Beginning Choir Syllabus 2012-2013
Megan Puckett, Director
Welcome Note
I am so glad that you are a part of the Greenwood Choral experience! I look forward to a year full of fun music learning and making. I look forward to getting to know each of you and working together as well.
Course Description
Beginning Choir is a choral ensemble meeting year-round. Students in this choir will be instructed in basic musicianship and advanced training in vocal technique, sight-singing, music theory and music history through performing, listening and evaluating choral music. These students are expected to show great effort and preparation daily and to set a high standard for other students pursuing choral music at Greenwood High School as well as other schools in the area.
Important Information
Concerts are mandatory! Please find the appropriate document on this class website for make-up materials. An excuse note should accompany the make-up materials. For school concerts, ladies and gentleman alike will be issued a robe. The garments worn underneath should meet the school dress code and be considered “snappy casual”. For large ensemble festival in the spring, ladies must wear black close-toed dress shoes and school dress code appropriate clothing underneath their robe. Gentlemen should wear khaki pants, black dress shoes and a dress shirt underneath their robe.
In order to wear and furnish robes as well as pay all-state fees, accompanists and transportation costs we will be participating in two fundraisers this fall. I ask that all students sell at least $65 worth of merchandise/chocolate/etc during our fundraisers.
- Student grades will be based on the following grading scale.
Daily Effort/Preparation 30%Performances 40%
Class work/Projects 30%
Classroom Rules and Expectations
- Class starts on time
- The choir room is a food free area
- Trips to the bathroom, water fountain, locker, etc. are prohibited. They will only be permitted in emergency situations at the discretion of the director. Try to do this before or after class.
- Each student is expected to make their best vocal effort, daily.
- Attendance is mandatory. Students must be in the room at the bell to avoid being marked tardy. You will have 2 minutes to find your assigned seat, materials and begin working on the bell ringer activity on the board.
- Students may not bother instruments or equipment in the choir room.
- Treat others with respect (SWAMP)