HR Authorities & Delegations


Version Number:2.0

Effective Date:8 May2013



3.Principles Governing the Exercise of Delegations

4.Document Maintenance & Version Control

5.Definitions and Acronyms

6.Interpreting the Tables in Section 7

7.Authorities /Delegations

7.1Establishment of Academic Staff Positions

7.2Establishment and Classification/Reclassification of Professional Staff Positions

7.3Establishment of Casual/ Sessional Positions

7.4Recruitment Advertising


7.6Direct appointments

7.7Administration of Appointments

7.8Identification of associated workforce positions

7.9Management of appointment process for associated workforce positions

7.10Terms / Variations to Terms of Appointment

7.11Probation and Confirmation

7.12Enhancements/ Changes to Conditions

7.13Promotion of Academic Staff

7.14Academic Promotion Rehearing Process

7.15Performance Management – Academic Staff

7.16Performance Management – Professional Staff

7.17Issuing Performance Warnings

7.18Disciplinary Action for Misconduct and Unsatisfactory Performance



7.21Termination for ill-Health (instigated by Monash University the employer)

7.22Termination (Other)


7.24Voluntary Reduced Working Year

7.25Outside Studies Program (OSP) (within the limits outlined in University policy)

7.26Remuneration Claim Forms including Overtime and Additional Hours, Allowances & Timesheets

7.27Exceptional Achievement/Performance Payments

7.28Staff Wellbeing

7.29Authority to Provide/Extend Computer Access to HR Systems


This document confirms who has delegated authority to make key human resources (HR) decisions.

The original sources of authority for HR decisions are:

  • Vice-Chancellor and President
  • MonashUniversityEnterpriseAgreements (EAs)
  • University statutes and/or regulations

The Vice-Chancellor is the chief executive officer of the University and is generally responsible for the conduct of the University’s affairs in all matters. The Vice-Chancellor also has the power to delegate any of his or her functions, powers and duties to any appropriately qualified member of the University’s staff or to any committee of appropriately qualified members of the University’s staff, in order to ensure the efficient and effective management of the University. (Refer section 26 of the Monash University Act 2009)

In addition, the Vice-Chancellor has certain specific functions and powers under the Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic and Professional Staff) 2009 (EA), with the power to nominate persons to act in his or her place in relation to specific provisions under that agreement.

The Monash University Act 2009, theUniversity statutes and regulations, and the University’s EA stipulate who has the power to make certain decisions and whether this power can be delegated.

Only those committees or staff who have been delegated authority to make certain decisions by the Vice-Chancellor, EAsand University statutes or regulations, can legally make those decisions.

For the purposes of this document, a reference to ‘delegation’ includes power provided to a person regardless of the original source of authority.


This document clarifies the authority for a majority of key HR decisions. However, this document is not an exclusive statement of all HR authority. Some delegations of authority are, or will be, stated in other resolutions of the Council and in other policies and procedures.

This document contains only the relevant authority(ies) for various HR decisions. It does not articulate the procedural requirements that need to be addressed prior to the authority considering the decision. The procedural requirements are found in the relevant policies or procedures. For convenience, a reference to the relevant policy and/or procedure or source of authority is listed in the column entitled ‘source of authority/reference’ (refer table below).

This document covers all MonashAustralian campuses.

3.Principles Governing the Exercise of Delegations

The following principles apply:

  • Only the person or committee who has been delegated authority in relation to a particular HR function is able to make a decision about that HR function.
  • The power of the person or committee to whom authority is delegated is limited by the scope of the relevant HR policy or procedure.
  • The giving of authority ordinarily relates to the person’s office, or position, not to the individual in that position.
  • Holders of authority must not exercise authority to confer benefits or exercise rights in respect of themselves or family members.
  • Where authority is given to a committee, it relates to the committee acting as a committee, not to individual members of the committee.
  • A reference to giving authority to a position or to a committee is to be taken to be a reference to the principal successor to the functions of that position or committee, if the original position or the committee is abolished, restructured or re-named.
  • A person duly appointed as a temporary or acting occupant of a position has the authority given to the position in which he or she is acting, provided that the procedures that are required to be undertaken in the making of any decision have been observed.
  • Unless expressly permitted to do so by the instrument or other formal means of creating the delegation, no holder of a delegation of poweris authorised to nominate another staff member or committee to perform his or her authority or function. However delegations assigned through University policy and procedure may be performed by a nominee within the parameters outlined in the relevant policy or procedure.
  • If an authority holder nominates another staff member to perform a function or appoints or instructs another staff member or committee to give advice or make recommendations about the exercise of authority, the authority holder nevertheless remains responsible and accountable for the decision or action made by the authority holder.
  • Unless otherwise specified, the giving of authority ordinarily relates only to HR authorities or functions within the authority holder’s area of accountability.
  • Nothing in this document authorises an authority holder to do anything which is, or is likely to be, a breach of an approved policy, procedure or code of conduct of the University.
  • In the event of any inconsistency between the authorities defined within this document and the EA, the provisions of the EA will prevail.
  • In exercising an authority with respect to a financially related transaction, the authority holder must exercise his/her authority within the limits of the relevant approved source of funds or budget.
  • In the case of all HR authorisations, the procedures that are required to be undertaken in the making of the relevant decision must be observed.
  • All holders of authority must diligently and in good faith exercise the authority they have been granted.
  • In the ordinary course of events decisions made should be documented.
  • If the authority holder considers the decision to be particularly sensitive or complex, the authority holder is encouraged to refer the decision to the Executive Director (Monash HR).
  • Where it is unclear as to who has the authority to make an HR decision, the authority will reside with the Executive Director, Monash HR, in the first instance.
  • Nothing in this document prevents the Vice-Chancellor from taking a decision on any matter.
  • There is no obligation for any matter to be referred to the delegate if the Vice-Chancellor wishes to take that decision.
  • The delegations in this document may be varied or removed by the Vice-Chancellor in his or her sole discretion and at any time, acting on the advice of the Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President.

4.Document Maintenance & Version Control

This document will be kept under review to ensure that it is maintained as a current and comprehensive guide to HR delegations of authority.

References to the relevant University policies and procedures to which the exercise of delegations is subject will also be updated as these policies and procedures are reviewed.

5.Definitions and Acronyms

For the purpose of this document only, the following expressions and terms have these meanings:

Academic staff / Staff employed in academic roles including levels A to E, research assistants and senior academic staff.
“the Agreement” / Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic and Professional Staff) 2009
Delegate / The substantive, acting or temporary occupant of a position, or a group of persons (eg a committee), with delegated authority under this document.
Enterprise Agreement / The Monash University Enterprise Agreement (Academic and Professional Staff) 2009
Head of Unit / The Head of Unit is head of either an academic or administrative unit and is primarily responsible for providing academic, strategic and/or administrative leadership to the unit.
Lead HR Business Partner / A member of the Monash HR management team who operates as a senior HR Business Partner responsible for the strategic and operational management of the human resources services and activities of a Faculty or Divisional Cluster.
Professional staff: / Staff employed in HEW level roles other than those covered by the relevant Trades and Services Agreements. Formerly known as general staff.
SMT / Senior Management Team
Supervisor / Position to which the employee reports as indicated in their position description
Trades and Services staff / Staff employed in trades and services roles under the Trades and Service Enterprise Agreements
Vice-Chancellor / The Vice-Chancellor and President of the University or, where applicable, a person acting as his/her nominee.
WPP / The Monash University Workplace Policies and Procedures (found at

6.Interpreting the Tables in Section 7

The tables in Section 7 can be interpreted as follows:


7.1Establishmentof Academic Staff Positions

Authority to establish academic positions but not remuneration at the following levels (within approved budget) resides in, or is delegated to:

Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Chancellors / Council / Monash University Act 2009 – sections 24, 25 and 26, 27(2)
Pro Vice-Chancellors
Deans / Council / Statute 3.2.3
Statute 3.3
Deputy Dean / Vice Chancellor / Statute 3.3
Academic Level E (Professor) / Vice-Chancellor / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedures
Academic Level A, B, C and D / Dean / Recommended by Academic Board Meeting 1/2002; Council Meeting 2/2002 received and noted report of meeting 1/2002 of Academic Board, & approved the recommendation.
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedures

7.2Establishment and Classification/Reclassification of Professional Staff Positions

Authority to establish professional staff positions but not remuneration and to classify (or reclassify) professional staff positions in accordance with the classification process articulated in the Enterprise Agreement and University policy resides in, or is delegated to:

Classification /Reclassification / DELEGATION / SOURCE OF AUTHORITY/ REFERENCE
Establishment of a professional staff position (above HEW10) / Vice-Chancellor
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedures
Establishment of a professional staff position (HEW 1 to 10) / Dean
Divisional Director or equivalent / Statute 3.5
Terms of appointment
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedures
Classification of a HEW Level 10 (A to D) position / Manager, Remuneration & Senior Professional Appointments (as chair of the HEW10 Classification Committee) / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure –Classification of Professional Staff
Classification of a HEW Level 1 - 9 position / Lead HR Business Partner (as chair of the relevant Classification Committee) / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure –Classification of Professional Staff

7.3Establishment of Casual/Sessional Positions

Authority to establish casual or sessional positions but not remuneration resides in, or is delegated to:

Casual or sessional positions / Head of Unit / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy and Procedures

7.4Recruitment Advertising

Authority to approve requests to advertise or towaive advertising requirements at the following levels is delegated to / authorisedby:

Request to advertise – appointment of Professor (Level E) / Provost / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment to an advertised position of professor (Level E)
Request to advertise academic positions (Levels A to D) / Dean
PVC & President, Gippsland, in consultation with the relevant dean / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Request to advertise – professional staff above HEW10 / Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Request to advertise - professional staff positions HEW10A to D / Executive Director (Monash HR) / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Request to advertise - professional staff positions HEW1 to 9 / Dean
Divisional Director or equivalent / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Approval of any variations to the current recruitment advertising requirements / Executive Director (Monash HR) / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Approval of advertising costs in excess of centrally-funded costs / Dean
Divisional Director or equivalent / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff


Authority to select (or approve the selection of) a successful candidate through an advertised recruitment process consistent with policy resides in, or is designated to:

Vice-Chancellor / Council / Monash University Act 2009 – sections 26 and 27(2)
Deputy Vice- Chancellors, Vice-Presidents / Council / Monash University Act 2009 – sections 26 and 27(2)
Pro Vice-Chancellor / Council / Statute 3.2.3
Dean / Council / Statute 3.3
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure - Administrative Appointments
Deputy Dean / Vice-Chancellor
Associate Dean / Dean
Head of School /Department / Dean / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure - Administrative Appointments
Deputy Head of School/Department / Dean
Professor – Level E (including Conjoint Professor (advertised)) / Dean
Vice-Chancellor, following endorsement of the Provost / Council Meeting 3/2009, Minute 2.3
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment to an advertised position of professor (Level E)
Associate Professor and Associate Professor (Research) – Level D
Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Fellow – Level C
Lecturer and Research Fellow - Level B
Assistant Lecturer, Research Assistantand Research Fellow – Level A / Dean / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedures – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Above HEW Level 10 / Vice-Chancellor
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
HEW Level 10A to D / Provost
Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President
HEW Level 1 - 9 / Dean
Divisional Director or equivalent / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Casual or Sessional Staff (Academic and Professional) / Head of Unit / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of casual and sessional staff

7.6Direct appointments

Authority to approve direct appointments resides in, or is delegated to:

Professor (Level E) (including conjoint professorial appointments) / Vice-Chancellor / Council Meeting 2/2013, Item 6.5, Resolution CL3/2013/60
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Direct Appointments
Continuing direct appointments – Academic Levels B to D / Vice-Chancellor, following endorsement of the Provost / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Direct appointments
Fixed-term direct appointments – Academic Level D / Vice-Chancellor, following endorsement of the Provost / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Direct appointments
Fixed-term direct appointments – Academic Levels A to C / Dean / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Direct appointments
Continuing and fixed-term direct appointments - professional staff (HEW Level 1 – 9) / Executive Director (Monash HR) / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Direct appointments
Continuing and fixed-term direct appointments - professional staff (HEW Level 10) and above / Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Direct appointments

7.7Administration of Appointments

Authority to administer the appointment of the successful candidate (on the advice of the authority holder for Selection in 7.5 or Direct Appointments in 7.6above) at the following levels resides in, or is delegated to:

Vice-Chancellor and
Deputy Vice- Chancellors / Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President
Pro Vice-Chancellor
Dean / Chief Operating Officer and Senior Vice-President / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure - Administrative Appointments
Deputy Dean
Associate Dean / Manager, Remuneration & Senior Professional Appointments
Head of School /Department / Manager, Remuneration & Senior Professional Appointments / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure - Administrative Appointments
Deputy Head of School/Department
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment to an advertised position of professor (Level E)
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedures – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Professor and Professor (Research) – Level E
Associate Professor and Associate Professor (Research) – Level D
Senior Lecturer – Level C
Senior Research Fellow -Level C
Lecturer - Level B
Research Fellow - Level B
Assistant Lecturer – Level A
Research Assistant
(Research Fellow Level A/Research Assistant Level A / Lead HR Business Partner
Above HEW Level 10 / Manager, Remuneration & Senior Professional Appointments / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
HEW Level 10A to D / Lead HR Business Partner (for faculties only)
Manager, Remuneration & Senior Professional Appointments (for central administrative portfolios) / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
HEW Level 1 - 9 / Lead HR Business Partner / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of fixed-term and continuing staff
Casual or sessional Staff / HR Business Partner / Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Policy
Recruitment, Selection and Appointment Procedure – Recruitment of casual and sessional staff

7.8Identification of associated workforce positions

Authority to request an appointment within the associated workforce resides in, or is delegated to: