Local authority
Alphabetical order / People who have attended Don Network events / Type of LA / % of LA area in the Don and area km2
Barnsley / Derek Bell - drainage/flood resilience
Trevor Mayne - ecologist / Anne Gosse Director Development invited but didn’t attend
Wayne Atkins EA DFR contact / Unitary LA / 95%
326 km2
Bolsover / None / See Derbyshire Council / District LA
(Lower tier / 29%
47 km2
Chesterfield / None / See Derbyshire Council
Roy Spendlow, Richard Ward, Keith Whittaker EA DFR contacts / District LA
(Lower tier / 100%
67 km2
Derbyshire County Council / None / Nick Elliot, Joanna Proctor EA DRF contact / Upper Tier / ---
Doncaster / Melissa Massarella - ecologist / Richard Ward, Robin Geldard, Christopher Gill EA DRF contacts / Unitary LA / 56%
315 km2
East Riding / None / Andrew McLachlan EA DRF contact / Unitary LA / 4%
86 km2
Kirklees / None / Tom Ghee, Paul Farndale EA DFR contacts – not invited to any DN event / Unitary LA / 12%
49 km2
NorthYorkshireCounty Council / Covers Selby / Upper Tier
NE Derbyshire / None / See Derbyshire Council
Alan Riley EA DRF contact / District LA
(Lower tier) / 70%
89 km2
Local authority
Alphabetical order / People who have attended Don Network events / Type of LA / % of LA area in the Don and area km2
Rotherham / Carolyn Barber - ecologist / Graham Kaye – EA DFR contact / Unitary LA / 59
Selby / None / SeeNorthYorkshireCounty Council
Drainage issues dealt with by NY County Council / District LA
(Lower tier / 9%
52 km2
Sheffield / Brian Armstrong
Simon Ogden / Paul Boden, Peter Berry – EA DRF contacts / Unitary LA / 95%
Wakefield / None / Judy Jones invited but didn’t attend
Graham West, Paul Maddison, Mark Cropley EA DRF contacts – not invited to any DN event / Unitary LA / 37%
172 KM2

DFR – Development and Flood Risk

District LA – some development and planning issues are dealt with by a county council such as flood risk.

Unitary LA – responsible for all activities within their area

Note: There are also very small parts of the Don catchment in two other local authorities

Derbyshire Dales
3 km2
Waterbody GB104027057660
Hipper from Source to Holme
Rural moorland, two properties only / Ashfield
5 km2
Doe Lea from Source to Hawke Brook
Rural, approx a12 properties

Because such a small part of the Don catchment ( less than 1% in each case) is in these local authority areas it is proposed that they are not included in the Don pilot.

What do the different type of local authorities do?

Notes on the local authorities


Council already very involved in environmental improvements on the River Dearne through the Dearne Valley Green heart partnership and the Dearne Valley Eco-Vision





Has an elected mayor (English Democrat) . Different political policies than other districts which are mostly labour controlled.


Council some involvement in environmental improvements on the River Dearne through the Dearne Valley Green heart partnership and the Dearne Valley Eco-Vision (lead officer Joanne Wehrle)

Why should local authorities take an interest in WFD?

The Water Environment (Water Framework Directive)

(England and Wales) Regulations 2003

Duty to have regard to river basin management plans and supplementary plans

17. The Secretary of State, the Assembly, the Agency and each public body must, in exercising their functions so far as affecting a river basin district, have regard to—

(a) the river basin management plan for that district as approved under regulation 14; and

(b) any supplementary plan prepared under regulation 16.

Local authorities are public bodies in this context. So it is true to say that local authorities will; be breaking the law if they ignore the WFD

The River basin management plans are statutory documents but our Don plan isn’t however it appears that the Don catchment plan would be a ‘supplementary plan’ which is mentioned in the regulations.

Supplementary plans

16.—(1) TheAgency may prepare supplementary plans for the purposes of supplementing the

river basin management plan for a river basin district.

(2) A plan prepared under paragraph (1) may, for example, relate to—

(a) a particular description of body of water;

(b) a particular catchment or geographical area;

(c) a particular matter relating to, or aspect of, the water environment; or

(d) a particular description of user of water resources.

(3) The Agency must, in relation to the preparation of a supplementary plan, consult such of the persons referred to in regulation 12(4) and such other persons likely to be interested in or affected by that plan as it thinks fit, and must take into account any views expressed by those consulted

Map showing principal local authorities of the Don catchment