Curriculum Vitae


709Oldfather Hall, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68588-0324

402-730-1935, 402- 472-6070 (Fax),


1998Ph.D. University of Connecticut

1991M.A. University of Connecticut

1989B.A. University of Connecticut,Summa cum Laude

Professional Employment

2012-PresentChair, Department of Sociology

2012-Present Director, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics Core Facility.

2011-PresentProfessor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

2005-2011 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

1998-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

2005-2012Director or Co-Director, Bureau of Social Research, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

2006-2007 Acting Director, Survey Research, Statistics and Psychometrics Core Facility, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

1997-1998 Assistant to the Director of Research (Judith Fifield), Department of Family Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center.

Honors and Awards

2013Department Executive Officer Leadership Development Fellow, CIC

2013Co-Awardee (with Mary Anne Holmes) Chancellor's Outstanding Contribution to WomenAward

2007Nebraska Association for Sociology Graduate Students Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, University of Nebraska.

2003Arts and Sciences College Award for Outstanding Teaching, University of Nebraska.

1999-2001Parents Association and the Teaching Council,Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to Students, University of Nebraska.

1998Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society

1998Sociologists for Women in Society,Cheryl Allyn Miller Award for the Study of Women and Work.

1997Edward Victor Gant Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Student, University of Connecticut.

Grants and Contracts



2012“Biology of Human: Understanding Ourselves Through the Lens of Current Biomedical Research”NIH 1R25OD010506. $1.3 Million. Judy Diamond (PI), Julia McQuillan (Co-Investigator), Charles Wood (Co-Investigator). SEPA proposal National Institute of Health.

2012“Expanding the Typology of Life Transitions in Women Using a Clinical Data-Based Approach” Kathy Kaiser (PI), Margaret Kaiser (Co-PI), Julia McQuillan (Co-PI). American Nursing Foundation. $7,500.

2012“Big Ten STEM Writing Retreat”. The Elsevier Foundation – New Scholars Grant Awardee. $45,000. Patricia Wonch Hill (PI), Mary Anne Holmes (Co-Investigator) and Julia McQuillan (Co-investigator).

2010 “Introducing theNational Survey of Fertility Barriers.” Workshop at the Population Association of America. $10,000. With Karina M. Shreffler, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, and David R. Johnson.

2008“Advance Nebraska: NSF Institutional Transformation Grant.” HRD-0811250. Co-Principal Investigators Mary Anne Holmes, Julia McQuillan, Stephanie Adams, David Mandersheid, and Barbara Couture. $3.8 Million.

2007“Transition From High school for Students Who Have Received Special Services.” Nebraska Department of Education Special Populations. StaciaHaladaand Julia McQuillan, to the Bureau of Sociological Research. $80,763.

2004“Infertility: Pathways and Psychosocial Outcomes.”R01 HD044144-01A. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). ($2,485,580). Principal Investigator Lynn White. Additional Co-investigators: Julia McQuillan, David R. Johnson, Larry Greil, Naomi Lacy, Mary Casey Jacob, Lauri Scheuble.


2013 Research Council Grain in Aid (UNL) (Patricia Hill, PI; McQuillan, co-investigator)

Understanding Science Identity Development and the Role of Peer Social Networks-Biology of HumanThe major goals of this project were to obtain funding to support the purchase of computers to aid in survey data collection at a Title I Middle School in Lincoln Nebraska, as well as to gain formative feedback for NIH SEPA Biology of Human materials. $9,862

2009 Minority Health-Related Research Projects – Tobacco Settlement Fund. Experiments on contact and cooperation with minority compared to non-minority survey participants in the Infertility: Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes study. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.$49,987.

2007Faculty Development Leave. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. One semester leave.

2006 Laymann Fund Award. “Sustaining Breastfeeding after Employment: Assessing the Role of Child Care Providers.”With Patricia Wonch Hill. University of Nebraska - Lincoln.$7,747.

2003 Haas Award Junior Faculty Summer funding. Department of Sociology, University of Nebraska - Lincoln. $2,500.

2001 University of Nebraska-Lincoln and-University of Nebraska Medical Center Joint NIH Research Program Competition.David Johnson,Julia McQuillan, Janis J. Twiss, Naomi Lacy, Mary Casey Jacob, and DanelleDeboer, "Managing Infertility: Social Effects on Pathways and Psychological Well-Being." University of Nebraska-Lincoln. $50,000.

2000 Gallup Research Professorship. "Intra-Individual and Intra-Couple Change in Family/Market Connections: Implications for Meeting Competing Demands." Universityof Nebraska-Lincoln.One course release.

1999 Layman Fund Award. "Longitudinal Work and Family Project." University of Nebraska-Lincoln.$6,350

1998Faculty Summer Research Fellowship.“Assessing Causal Order Between Paid and Domestic Work Over Time Among Two-Earner Spouses”. Universityof Nebraska-Lincoln.$6,500.

1998Research Grand-In-Aid. “Following 24 Girls as They Become Women: 1992-1999”. University of Connecticut - Storrs.$2,517.


Refereed Articles

Shreffler, Karina, Arthur L. Greil, Arthur; Julia McQuillan; Kami Gallus. Forthcoming. "Reasons for Tubal Sterilisation, Regret, and Depressive Symptoms". Journal of Infant and Reproductive Psychology.

Greil Arthur L., Slauson-Blevins Kathleen S., Tiemeyer Stacy, McQuillan Julia, and Shreffler Karina M.A New Way to Estimate the Potential Unmet Need for Infertility Services Among Women in the United States. Journal of Women's Health. Forthcoming.

Diamond, J., B. Jee, C. Matuk, J. McQuillan, A. Spiegel, and D. Uttal. (2015). Museum monsters and victorious viruses: Improving public understanding of emerging biomedical research. Curator 58(3): 299-311.

Shreffler, K.M., McQuillan, J., Greil, A.L., & Johnson, D.R. 2015. Surgical sterilization, regret, and race: Contemporary patterns. Social Science Research. 50:31-45.

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, and Andrew V. Bedrous. 2015. “The Importance of Motherhood and Fertility Intentions among U.S. Women.” Sociological Perspectives. 58:1:20-35.

Shreffler, K.M., Greil, A.L., Mitchell, K.S., & McQuillan, J.2014. Variation in pregnancy intendedness across U.S. women’s pregnancies. Maternal and Child Health Journal. Online first.

Kazyak, Emily, Nicholas Park, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. 2014. “Attitudes toward Motherhood among U.S. Sexual Minority Women.” Journal of Family Issues. Online First.

Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan and Delida Sanchez. 2014. "Does fertility-specific distress vary by race/ethnicity? Findings from a probability sample of women in the United States" Journal of Health Psychology. Online first.

Blevins-Slauson, Kathleen; Julia McQuillan and Aurthur L. Greil. 2013. Online and In-Person Health-Seeking for Infertility.Social Science and Medicine.99:110-115. DOI information: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2013.10.019.

Spiegel, A.N., McQuillan, J., Halpin, P., Matuk, C., & Diamond, J. 2013. Engaging teenagers with science through comics. Research in Science Education, 43(6), 2309-2326. Doi: 10.1007/211165-013-9358-x.

Greil, Arthur.L., Johnson, Katherine., Julia McQuillan,Shreffler, Karina.M. 2013. The Importance of Social Cues for Medical Helpseeking: The Case of Infertility. Social Inquiry. 83:2:209-237.

Whitbeck, Les, Kellie Hartshorn, Julia McQuillan and Devan Crawford. 2012. “Factors Associated withGrowth in Daily Smoking among Indigenous Adolescents”. Journal of Research on Adolescence. 19:22:768-781

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M. Shreffler, Kari C. Gentzler, Patricia Wonch Hill, John Hathcoat. 2012. “ Does the Reason Matter? Childlessness Specific Distress among U.S. Women.” Journal of Marriage and Family.74:5:1166-1181.

Tichenor, Veronica.,McQuillan, Julia. Greil, Authur.L.,Shreffler, Katrina.M. 2011. The Importance of Fatherhood to U.S. Married and Cohabiting Men.Fathering. 9:3:232-251.

Greil, Aurthur.L.,McQuillan, Julia., Shreffler, Karina.M., Johnson, Kathleen., & Blevins-Slauson, Katherine. 2011. "Race and Medical Services for Infertility: Stratified Reproduction in a Population-Based Sample of U.S. Women."Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 52:4:493-50.

Greil, Arthur L., Kathleen Johnson, Julia McQuillan, Naomi Lacy. 2011. "Are prior pregnancy outcomes relevant for models of fertility specific distress or infertility helpseeking?" Human Fertility14:3:160-166.

Greil, Arthur L., Karina M. Shreffler, Lone Schmidt, Julia McQuillan. 2011. "Variation in Distress among Infertile Women: Evidence from a Population-Based Sample". Human Reproduction. 26:8:2101-2112.

Greil, Arthur L., Kathleen Slauson-Blevins andJulia McQuillan. 2011. “The Social Construction of Infertility”. Sociological Compass.5:8:736-746.

Shreffler, Karina M., Juila McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. 2011. “Pregnancy Loss and Distress among U.S. Women.” Family Relations.60:3:342-355.

Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Michele Lowry and Karina Shreffler. 2011. Infertility treatment and fertility-specific distress: A longitudinal analysis of a population-based sample of U.S. women. Social Science & Medicine. 73:1:87-94.

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Karina M. Shreffler. 2011.“Pregnancy Intentions among Women Who Do Not Try: Focusing on Women Who Are Okay Either Way.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 15:2:178-187.

Digest.2011. Distinct Profile Found Among Women Ambivalent about Pregnancy. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.42:3:216-217.

Greil, Arthur L., Julia McQuillan, Maureen Benjamins, David R. Johnson, Katherine M. Johnson, and Chelsea R. Heinz. 2010. “Specifying the Effects of Religiosity on Medical Helpseeking: The Case of Infertility.” Social Science & Medicine.71:4:734-742.

Fifield, Judith, Julia McQuillan, Melanie Peele, Vitaly Nazarov, Andrea Apter, Thomas Babor, Joesph Burleson, Robert Cushman, Jeri Hepworth, Eric Jackson, Susan Reisine, Joseph Sheehan, and Joan Twiggs. 2010. “Improving Pediatric Asthma Control Among Minority Children Participating in Medicaid: Redesigning Practice to Deliver a Chronic Care Model.”Journal of Asthma.47:7:718-27.

Greil, Arthur L. and Julia McQuillan. 2010. “Trying Times”: Medicalization, Intent, and Ambiguity in the Definition of Infertility.”Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 24:137–156.

Greil, Arthur L.,Julia McQuillan, Katherine M. Johnson, Kathleen Slauson-Blevins, and Karina M. Shreffler. 2010. “The Hidden Infertile: Infertile Women without Pregnancy Intent in the United States.”Fertility and Sterility. 93: 2080-3.

Greil, Arthur L., KathleenSlauson-Blevins, and Julia McQuillan. 2010. “The Experience of Infertility: A Review of Recent Literature.” Sociology of Health and Illness.32: 140-162.

Shreffler, Karina M., Julia McQuillan, Arthur L. Greil, Naomi Lacy, and Christine Ngaruiya. 2009. “Odds of Having a Regular Doctor and Perceptions of Caring: Ethnic Patterns Among Women Aged 25 to 45.”Family Medicine.41: 271-276.PMID: 19343558

McGinnis, Lee, James Gentry, and Julia McQuillan.2009. “Ritual-Based Behavior that Reinforces Hegemonic Masculinity in Golf: Variations in Women Golfers’ Responses.” Leisure Sciences. 31(1)19-36.

Berdahl, Terceira and Julia McQuillan. 2008.“Occupational racial composition and Non-Fatal Work Injuries.”Social Problems.55:549-572.

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Karina M.Shreffler, and VeronicaTichenor. 2008. “The Importance of Motherhood Among Women in the Contemporary United States.” Gender & Society.22: 477-496. 6

Jacob, Mary Casey, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L Greil. 2007. “Psychological Distress by Type of Fertility Barrier.”Human Reproduction. 22: 885-894.

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, and Rosalie A. Torres Stone. 2007. “Infertility and Life Satisfaction Among Women.” Journal of Family Issues. 28:955-981.

Stone, Rosalie Torres and Julia McQuillan. 2007. “Beyond Hispanic/Latino: The Importance of Ethnicity-Specific Earnings Analyses.” Social Science Research.36:175-200.

White, Lynn and Julia McQuillan. 2006. "No Longer Intending: The Relationship Between Relinquished Fertility Intentions and Distress." Journal of Marriage and Family. 68(2) 478-490.

White, Lynn, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. 2006. “Explaining Disparities in Infertility.” Fertility & Sterility. 85:853-857.

White, Lynn, Julia McQuillan, Arthur L.Greil, and David R. Johnson. 2006. “Infertility: Testing a Helpseeking Model.” Social Science & Medicine. 62:1031-1041.

McGinnis, Lee, Julia McQuillan, and Connie Chapple. 2005. “I Just Want to Play: Women and Golf.” Sociology of Sport & Social Issues. 29:313-337.

Fifield, Judith, Julia McQuillan, Steven Armelli, Howard Tennan, Susan Reisine, and Glenn Affleck. 2005. “Strain, Daily Work Stress and Pain in Workers with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Do Job Characteristics Make a Bad Day Worse?” Work Stress. 18:275-291.

Chapple, Connie, Julia McQuillan, and Terceira Berdahl. 2005. "Gender, Social Bonds and Delinquency: A Comparison of Boys’ and Girls’ Models.” Social Science Research. 34:357-383.

Greil, Arthur L. and Julia McQuillan. 2004. “Help-Seeking Patterns among U.S. Women.” TheJournal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 22:305-319.

McQuillan, Julia, Arthur L. Greil, Lynn White, and Mary Casey Jacob. 2003.” Frustrated Fertility: Infertility and Psychological Distress Among Women.”Journal of Marriage and Family. 65:1007-1018.

McGinnis, Lee, Seungwoo Chun,and Julia McQuillan. 2003. "A Review of Gendered Consumption in Sport and Leisure." Special issue on gender of Academy of Marketing Science Review. Online Journal:

McQuillan, Julia, Judith Fifield, Joseph Sheehan, Susan Reisine, HowardTennen, VictorHesselbrock, and Naomi Rothfield. 2003.”A Comparison of Self-Reports of Distress and Affective Disorder Diagnosis in RA: An ROC Analysis.”Arthritis & Rheumatism.49:368-376..

McQuillan, Julia and Julie Pfeiffer. 2001. "Why Anne Makes us Dizzy: Reading Anne of Green Gables from a Gender Perspective." Mosaic. 34:17-32.

Fifield, Judith, Julia McQuillan, Howard Tennen, T. Joseph Sheehan, Susan Reisine, Victor Hesselbrock, and Naomi Rothfield. 2001. “History of Affective Disorder and the Temporal Trajectory of Fatigue in Rheumatoid Arthritis.” Annals of Behavioral Medicine. 23:34-41.

Twiggs, Joan, Julia McQuillan, and Myra Marx Ferree. 1999. “Meaning and Measurement: Reconceptualizing Measures of the Division of Household Labor.” Journal of Marriage and the Family. 61:712-724.

Fifield, Judith, Howard Tennen, Susan Reisine, and Julia McQuillan. 1998. “Depression and the Long-Term Risk of Pain, Fatigue and Disability in Patients with RA.” Arthritis & Rhuematism. 41:1851-1857.

Ferree, Myra Marx and Julia McQuillan. 1998. “Gender-Based Pay Gaps: Methodological and Policy Issues in University Salary Studies.” Gender & Society. 12:7-39.

Fifield, Judith, SusanReisine, Joseph Sheehan, and Julia McQuillan. 1996. "Gender, Paid Work and Symptoms of Emotional Distress in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients." Arthritis Rheumatism. 39:427-435.

Weakliem, David,Julia McQuillan, and Tracey Schauer. 1995. "Towards Meritocracy?Changing Social Class Differences in Intellectual Ability." Sociology of Education. 68: 271-286.

Reisine, Susan, Julia McQuillan, and Judith Fifield. 1995. "Predictors of Work Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients - A Five Year Follow-up." Arthritis Rheumatism. 38:1630-1637.

Book chapters

Wonch Hill, Patricia,Mary Anne Holmes,and Julia McQuillan(2014), The New STEM Faculty Profile: Balancing Family and Dual Careers, inVasilikie Demos,Catherine White Berheide,Marcia Texler Segal(ed.)Gender Transformation in the Academy (Advances in Gender Research, Volume 19)Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.3 – 20

Johnson, K.M., J. McQuillan, A.L. Greil, & K.M. Shreffler. 2014. “Towards a More Inclusive Framework for Understanding Fertility Barriers.” In Reframing Reproduction: Conceiving Gendered Experiences, M. Nash (ed). Palgrave MacMillan.

McQuillan, Julia and Myra Marx Ferree. 1997. "The Importance of Variation Among Husbands and the Benefits of Feminism for Families." Pp. 213-225 in Alan Booth (ed.) Men in Families. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Technical and Evaluation reports

Shreffler, K.M., J. McQuillan, A.L. Greil, & K.M. Johnson. 2011. “On the Fence: New Insights on Pregnancy Ambivalence.” National Council on Family Relations Report 56(2): F7-9.

McQuillan, Julia,Bryner, Nicole.R., Richardson, Amanda., & Spiegel, Amy. N. 2011. World of Viruses Summative Evaluation Report: Study I Results. 2011.

McQuillan, Julia and Amanda Penn Richardson. Membership Committee Report on Patterns in SWS membership and reasons for non-renewal for 2009

McQuillan, Julia.Consultant for the American Bankruptcy Institute study of Fees. Stephen J. Lubben. "ABI Chapter 11 Professional Fee Study" (December 1, 2007). Available at SSRN:

McQuillan, Julia and Cheryl Wiese. 1999."Request for Proposals to Study the Death Penalty in the State of Nebraska, 1973-2000". Nebraska Crime Commission.

McQuillan, Julia.1996. Consultant. Truck Renting and Leasing Industry Report: Size, Growth and Purchasing Trends (Survey Based on 1994 Operations).

McQuillan, Julia. 1993. Consultant. “World Presidents' Organization: Event Preferences Survey Results.”

McQuillan, Julia.1993. Consultant. Report of the Working Group on the Status of Women Faculty at the University of Connecticut Health Center.


Jacob, M.C., McQuillan, J.,Greil. A.L., White, L. 2003. Psychological distress by type of fertility problem. Program Supplement, 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, p. S51.

Book Reviews

McQuillan, Julia.2011.When Couples Become Parents: The Creation of Gender in the Transition to Parenthood. 25:4:536-538.

McQuillan, Julia.2000. Review: Weaving Work and Motherhood. Anita IltaGarey in Journal of Marriage and the Family. 63:595-596.

McQuillan, Julia. 2000. Review: Challenges for Work and Family in the Twenty-First Century by Dana Vannoy and Paula J. Dubeck (Eds) in Social Science Quarterly.

McQuillan, Julia. 1993. Review: Never Too Thin by Eva Szekely (1988) and Anorexia and Bulimia: Anatomy of a Social Epidemic by Richard Gordon. (1990) in Gender & Society (Pp. 473-475).

Other Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

McQuillan, Julia. 2014. My reflections on Patterson. Speak for Sociology. Blog.

Shreffler, Karina.M.,Julia McQuillan, Aurthur.L. Greil and Katherine.M. Johnson. 2011. “On the Fence: New Insights on Pregnancy Ambivalence.” National Council on Family Relations Report 56(2): F7-9.

De Welde, Kris, Laura Logan, Jessica Holden-Sherwood, Julia McQuillan, and Joya Misra. 2010 “Me and My Posse: Making Feminist Change in the Academy.” Sociologists for Women in Society, Network News, Vol 27(4): 4-6.

Manuscripts under Review

Tichenor, Veronica, McQuillan, Julia, Arhur L. Greil, Andrew Bedrous, Amy Clark, Karina Shreffler. Attitudes Towards Motherhood: An Intersectional Analysis among Women in the United States.

Gibbs, Larry; Stacy Tiemeyer, Julia McQuillan, and Arthur L. Greil. "Sexual Satisfaction and Pregnancy Intentions among Married and Cohabiting Women in the U.S.: Variations by Race and Ethnicity" 1-7-2015

Invited Presentations/Panels

2015“From Discovery to Identity: Finding Ways to Engage All Youth In Science.” Midwest Regional Noyce Regional Meeting. Omaha, NE. October 30.

2015“Adding Value to Science Communication through Social Science Partnerships” UNL Sci-COMM Conference. October 4, 2015. Program of Excellence in Biological Systems Engineering.

2014 “Mission: Graduate Programs Prepare students to Produce and Apply Sociological Theories, Knowledge, and Methods as well as to Think Critically and to Engage Meaningfully in Multiple Employment Sectors.” Panelist at the American Sociological Association Director of Graduate Studies Workshop, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Ca. August 15.

2014“Moving Towards Promotion to Full Professor: Leadership and Scholarship Development” Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Department of Human Development and Family Science, March 27

2013 Academic Leadership Workshop on Diversifying the Leadership and panel about being a Department Chair. University of Nevada-Las Vegas; October

2013Implicitly Reducing Implicit Bias. Panel on Implicit Bias. Advance Co-PI meeting. March. Alexandria, VA.

2012Surgical Sterilization, Regret & Race. Women’s and Gender Studies. University of Nebraska. Fall. With Karina Shreffler.

2012Women’s Foundation of Lincoln Nebraska, Women’s Health Public Access T.V. Show on “Infertility”.

2012“Unanticipated Interconnections between Men in Families and Women in STEM” Phi Beta Kappa Initiation Ceremony Talk. University of Nebraska. April.