancel another.
Secondly, ask any Educator at any school anywhere in the world and they will tell you that the first four weeks of the school year is the most challenging. Recent behaviour at BRIS has certainly added to this premise. Please be assured that we are aware of what is happening and processes are in place to address all these issues.
As a result, I have met some parents with regard to their child’s challenging behaviour. Importantly we need to remember that our Ethos is that BRIS is a child centred school and where possible we are not here to be punitive and detain or suspend the children. Our aim is to work with the parents to determine what is happening. Naturally, if a solution is not forthcoming more drastic measures will be needed. As these are private matters I seek your trust, confidence and discretion.
This week has seen another of our youngsters decide to try his wings. Jay has gone to Burnside High and as I said to him in the class, I’m thrilled he is making this move. It’s a long way from the timid person I used to teach. We wish him well. Doreen from the Primary has also left. Doreen’s mother Mary is on compassionate leave until the end of term to help her sort out family affairs. To give the children much needed continuity we have asked Sarah Ridge to replace Mary and her duties.
Reflecting on what I have just written, there is a sense of sadness but also one of quiet positive anticipation. There is no denying the past few weeks have been challenging for the whole BRIS community. Together we look forward. Jessica knows the times I am at school. Please don’t hesitate to contact her to make an appointment to come and see me.

Executive News

The Annual General Meeting of the Blackall Range Independent School Association Inc. will be held at 6:30pm on Wednesday, 14th March, 2012. All positions will be declared vacant and new nominations accepted and voted on. The current committee are all happy to remain in their positions to ensure some stability and continuity for the school in this developing phase. You need to be a financial member (form attached) to nominate, vote or attend this meeting. If you feel you have the skills and can contribute in any way, please print a nomination form (attached) and have a financial member second you. If you are unable to attend the AGM, a proxy form (attached) can be completed and returned to:
The Secretary, Blackall Range Independent School Association Incorporated, 551 Mapleton Road, Kureelpa, 4560.
Please remember, we, your committee, are here as parents working to improve the school for the benefit of our children and community. If you need to talk to any of us, we are all very approachable.
Vice President:

Primary School News

/ WOW - what a week.
In week 3, the Trekkers graphed ourclass pets and have done really well. Our pets are many and varied.Ask a Trekker to tell you what information their graph told them.
Did you know we have a "class" mail box for notes and letters??What wonderful letters we are getting from our very mysterious postman. Today we had a surprise animal visitor in our mail box, a very small, very cute green frog. He is welcome to share our mailbox.
So far our letter of the week has been "a" and we are all looking at words with "Sound waves". We are now looking at the letters“b” and”x” as in fox, and Max.
Our newmaths investigations started today with children working at their level in groups.
They thencollectively decided what investigation sounded interesting to the whole group.
We have children who have selected to investigate: weather, a marble run, cars rolling down a ramp, and a treasure huntto name a few.
Art involved learning about seeing "lines" when we look at the world. We all drew Lines around us in objects in the art room yesterday and today in the garden. Others chose to collect different "leaves" showing their lines.
Sport was great this week. Monday involved our first DANCING lesson with our After School Care Sports Program.It was fantastic. Tuesday was ball games with Les. Thanks to Mary and Sarah for their invaluable assistance in the classroomthis week. Thanks to Kevin for all his IT help and thanks to Jess for all the little first aid events!!
Classroom wish list:pedestal fans (we have 2 of Mel's) as our class has no fans.
Cubby wish list:a toolbox to keep in the classroomwith screw drivers and different tools; old small electrical devices to pull apart and investigate (cords cut off please)
The children wish to investigate alternative ways to make electricity.
The Primary School is in need of parents to help out on a regular basis, listening to individual students read. Even one morning each week would be wonderful.
Melissa Derksen

Secondary School News

/ The high school students are settling in well considering all the new changes this year. It is good to see them engaged in their work and taking directions as well as directing some of their own work. I was very pleased this week to hear the words “excuse me” and “please”, being used more and more. Well done to all. In Biology students are being introduced to the systems of the human body and how living organisms (living things) function. We have started with the digestive system and will continue to work through the systems throughout the year. This week we will also be conducting an investigation in the schoolyard which is also another requirement of the Australian curriculum (this activity will be done in an enjoyable and fun way, so I’m sure most parents will hear more about it). I see the classroom and school going from strength to strength and it feels good to be part of it.
PS: Sport with the primary school students was so much fun today.

Library News

Hi and welcome to the new year at BRIS. Together, Val and I look after the library and are in desperate need of some help with covering. If you could stop and cover a book or two when you are dropping off or picking up, it would be greatly appreciated.
Book Club is due back on Monday. Remember book club is tax deductible and helps raise funds for the school, so don’t miss out – get your order in on time.
The library currently has shirts, bags and drink bottles on sale, so come down and have a look. Please remember that the library is open to parents, siblings and students and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Other News

Reminder: School Fees
Unless you have a payment plan in place, Term One, 2012 school fees are now very overdue! Final notices will soon be sent out, followed by legal action if necessary.
Our new bank account details are:
Bank Of QLD
Acc Name: Blackall Range Independent School
Acc No: 21679824
BSB: 124090
The First Aid Course for Parents has been postponed until the 21st April, 2012. Sorry for the change, but it may allow extra parents to attend.

““I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”
― Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul

Enjoy your weekend ~ Lynda