COM 181 Basic Public Speaking
Fall 2009

Course Information
Organization / Madisonville Community College
Course Prefix, Number, Section, PS Class # / COM
Credits / 3
Instructor / Beth Norton
Instructor's E-mail Address /
Course/Faculty Website /
Office Number / 114 Learning Resource Center
Campus / North Campus
Address / 2000 College Drive
City/State/Zip / Madisonville KY 42413
Office Phone
Office Hours: / 270-824-8686
M/W 11:00-12:00 T/R 1:00-2:00 or by appointment
Beginning Date / 8/17/2009

Official Course Description
This course is designed to give the student platform experience in the fundamentals of effective public speaking.

Required Text
Stephen E. Lucas.The Art of Public Speaking.McGraw Hill. 10th Ed.
Learner Supplies
4 x 6 unlined index cards.Visual aid materials
General Education Competencies And Possible Assessment Measures
A. / Communicate Effectively
Read and listen with comprehension.
1.  Students will be tested/quizzed over classroom lecture and textbook material
2.  Students will complete listening evaluations over presented material.
Speak and write clearly using standard English.
1.  Students will deliver the following graded and ungraded speeches: 1. A speech of demonstration, 2. A speech of explanation, 3. Two speeches to persuade (change an attitude and move to action, a speech of introduction, and one ungraded speeches: 1. An impromptu speech, 2. Students will write formal, complete sentence outlines
Interact cooperatively with others using both verbal and non-verbal means.
1.  Students will use self-evaluation of work
2.  Students will be evaluated on instructor evaluation of work
3. Students will use process scoring guides such as the one minute paper
Demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills.
1. Students will type all formal outlines
B. / Think Critically
Make connections in learning across the disciplines and draw logical conclusions.
1.  Students will be assessed on speeches to change attitudes and move to action.
2.  Students will be assessed on their ability to construct outlines.
Demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or integrating a variety of materials.
1.  Students will be assessed based upon their use of research material to create speeches.
2.  Students will use self-assessment of individual public speaking fears and problems and create self-improvement plans.
C. / Learn Independently
Use appropriate search strategies and resources to find, evaluate, and use information.
1.  Students will be assessed on the writing and delivery of three research based speeches.
2.  Students will demonstrate their ability to evaluate sources for their credibility and for quality of information by incorporating effective research material into three researched based speeches.
Make choices based upon awareness of ethics and differing perspectives/ideas.
1.  Students will be expected to properly document research sources MLA style and not to plagiarize.
2.  Students knowledge of plagiarism will be assessed through specific test questions
3.  Students will read varying perspectives on a controversial issue and take a position
based on criteria/reasons in evidence.
Apply learning in academic, personal, and public situations.
1.  Students will complete a written assessment on a communication presentation,
observation outside of class.
Think creatively to develop new ideas, processes, or products.
1. Students will be assessed on the delivery of four original informative and persuasive
D. / Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments
Recognize the relationship of the individual to human heritage and culture.
1.  Students will be assessed on their ability to connect with an audience through public
Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community.
3.  Students will be assessed on their ability to choose topics that reflect a sensitivity to a multi-cultural audience.
Course Competencies
1. / Acquire information necessary to organize sound arguments
Linked General Education Competencies
Think Critically
Learn Independently
2. / Evaluate information necessary to organize sound arguments
Linked General Education Competencies
Think Critically
3. / Incorporate research sources into speeches correctly using MLA works cited page and oral citations
Linked General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
4. / Employ a variety of proven strategies for organization of informative and persuasive speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
5. / Adapt messages to diverse and multicultural audiences
Linked General Education Competencies
Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments
6. / Select appropriate audio-visual materials for speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
Learn Independently
7. / Develop appropriate audio-visual materials for speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Learn Independently
8. / Manage natural anxiety that occurs in presenting public messages
Linked General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
9. / Utilize appropriate nonverbal communication in presentation of speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
10. / Assess critically the organization of contemporary speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Think Critically
11. / Assess the delivery of contemporary speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Think Critically
Learn Independently
12. / Assess the ethical elements of contemporary speeches
Linked General Education Competencies
Think Critically
Learn Independently
13. / Employ appropriate conventions of Standard English in writing and speaking
Linked General Education Competencies
Communicate Effectively
Grading Information
Grading Rationale
Students will be responsible for the following graded assignments:
4 speeches:
1. Speech of Introduction
2. Demonstration Speech
3. Explanation Speech
4. Move to Action - Persuasive Speech
4 outlines (50 pts each)
2 tests (100 pts. each)
5 quizzes (10 pts. each)
Grading Scale
Speech # 1 / Speech of Introduction = 50 points
Speech # 2 and Outline / Demonstration Speech = 100 points
Speech # 3 and Outline / Explanation Speech = 100 points
Speech #4 and Outline / Move to Action (Persuasive Speech) = 150 points
Quizzes / Students will be given 5 - 10 point quizzes throughout the course of the semester. In class activities may serve as quizzes at the instructor’s discretion.
Guidelines for Success
ADA Policy
If you have a documented disability and need any type of accommodation, you are required to register with the Disability Resource Coordinator. Contact Valerie Wolfe, Disability Resource Coordinator, in Room 139 of the John Gray building or at (270) 824-1708. The Disability Resources Office provides accommodations for students with permanent or temporary documented disabilities. This includes, but is not limited to, students with physical or psychological disabilities, learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, and other health problems.
Attendance Policy
Students missing 5 or more days will automatically fail the course. Absences on the day of your scheduled speech (no matter what the reason), will result in a letter grade deduction on that speech.
Late Work Policy
Late work will not be accepted unless approved by the instructor before the assignment is missed. The acceptance of late work is entirely up to the instructor and may be subject to a one letter grade deduction.
Make-up Policy
No make-up work is permitted under any circumstance.
Withdrawal Policy
Students may withdraw from a class at their discretion with a "W" prior to the completion of the eighth week of classes. This date is Monday, October 19, 2009. The last day for a student, at the discretion of the instructor, to officially withdraw from a class and receive a grade of "W" is Friday, December 4, 2009.
Classroom Conduct: Use of cell phones and laptop computers is prohibited unless authorized through the disability resource office. Violation of this policy will result in the instructor confiscating the technology for the remainder of the class.
Student Code of Conduct
You can locate the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) Student Code of Conduct at
To satisfy the general education requirement of writing across the curriculum, "Instructors in all courses are expected to call attention to proper English usage and may penalize for errors and/or require the rewriting of papers which do not meet acceptable standards in English." (Senate Rules, Section V, 2.3.3)
Distance Learning Courses
Distance Learning: Go to for access to the Blackboard Academic Suite.
Library Information: To access the Library databases, you will need to enter a username and password. Library services are available at The website of Madisonville Community College’s Library is Contact (270) 824-1722 for assistance with library assistance.
Program Help: Click on the Help tab. You may also call 1-866-606-1725 for assistance.
Technical Requirements: Students must have access to a computer and a reliable Internet connection.
Off-Campus Courses
Snow Policy/Closed Building Policy: The status of an off-campus course will be determined by the status of the public building in which the course is held. If your class is held in a public school and they are closed, your class will not meet that day.
Tentative Schedule
Session / Target Competencies / Notes
08/17/2009 / Course Overview: Introductions, syllabus overview and questions
08/19/2009 / Student introductions
08/24/2009 / Basic Principles of Speech Communication: Assign first speech / Read chapter 1 and “Giving your first speech” (pp. 73-83)
08/26/2009 / Ethics and Public Speaking / Read chapter 2: Bring in an unethical magazine ad. Prepare for quiz
08/31/2009 / Introduction Speeches
09/2/2009 / Choosing Topics and Purposes
Assignment: Specific Purpose Worksheet / Read chapter 4
09/9/2009 / Labor Day---No class
Speaking to inform: Kinds of informative speeches and guidelines for informative speaking. In- class analysis of “Chili Pepper” Speech in Appendix A-10 / Chapter 14
09/14/2009 / Analyzing the audience
Audience analysis activity / Read Chapter 5
09/16/2009 / Organizing the speech: Activity, organizational pattern identification
9/23/2009 / Delivering the speech and using visual aids; In-class activity creating/evaluating visual aids Outlining the speech / Read chapter 10; Complete CD ROM interactive outlining activity. Bring in demonstration speech outline for peer critique
Read chapters 12-13
09/28/2009 / Demonstration Speech
09/30/2009 / Demonstration speech
10/05/2009 / Demonstration speech
10/07/2009 / Gathering materials and Using supporting materials: Assign speech of explanation
Get take-home exam:
Outlining, Topics and Purposes: and informative speaking / Read chapters 6 and 7
10/12/2009 / Fall Break-No class
10/14/2009 / Fall Break- No class
10/19/2009 / Listening to Speeches; Discuss listening critique; do listening self-assessment; critical listening inference / Bring in take-home exam and read chapter 3
10/26/2009 / Explanation speech
Explanation speech
10/28/2009 / Methods of Persuasion-reasoning and emotional appeal / Read chapter 16
11/02/2009 / Methods of Persuasion-fallacies
11/04/2009 / Outline persuasive speeches
11/09/2009 / Peer review of outlines / Bring completed outline
11/11/2009 / Change an attitude speech
11/16/2009 / Change an attitude speech
11/18/2009 / Using language effectively; review sample speeches. Assign MLK “I have a dream speech” for analysis / Read chapter 11
11/23/2009 / Move to action speech preparation: outline review: Get speech assignment
11/25/2009 / Continue speech preparation / Prepare outline for review
11/26-28/2009 / Thanksgiving Holiday-No class
11/30/2009 / Move to action speeches
12/2/2009 / Move to action speeches / Get take home final

Final Exam due Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 1:00 p.m.