Student Handbook Aug. 2015
Ekklesia Christian
Student Handbook
Revised August 2015
Mission Statement
We exist to provide high quality, individualized, Christian education to students living on campus at the ranch and students living off campus. We strive to cultivate, direct, and encourage each student to achieve their full potential in life.
1) Each student has different needs and school experiences when it comes to learning.
2) Each student can overcome academic challenges with hard work and dedication.
3) Student success depends equally upon houseparent/parents and school staff involvement and partnership.
4) Each student should be seen as an individual and their education geared toward their specific needs.
5) Each student should be treated with dignity and respect.
Student Expectations for Learning
1) Incoming students will take diagnostic tests in order to correctly assess the appropriate academic level at which to place them, with the exception of those coming from another ACE school.
2) Each student will be given an individualized academic projection to help them achieve their age-appropriate level of learning.
3) Students will attain a score of 80% or higher in order to pass any given test.
4) All students will be given gap PACEs, if necessary, to catch them up to their expected grade level. (a gap PACE is a PACE given to address any
subject areas a student has not fully mastered)
Ekklesia Christian School Student Handbook
I. Administration
a. History
In essence this is our tenth year in existence with our current format. Application for accreditation began in 2007; full accreditation was awarded in December 2011. We are excited to see God’s work in the years to come. We are now looking forward to a strong, exciting year with many blessings. We are so glad to have you as a part of the Ekklesia Christian School (ECS) family.
b. Relationship between the School and the Ranch
As a ministry of the Christian Children’s Ranch, this school belongs to the ranch. The school staff is made up of ranch staff members and is under the authority of the ranch administrator. The ranch and school are one entity not two. Any decisions made on behalf of the school are made by the administrator, school principal, or the ranch board of directors, or any combination thereof.
c. The Principal
The principal of ECS is Mary Kent. She has the principle decision-making authority within the school. As such, any decision made by the principal may not be overturned by anyone other than the ranch administrator or the ranch board of directors.
d. Teachers and Supervisors
The Teachers/Supervisors are the principle decision-making and disciplinary authorities within the classroom. Every student is held accountable to obey all of the staff just as they would obey their own supervisor.
Our Learning Center Teachers/Supervisors are Deanne Ellis, Rachel Michael, and Bob Kent. Ms. Ellis, is certified as a Title I paraprofessional working with grades two through sixth. Rachel Michael is the Supervisor for grades kindergarten through eighth. Ms. Michael has received her certificate through ABCTE as a teacher and Mr. Kent has received a three-year interim certified with the State Board of Education/ABCTE. Bob Kent is the Teacher for grades seven through twelve. Our teachers/supervisors have a combined experience of over 31 years in teaching.
e. Monitors
i. The monitor is the Learning Center paraprofessional. He or
she checks goals, records attendance, observes student
behavior, and files materials. The monitor is the assistant to
the teacher/supervisor.
ii. Students who are in the twelfth grade may train to be a
monitor for one hour a day and earn 1 high school credit over 4 quarters.
The training must be completed and a specified amount of
time recorded and spent doing the duty of a monitor. The other
students should treat student monitors as a delegate
authority while they are doing the duties of a monitor. A student monitor will not have any sole authority or teaching/supervisory tasks.
II. Ekklesia Christian School’s Admissions Policies
a. Ekklesia Christian School admits students of any race, color, and/or national/ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities made available to the students of the school. ECS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national/ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, athletics, or other school-administered programs.
b. ECS students are accepted via the ranch application process. All students
living at the ranch are accepted into our school family. A limit amount of openings are available to off campus student, application can be made at the ranch office. A diagnostic test is personally given to each new student upon acceptance to the ranch and/or Ekklesia and prior to beginning standard school work.
c. Kindergarten/ABC Class
i. Children who wish to attend kindergarten at Ekklesia Christian
School (also referred to as ECS) must be a least five years of age by September 1st of that year. All children who wish to attend must take the Reading Readiness Test and score at least 80% in order to enroll. All children must also have proof of up-to-date immunizations. Currently we are not teaching K-1st as the necessary amount of students needed is five to enable us to hire a teacher.
d. Elementary (Grades 2-6)
i. Children who wish to attend elementary classes at Ekklesia Christian School (ECS) must be at least age six by September 1st of that year. All children who wish to attend must have proof of up-to-date immunizations.
e. Junior and Senior High School (Grades 7-12)
i. Student who wish to attend high school at Ekklesia Christian School
1. Have a valid transcript from previous school or homeschool.
2. If one or the other of these provisions is not met, the student will be placed at the level at which they can academically perform according to the diagnostic test. Acceptance of a student in a High School level does not guarantee graduation by age 18. A student may only graduate from ECS when all required Gap PACEs and required courses are completed.
III. General Policies
a. Church Attendance
Students are required to be active in a non-denomination Bible-believing church or Church of Christ. Ekklesia Christian School is an extension of the church and home. In order to train students “….in the nurture and admonition of the Lord…” we require regular church attendance.
b. Arrival and Dismissal
i. Two of the most hectic times on school campuses are when students are being dropped off for school and when they are being picked up at the end of the day. For this reason it is important to have these policies for arrival and dismissal:
1. Students may not arrive to school before 8:25 a.m.
2. Students should immediately go into the gym and stand quietly against the designated wall.
3. Students will be marked “tardy” if they are not in the gym by 8:30 am.
4. Students may not loiter or play on the school campus before school before and after school.
5. Student must vacate the campus by 3:15 p.m. unless staying after school and it has been communicated to parents.
6. The purpose of the bell is to let parents and students know there is 5 minutes before school starts or school is getting out. Please help us by watching your kids go to and from school.
ii. School hours: 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
1. During these times the student is to remain on campus unless
authorized to leave by the administration.
2. Parents may schedule an appointment to meet with a school staff member between the hours of 3 and 4 p.m... These meetings should be arranged 24 hours ahead of time and will not occur during regular school hours.
3. Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences are scheduled twice a year to go over progress of students. These conference dates are listed on the Ekklesia School Calendar.
c. Attendance
i. To assume that a child should never be absent is unreasonable, but
regular attendance at school is a must in order to receive a quality education and full credit. In order to receive credit for the year no student may have more than 8 unexcused absences per year.
1. In the occurrence of a planned absence, the parents should
notify school staff a minimum of one day in advance. However, a week advance notice would be preferred.
2. In the occurrence of an unplanned absence, the parents should notify the school staff prior to the beginning of the school day (between 7:30 a.m.-8:00 am).
ii. Tardiness
1. Students are considered tardy if they are not in the gym by
8:30 a.m. Running into the gym is not acceptable. Every 3rd tardy will automatically equal one (1) unexcused absence on their permanent record. When a student receives his third tardy within one quarter, he will be required to serve a 30 minutes restitution before school the following day. This pattern will repeat as often as necessary within each quarter.
d. Contacting Students in the Classroom
i. If, at any time, a parent feels the need to contact a child in the
classroom, the parent may call the appropriate learning center and
request to speak to the student. At this time, the parent will be
placed on hold while the school staff requests that the student be
dismissed from his studies, upon approval from the teacher. Once
completed, the student must then return to his work immediately.
Students may not use the phone at any other time. The phone is for school business and must be kept clear. Teachers/Supervisors will make any necessary calls home for items left or requests to stay after school. Please make sure the school has your cell phone number on file in case you cannot be reached at home.
e. Early Dismissal from Class
i. Any time a student needs to be dismissed from class early, the
school must have written approval from the parent on file prior
to the student’s dismissal. No students will be allowed to leave
their class or the property without the parent checking them out of
the school (Parents must personally check the student out with the
student’s teacher/supervisor or principal). Exception to this rule
will be for students who are dual enrolled in another school. A
written note stating the students semester schedule must be
presented and placed in the students file with dates and times of
release. Any early dismissals over 60 minutes will be considered ½ day absence.
Monday’s are a day off and a great time to schedule most of your
child’s appointments. We understand this can be difficult and we
will work with you if that is not possible, however we would
appreciate if at all possible that appointments not be during school
hours. The school will require 24 hour advance notice on any doctor
appointments. For on campus ranch students a notice of the 3rd
person needs to be given. Failure to give advance notice will result in
either a full or part day absences.
f. Health Services and First Aid
i. All our ranch and school staff are trained and certified in M.A.N.D.T.
systems, First Aid/CPR and medication administration. Training
has been given by a certified trainer with the exception of
medication administration which must be taught by either a nurse
or doctor. No staff member will be allowed to administer any
medicines (prescriptions, Tylenol, aspirin, vitamins, etc.) to any
student for any reason without parent authorization.
Any prescription that needs to be administer during school hours
must come to the school in the original bottle with the child’s name.
All medicines must be kept in a locked cabinet by school staff. A
medication log will be kept in the school office of all medication
administer to, date, time, dose, who approved and initialed.
ii. In the event of illness on school property, a child will be sent home
from school at the teacher’s discretion. If a child has a fever above 99 degrees or is vomiting, the school office will attempt to contact the parent or guardian as quickly as possible. No student with a fever or vomiting will be allowed to return to school until the symptoms have ceased for a full 24 hours. Please remember, we are a small school and germs spread quickly. If you believe your child is sick please keep him/her home. Not only can your child spread germs but can cause the school staff to become sick and warrant canceling school because of a lack of staff.
iii. In the event that a student is found to have obtained head lice, the child will immediately be sent home and will not be allowed to return until having been treated and having passed a re-check by the school staff.
iv. In the event of an accident of any measure on school property, a full accident report will be taken by the administration of the school. Witnesses will be asked to give a report and sign the report. The parent and ranch administrator will be contacted and given a copy of the report.
v. The ranch must have proof of immunizations on record all children biological and placed. Please make sure that the office staff has this on file. All students need a medical release on file both in the school and office for all field trips. Please see the ranch administrator or school principal if you are in need of one of those forms.