World Agility Open Championships 2018
Northern Ireland Team Selection

The eighthWAO World Championships will take place in the Netherlandsat the KNHS Equestrian Centre in Ermelo from18 to 20 May 2018. The official practice day will take place on 17 May. Once again Northern Ireland will be represented at the Championships. The Equestrian Centre is some 70 miles from the ports of Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Information about the event is available on the WAO web site -

The selection process for the .eighth WAO World Championships will take place in 2 stages.
Stage 1 - There will be a 2-day qualifying competition at Cooper Hill Farmbetween mid-October and early November 2016. Dogs that do not have an official WAO height measurement will be measured into their appropriate WAO height categories. On both days all dogswill compete in four events. On day one the programme will consist of a snooker round followed by jumping, speedstakes and agility. On the second day the programme will start with jumping followed by speedstakes, agility and gamblers. Dogs will earn points based on theirplacing ineach class. The dog that comes first in each class will be awarded 1 point, second 2 points etc. A value will be set for an elimination based on the number of dogs entered in the selection process. Once the 8 runs have been completed the dog with lowest accumulated points total in each of the 4 height categories will be guaranteed a place on the N.I. squad and will - as a minimum - be entered in the biathlon and individual pentathlon classes at the world championships.
Stage 2 - Dogs that haven’t automatically qualifiedon the above basis and those that were entered but were unable to be at the Stage 1 trial, will be invited to attend training sessions during November and December. On the basis of performance and commitment at these sessions, and any other performance information available at the time, the Team Manager will select the remainder of the squad i.e. up to 2 more dogs in each height category - making a total of up to 3 dogs in each height category.The Manager may increase the number of dogs in any of the height categories if, in his opinion, it would enhance the overall performance of the team. The intention would be to have this selection process completed by no later than 31 December 2017.

The training sessions for the second stage of the selection process will take place at Cooper Hill Farm during evenings under floodlight or on Saturday mornings.Effort will be made to facilitate those whose work commitments make attendance at these sessions difficult.
The trials and practice sessions will at all times use the jumping heights set out by WAO for the 2018 Championships
Dog: KC Grades 5,6 or 7 on 8October 2017. In exceptional circumstances a dog which reaches grade 5 between 8 October and 31 December 2017 may be considered for selection.
Handler: To be a permanent resident of, or born in, Northern Ireland
Entry (to the selection process) will be £25 per dog.These fees will help to meet the cost of the team entry fee. The balance of the entry fee will be paid by K9Activities.
Competitors will have to pay towards their personal expenses for the WAO event but everyone will be encouraged, collectively or individually, to engage in fund raising activities to meet these costs.
Owners/handlers considering entry to the process should feel free to discuss the selection procedures or any other aspect of the event with David Duncan – T:028 9182 2265 E: .
Applications should be made to the Team Manager by8 October 2017.