IllinoisAfterSchool Network Board Minutes
September 9, 2013
Conference Call 10:00 am -12:30 pm
Board members in attendance: Chris Bzdon, Terri Eppinger, Carole Franke, Stacie Ealey, Camille Harmon, Sheila Henson, Deb Rogers Jaye, Gail Meisner, Deb Merdinger, Tony Stahl, Jaime Singer, Tara Willi, and Curtis Peace, Executive Director. A quorum was present.
Proxies: Carole Franke for Queen Drake
Call to order: The Illinois AfterSchool Network Board of Directors regularly scheduled conference call Board meeting was called to order by Board President Chris Bzdon at 10:05 am.
I. Minutes of the July 26, 2013 Board Meeting was approved on a motion by Carole Franke, duly seconded by Stacie Ealey. Motion carried.
Discussion: Chris Bzdon updated the board that she did not receive six Conflict of Interest forms.
II. Approval of Agenda: the agenda was approved as presented on a motion byJaime Singer, duly seconded by Camille Harmon. Motion carried.
Discussion: Carole Franke said the minutes from the by-laws Committee will be presented to the Executive Committee and then to the full board.
III. Financials:Tony Stahl, Treasurer, reviewed the FY13 Financials (provided in Board packet) and reported that the IAN has a good cash flow balance but it will be lower at the end of the fiscal year. The names for the reports are now called Board Financial Summary Reports. Tony will talk more in a future meeting to explain more about the board report layout.
Chris Bzdon reminds everyone that this is the first time the board is seeing the new financial layout. It is more board friendly and Deb Jaye thanked Tony for explaining accounting 101 basics. Motion was made by Terri Eppinger to file FY14 July financials and FY13 end of year financials into record. Deb Jaye seconded. Motion carried.
IV.Executive Director Report: Curtis Peace, Executive Director provided both a written and verbal report to the Board (informationin Board packet).
Financial Matters: Bank account $105,555.06 (as of 9/6/13)
Financial Review versus audit for this year
Office Matters/Others: Quarterly newsletter will go out to the field at the beginning of October
Membership Numbers as of 9/6/13: Individual- 99 Agency-121 Numbers up by 34 from July
National AfterSchool Association Update: NAAJMOA- received and approved by NAA. New rates began onSeptember 1stOur website has been updated to reflect the new rates
INCCRRA/I-SAY Committee Update:LevelOneStatewideSchool Age and Youth Development Train the Trainer is rescheduled for September 19th through the 21st
Meeting with Julie Swanberg on Monday, August 26th - Gateways
Authorized Entity
IDHS Advisory Council Meeting: Wednesday, July 10that DePaulUniversity- Naperville campus
Update on Race to the Top integration: During the meeting, Curtis asked about After School Involvement in the work being accomplished through the Race to the Top project
Upcoming meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13th
ACT Now Coalition/Voices for Illinois Children: Leadership Team Mtg Aug 20th at Voices in Chicago
Professional Development sub-committee work:(IDHS, ISBE, INCCRRA, ICOY, AIR, and IAN)
Update- Youth Development Council (no movement)
Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership: Committee Meeting- Friday, Sept 6th at 10:00am
Fine tuned one-day symposium on Friday, September 2ihin Bloomington
IllinoisParks and Recreational Association/Illinois Camping Association
One-day regional training event in Rockford on Friday, August 23rd was a HUGE success!
Possible IAN involvement with their annual statewide conference in January
Eventbrite Company
Curtis met several times with Chloe Stewart to discuss placing new membership fees, spring conference fees and vendor fees on the website. She is working with Linda to complete this project. Hopefully, the information will be posted on our website by Friday, September 13th
Resource Development
Response Doug Seigel, MacArthur Foundation on August 26th
Meeting with Gwen Hughes/Mott Foundation on Thursday, September 5th
Aetna Foundation Grant is due on Friday, September 13th. The proposal will be submitted for $150k for Health, Fitness and Nutrition program in Illinois
Waiting on rfp from the Chicago Community Trust. The request for proposals should be out by October
Professional Development
Regional Trainings: Working on calendar of regional trainings for the Y2 of this fiscal year The calendar should be ready to be distributed to the field within the next two weeks
Teen Reach Trainings: First set of trainings begin in the month of October
Online Training: Meeting with Grace and Cory at Minnesota Child Care Aware on 9-10-13
Curtis has been on the IDHS Advisory Council for three years; it is mostly geared toward early childhood. Curtis will meet with Holly and invite Chris Bzdon to find ways to include after school and youth.Next year Curtis will decline being chair for ACT NOW. Deb Jaye suggested to map out on a grid what Curtis does for partnerships that he spends his time on to find if his time is being spent well for the IAN. Chris suggests requesting a memorandum of understanding with our partners with a responsibility description.
Jaime Singer pointed out that Illinois is not fulfilling their deliverables for MOTT and may not get funded again. Chris Bzdon suggests forming an Ad Hoc committee to look into funding from MOTT. Gail Meisner has access to some folks and could make some calls concerning the MOTT organization. Deb Jaye would be interested in starting the ground work for this.
V. Old Business
A. Executive Committee
a.Board Giving
Chris Bzdon will send out a letter in October about support from board members.
b.Updated Committee Descriptions & Goals
Chris thanked Stacie for putting together the committee descriptions. Stacie will update the goals with a quarterly report.
c.IAN Office Restructure Proposal
Curtis explains posting a job for a part time contractual program coordinator and changing the title of office manager to administrative assistant
Stacie Ealey makes the motion for hiring of a contractual program coordinator, Deb Jaye seconds and motion passes.
d.Executive Director Accrual Form
Stacie Ealey suggests using the same tool to track all employees time.
B. Governance Committee
- Bylaws - Carole needs approval from the Executive Committee first.
C. Finance & Resource Development Committee
a.FY14 Budget Approval
Tony Stahl submitted an IAN highlight report about the financial reports and budget.
The IAN is in a good financial position and happy that we got 120,000 in this contract. Use FY14 to figure out how to make up the 30,000 difference we use to get. The Finance Committee motions approval of budget, Stacie Ealey seconds.
b.Executive Director Home Phone Internet Use
Budget includes $1116 reimbursement to executive director to work out of his home
c.Executive Director FY14 Salary
Chris Bzdon said that the evaluation for Curtis was good and he is entitled to a cost of living increase; salary increase is retro to July 1st. Stacie Ealey will check with Mike Canny on cost of living in the Springfield area. Tony stated that the budget needs amended for the increase.
d.Grants update
Chris Bzdon has asked the grant writers to stay on. Camille Harmon said that expense is in the budget already.
D.Professional Development
Gail Meisner submitted a report that is in the packet. Deb Jaye reported an excellent TOT training by Curtis Peace and Jaime Singer. Curtis reported that the IAN has a good group of trainers who will be representing the IAN out in the field.
Gail is working with her membership and marketing committee on promoting membership at trainings.
Curtis spoke on merging ISBE conference with the IAN conference and Gail voiced her skepticism about that. Dora Walker wants to promote our conference the day after their conference. Curtis thinks maybe we can co-conference with them in 2015.
E. Membership and Marketing Committee
Stacie Ealey submitted a report that is in the packet and announced that the new IAN brochure is done. The next committee meeting is set for next week. The committee would like to get membership increased at the trainings. Linda will do packets for Board Members to promote membership in their regions.
VI. New Business
Chris Bzdon asked the board if they received an e-mail from AIR about asurvey and asked everyone to please fill out the survey.
VII. Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:28 p.m.
Motionwas made by Jaime Singer, duly seconded by Deb Jaye.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Flesch, Transcriber
Next Meeting:
October 3, 2013
10:00am – 3:00pm, Springfield