Affinity to musicMusic is My Life”: A journey for children individuals with Williams Ssyndrome

Eunmi Emily Kwak

Michigan State University

November 18, 2007February 16, 2008

Download : http://www.sunstone.or.kr/affinity.ppt

(Download will be available until the end of this year.)


Williams Syndrome Books and Articles:

Bellugi, U, St. George, M, & Galaburda, A. M. (Eds.), Journey from cognition to brain to gene : perspectives from Williams Syndrome. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.

Morris, C. A., Lenhoff, H, M & Wang, P. P (Eds.), Williams-Beuren Syndrome: research, evaluation, and treatment. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Scheiber, B. (2000). Fulfilling dreams-Book 1. A handbook for parents of Williams Syndrome children. . Clawson, MI: : Williams Syndrome Association.

Semel, E., & Rosner, S. R. (2003). Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers

Song, (2003). 송옥경 (2003). 윌리엄스 증후군 아동의 언어 및 운동 발달에 미치는 음악치료의 효과 [Effect of music therapy intervention on vocabulary skills and fine motor skills in toddler with Williams Syndrome]. Unpublished master’s thesis, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea.


Sforza, T. L. H. L. S. (2006). The strangest song : one father's quest to help his daughter find her voice : the compelling story of the link between a rare genetic disorder and musical talent: Prometheus Books.

Related Books and Articles:

Mervis, C. B., & Klein-Tasman, B. P. (2000). Williams Syndrome: Cognition, personality, and adaptive behavior. Mental Retardation, and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 6(2), 148-158.

National Research Council (U.S.). (2000). How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Ormrod, J. E. (2003). Human learning (4th ed.). Merrill Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Overy, K. (2000). Dyslexia, Temporal Processing and Music: The Potential of Music as an Early Learning Aid for Dyslexic Children. Psychology of Music, 28(2), 218.

Overy, K. (2003). Dyslexia and music: From timing deficits to musical intervention. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 497-505.

Overy, K., Nicolson, R. I., Fawcett, A. J., & Clarke, E. F. (2003). Dyslexia and music: measuring musical timing skills. Dyslexia, 9(1), 18-36.

Reid, R., & Lienemann, T. O. (2006). Strategy instruction for students with learning disabilities: Guilford Press.

Zatorre, R. J. (2003). Absolute pitch: a model for understanding the influence of genes and development on neural and cognitive function. Nature Neuroscience, 6(7), 692-695.

Mervis, C. B., & Klein-Tasman, B. P. (2000). Williams Syndrome: Cognition, personality, and adaptive behavior. Mental Retardation, and Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 6(2), 148-158.

National Research Council (U.S.). (2000). How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

Ormrod, J. E. (2003). Human learning (4th ed.). Merrill Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Overy, K. (2000). Dyslexia, Temporal Processing and Music: The Potential of Music as an Early Learning Aid for Dyslexic Children. Psychology of Music, 28(2), 218.

Overy, K. (2003). Dyslexia and music: From timing deficits to musical intervention. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 999, 497-505.

Overy, K., Nicolson, R. I., Fawcett, A. J., & Clarke, E. F. (2003). Dyslexia and music: measuring musical timing skills. Dyslexia, 9(1), 18-36.

Reid, R., & Lienemann, T. O. (2006). Strategy instruction for students with learning disabilities: Guilford Press.

Scheiber, B. (2000). Fulfilling dreams-Book 1. A handbook for parents of Williams Syndrome children. . Clawson, MI: : Williams Syndrome Association.

Song, (2003). 송옥경 (2003). 윌리엄스 증후군 아동의 언어 및 운동 발달에 미치는 음악치료의 효과 [Effect of music therapy intervention on vocabulary skills and fine motor skills in toddler with Williams Syndrome]. Unpublished master’s thesis, Ewha Woman’s University, Seoul, Korea.

Zatorre, R. J. (2003). Absolute pitch: a model for understanding the influence of genes and development on neural and cognitive function. Nature Neuroscience, 6(7), 692-695.

