ANATOMY 1 {part I} Dr. Mo Elkerdany, DDS, PhD


  1. On which side of the hand is the thumb if the body is in anatomical position?
  1. Which term describes the location of the knee in reference to the leg?

3. Which plane or section that divides the body into UNEQUAL right and left portions?

  1. Which cut through the body or body structure that divides it into front and back portions?
  1. If you wanted to separate the abdominal from the thoracic cavity, which plane would you use?
  1. The pleura lines which cavity?
  1. The diaphragm separates which cavities from each other?
  1. Prehensile hands, digits modified for grasping, and large well developed brains are structural characteristics of which groups of animals?
  1. What aggregates of similar cells that perform specific functions are called?
  1. Connective tissue, muscle, and the dermis of the skin derive from which embryonic layer?
  1. An ulcer of the esophagus will involve what type of epithelial tissue?
  1. What type of connective tissue is found in the liver, and the spleen?
  1. The epithelial tissues develop from which embryonic germ layers?
  1. What contributes to skin color?
  1. Which tissue layer is generously supplied with adipose or fat cells?
  1. What is the vascular layer of the skin?
  1. What are the functions of epithelial tissues?
  1. is nervous tissue conducting? Or contracting? Or lining? Or supporting and binding?
  1. Which fibers would be found in connective tissues?
  1. Which skin cancers is primarily occurs in the butterfly area of the face?
  1. Epidermis derive from which embryonic germ layer?
  1. What is “Cytology”? What is “Gross Anatomy”?
  1. Where the adipose connective tissue is found?
  1. Which cells are found in loose connective tissue? State their functions.

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  1. Which type of connective tissues is found mainly in ligaments? In tendons?
  1. Which epithelial tissue lines the lung alveoli, capillaries, and lymphatic vessels?
  1. The male urethra is lined by which type of epithelium?
  1. Which epithelial tissue lines the eyelids?



  1. Mammary Glands.
  2. Salivary Glands.
  3. Sweat Glands of axilla.
  4. Sebaceous Glands.
  5. Pancreatic Glands.


  1. The brown color of the skin is due to the presence of a pigment called keratin.
  2. Goblet cells are single-celled glands which secrete mucus.
  3. Skeletal muscle is branched, striated fiber with single nucleus.
  4. Cardiac muscle is characterized by the presence of intercalated discs.
  5. Smooth muscles are found in the walls of hollow internal organs.
  6. Stratum Germinativum is only found in the epidermis of the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands.
  7. The high regenerative capacity of the epidermis of the skin is due to Stratum Lucidum.
  8. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium is only found in the skin.
  9. Most of the stomach, large portion of the liver, and the spleen are located in the right hypochondriac region.
  10. Vitamin D must be activated in the skin in order to enhance calcium metabolism.
  11. Keratin is a protein found in the epidermis of the skin and is responsible for waterproofing, and toughening the skin.
  12. Stratum corneum is the layer that contains the mitotic viable cells of the epidermis of the skin.
  13. Most of the sweat glands of the skin are apocrine.
  14. The apocrine sweat glands are fairly unimportant in thermoregulation.
  15. The hypodermis is composed of adipose and dense connective tissue.
  16. A physician is often able to detect homeostatic imbalances in the body by observing changes in the skin color.
  17. The anatomical position is used as a standard reference point for directional terms of the actual position of the body.
  18. A horizontal section through the body is called frontal plane.
  19. A vertical section through the body, dividing it into left and right is called sagittal plane.

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MATCHING: Match the following cells with the appropriate statement.

A. Osteoblast B. Osteocyte C. Chondroblast D. Osteoclast E. Fibroblast

  1. Secretes unmineralized ground substance of bone.
  2. Important for bone growth, remodeling, and healing of bone fracture. It is also considered a bone destroying cell.
  3. Maintains healthy bone tissue by secreting enzymes that influence the bone minerals content.
  4. Cartilage forming cell.

TRUE/FALSE: Mark “A” for true statements, and mark “B” for false statements.

  1. The human skull is composed of 14 cranial bones, which are considered flat bones.
  2. The clavicles are considered part of the axial skeleton.
  3. The clavicles develop by endochondral ossification or development.
  4. The occipital and frontal bones of the skull develop by intramembraneous ossification..
  5. The bones of the wrist (Carpals) are classified as irregular bones.
  6. The cranium, the ribs, and the clavicles are classified as flat bones.
  7. The patella and hyoid bones are considered sesamoid or floating bones.
  8. The vertebral column is considered part of the axial skeleton, and is composed of 26 bones.
  9. The axial skeleton consists of 126 bones, while the appendicular skeleton consists of only 80 bones.
  10. Hemopoiesis or formation of the blood cells is considered one of the functions of the skeletal system
  11. Most of our vertebrae are separated from one another by a fibrocartilage known as the intervertebral disc.
  12. Bone growth and development takes place by either intramembraneous or endochondral ossification.
  13. Neither the Tibia or the Fibula is classified as a long bone; instead they are considered irregular bones of the appendicular skeleton.
  14. The articular cartilage covering the proximal and distal epiphysis is considered a hyaline cartilage.
  15. Transitional epithelium is considered stratified type, and only found in the lining of the urinary bladder.