August 2016:


  1. 2016 Cohort: Review Experience Report Guidelines and Example Experience Report and Photos.
  2. Review students’ Experience Reports
  3. Encourage students to review the CEE documents on the CEE webpage of the VIH site.

September 2016:

-Marketing: Campus Coordinators market the VIH program on campus targeting students that identify with at least one of the five indicators of diversity.

1. Campus Coordinators hold VIH Info Sessions

2. Campus Coordinators supervise VIH awardees’ 6 of 12 marketing hours

-Advising: 2016 Cohort on CEE ideas.

  • September 1, 2016
  1. Students submit their experience reports to their Campus Coordinators.
  • September 7, 2016
  1. Campus Coordinators give awardees permission to post their Experience Reports to awardee e-portfolios.
  • September 30, 2016
  1. Campus Coordinators approve CEE Idea forms

October 2016:

-Marketing: Campus Coordinators market the VIH program on campus targeting students that identify with at least one of the five indicators of diversity.

1. Campus Coordinators hold VIH Info Sessions

2. Campus Coordinators supervise VIH awardees’ 6 of 12 marketing hours

-Advising: 2016 Cohort on CEE ideas

  • October 7, 2016
  1. Campus Coordinators approve CEE Approval forms

November 2016:

  • November 1, 2016
  1. Application Deadline: Students must submit the standardized application available on the VIH website. No alternative versions will be accepted. **Students at the University of Pittsburgh and regional campuses must submit an application though StudioAbroad.

**For Pitt Coordinators: You must go into StudioAbroad to manually check off the receipt of transcripts, Student Aid Reports, and Letters of Recommendation(if not submitted through the system). Please be sure to enter the QPAs and Pell Grant Amounts in the notes section for each student.

  • November 10, 2016
  1. Complete Professional Development and Marketing Funds Survey found on the For Coordinators page of the VIH website
  • November 2-24, 2016
  1. Conduct interviews.
  2. Each interview committee should be composed of three interviewers. Be sure that all interviewers receive a copy of the VIH Selection Committee Guidelines, which can be found on the Coordinators page of the VIH site under Application Resources.
  3. Advising: 2016 Cohort CEE
  • November 25, 2016
  1. Deadline for Campus Coordinators to send scanned copies of awardees’ standardized applications. Up to two alternates may be submitted as well. Financial Support documents should be included if applicable. All materials should be submitted via email to the Director, Sarah Wagner.

**For Pitt Coordinators: Email Ranking sheets

December 2016:

Advising: 2016 Cohort CEE

January 2017:

-2016 Cohort: CEE Advising

-2017 Cohort: Study Abroad Application Program Advising

-2018 Cohort: Marketing

  • January 4-6, 2017

-Centralized selection committee determines supplemental funding

-Spring Marketing begins

-Photo Contest

-Mentoring Program is set-up

  • January 6, 2017

-Campus Coordinators are notified regarding supplemental funding decisions

-Campus Coordinators send Acceptance Letter and Agreement Form to awardees.

-Advising: 2017 Cohort.

1. Contact the awardees to set up a group meeting to review the Acceptance Letter and Agreement Form. Be sure to discuss the responsibilities and obligations of VIH awardees.

2. Prior to the meeting, verify that awardees have uploaded a professional jpeg photo to their VIH e-portfolio.

**For Pitt Coordinators:

  1. Have students upload professional headshot to StudioAbroad. Review photos.
  2. After students have come to the group meeting and read and signed the Letter of Agreement, be sure to check this box off in StudioAbroad.
  3. Upload the Letters of Agreement using the “Documents” tab in StudioAbroad.
  • January 19, 2017:
  1. Campus Coordinators email copies of the awardees’ signed Acceptance Letters and Agreement Forms.
  2. Campus Coordinators verifythat their students’ have uploaded jpg photos to VIH e-portfolios.
  • January 30, 2017:
  1. Campus Coordinators confirm that students have been admitted to their approved study abroad programs.
  2. Campus Coordinators complete the Campus Coordinators Survey
  3. A finalized list of students, programs, and scholarships is given to the Heinz Endowments.
  4. CEEs and CEE Reports are due.

February 2017:

  1. Letters to Presidents of VIH institutions are mailed
  2. Presidents of institutions sign letters
  3. Campus Coordinators follow up with appropriate point person in Institutional Advancement to ensure that letters are returned to the Heinz Endowments in a timely fashion.
  4. Advising: 2017 Cohort—Campus coordinators meet with students to go over their Pre-Retreat assignments and Goals & Action Plans
  5. Marketing: encouraging applicants for 2018 cohort

March 2017:

-Marketing: encouraging applicants for 2018 cohort

  • March 17-19, 2017:

Leadership Development Retreat: Global

Summer 2017:

Campus Coordinators’ Meeting: July 18-19

2017 Cohort’s International Experience

August 2017:


  1. 2017 Cohort: Review Experience Report Guidelines and Example Experience Report and Photos.
  2. Review students’ Experience Reports
  3. Encourage students to review the CEE documents on the CEE webpage of the VIH site.

September 2017:

-Marketing: Campus Coordinators market the VIH program on campus targeting students that identify with at least one of the five indicators of diversity.

1. Campus Coordinators hold VIH Info Sessions

2. Campus Coordinators supervise VIH awardees’ 6 of 12 marketing hours

-Advising: 2017 Cohort on CEE ideas.

  • September 1, 2017
  1. Students submit their experience reports to their Campus Coordinators.
  • September 7, 2017
  1. Campus Coordinators instruct students to submit Experience Reports to their VIH e-portfolio.

October 2017:

-Marketing: Campus Coordinators market the VIH program on campus targeting students that identify with at least one of the five indicators of diversity.

1. Campus Coordinators hold VIH Info Sessions

2. Campus Coordinators supervise VIH awardees’ 6 of 12 marketing hours

-Advising: 2017 Cohort on CEE ideas

  • October 2, 2017
  1. Campus Coordinators approve CEE Idea forms

November 2017:

  • November 1, 2017
  1. Application Deadline: Students must submit the standardized application available on the VIH website. No alternative versions will be accepted. **Students at the University of Pittsburgh and regional campuses must submit an application though StudioAbroad.

**For Pitt Coordinators: You must go into StudioAbroad to manually check off the receipt of transcripts, Student Aid Reports, and Letters of Recommendation(if not submitted through the system). Please be sure to enter the QPAs and Pell Grant Amounts in the notes section for each student.

  • November 10, 2017
  1. Complete Professional Development and Marketing Funds Survey found on the For Coordinators page of the VIH website
  • November 2-23, 2017
  1. Conduct interviews.
  2. Each interview committee should be composed of three interviewers. Be sure that all interviewers receive a copy of the VIH Selection Committee Guidelines, which can be found on the Coordinators page of the VIH site under Application Resources.
  3. Advising: 2017 Cohort CEE
  • November 24, 2017
  1. Deadline for Campus Coordinators to send scanned copies of awardees’ standardized applications. Up to two alternates may be submitted as well. Financial Support documents should be included if applicable. All materials should be submitted via email to the Director, Sarah Wagner.

**For Pitt Coordinators: Email Ranking sheets

December 2017:

Advising: 2017 Cohort CEE