A Desert Journey

Terry Hanna

“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” (Isaiah 30: 15 NIV)

Pastors are just people. They may have been called for a specific purpose, but they are ordinary people. They feel joy and pain. They have families and friends. They have strengths and weaknesses. They have different personalities. Some pastors are shy and some love to be in the middle of a crowd. They have different gifts. Some pastors are strong in the pulpit and some are strong in a crisis. They make mistakes and need to be forgiven. They don't always know the answer. They can struggle with anxiety or fear or doubt and sometimes they get tired.

That is why my church sent me to the desert in Arizona for a clergy renewal retreat. I was tired. So I journeyed out of my comfort zone to refresh my soul at Standing Rock in Shepherd's Cannon, outside Wickenburg, Arizona, where my room became a monk's cell and my patio became a sanctuary and my traveling companions were seven other pastors in need of a little TLC (tender loving care).

For someone who loves the color green, I discovered the beauty of pink sunsets against the brown of distant mountains. For someone who loves trees, I found beauty in the cactus, shrub and flowers of the desert. For someone who loves animals, I laughed at the activity of rabbits with huge ears and quail with feathers hanging over their heads scurrying around like ladies with hats going to a prayer meeting. And for someone who hates snakes, I made my peace with the big King snake with white stripes that lived on the property and the rattlesnakes hiding behind the rocks.

Jesus was led to the desert to face temptation, so that he would be better prepared for his ministry (Matthew 4:1 NIV). He taught his disciples the importance of getting away as he encouraged them to, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”(Mark 6:31b NIV) Sometimes we are led to a desert place where we can face our temptations, rest in the company of Jesus, and prepare to come home renewed for the ministries we have all been given!

As I return from my desert journey, I am thankful for home, family, friends and a church that cares for its pastor as well as they care for each other. I am thankful for green mountains, tall trees and cool waters. I am thankful for the animals in my world- turkey, geese, deer, red cardinals, and the little black bear cubs that hide in the park. I am thankful for a small town full of life and energy in the summer months. But most of all, I am thankful for a God who teaches me the importance of going away with Jesus to a quiet place and getting some rest, so that I can return ready and renewed for the ministry I have been given!

Pastor Terry