Venus in Taurus and Scorpio

Venus in Taurus or Venus in Relation to Taurus

(from Esoteric Astrology)

  1. Venus in Taurus—Related to the Secret of Light:
    “Through Saturn and Venus, therefore, Capricorn is connected with Libra and also with Gemini and Taurus, and these four constellations—Taurus, Gemini, Libra and Capricorn—constitute a potent quaternary of energies and between them produce those conditions and situations which will enable the initiate to demonstrate his readiness and capacity for initiation. They are called the ‘Guardians of the Four Secrets’.”
    Taurus—Guards the secret of light and confers illumination upon the initiate.” (EA 164-165)
  2. Venus in Taurus—Intelligent Desire:
    “Venus rules in Taurus, Libra and Capricorn, and is the source of intelligent mind, acting either through desire (in the early stages) or love (in the later stages). In Taurus, this means the mind expressing itself through intelligent desire, for that is the goal of knowledge for ordinary man.” (EA 244)
  3. Venus in Taurus—Natural Law:
    “Law, natural law (the externalisation of the subjective spiritual law) will give the clue to the animal kingdom. Sex or the consciousness of affinity will reveal the mystery of the vegetable kingdom; money will unveil the secret of the mineral kingdom and all this will come about through the activity of Venus and when this activity is the three signs of Taurus, Libra and Capricorn is better understood.
    Taurus—animal kingdom—law—natural law.” (EA 245)
  4. Venus in Taurus—Stimulates Desire:
    “Taurus pours the energy stimulating desire, via Venus, onto our Earth;…” (EA 362)
  5. Venus in Taurus—the Exoteric Ruler:
    “Venus is its exoteric ruler and Vulcan its esoteric and hierarchical ruler.” (EA 382)
  6. Venus in Relation to Taurus—Linking Taurus and the Earth:
    “Venus hold a unique relation to the Earth, different to that of any other planet and this, therefore, brings about a much closer relation between Taurus and Earth than perhaps exists in any other zodiacal relation where our planet is concerned.” (EA 383)
  7. Venus in Relation to Taurus (and the Earth)—a Close Karmic Relation and Definite Dharma:
    “Today...Taurus, Venus and the Earth have a very close karmic relation and a very definite dharma to work out together. Just what that karma and relationship may prove eventually to be lies beyond ordinary human understanding but some idea of it may be gained by relating in your mind the words: Will, Desire, Light and Plan.” (EA 383)
  8. Venus and Taurus in Unison—Associated Thoughts:
    “Venus connotes in our minds, even if we have only a glimmer of occult truth, that which is mental, that which concerns final sublimation, that which deals with sex and that which must work out into symbolic expression upon the physical plane. These are the major concepts which enter our minds when Venus and Taurus are considered in unison. These factors of expression have ever been related to these two since the night of time, because they are essentially basic and eternally cosmic in their implications.” (EA 384)
  9. A Symbolic Writing Which Summarizes Venus in Relation to Taurus:
    “For the sake of disciples in training, these four concepts [mind, sublimation, sex and symbolic expression on the physical plane] have been briefly summed up in an archaic writing of great significance.
    “The holy Sons of Mind embraced the two. They saw and understood. Thus was sex born and thus the great mistake was made. The mind was outward turned. The form appears to view and not the life.’
    ‘Out of the dark, they cried aloud, the holy Sons of Mind. In pain, they cried aloud. They inward looked and knew the error they had made but knew not what to do...The Lord replied and gave to them the sign of resurrection.” (EA 384)
  10. Venus in Taurus—to be Considered in Relation to Sex:
    “Man discovers that sex (which has hitherto been a purely physical function, carried on sometimes under the impulse of love) is elevated into its rightful plane as the divine marriage, carried out and consummated upon the levels of soul awareness. It is this great truth which lies beyond the sordid story of sex expression, of sex magic and the distortions of modern Tantric magic. Humanity has stepped down the symbolic mystery. Men have sought through physical expression to produce the inner fusion and harmony which they crave and this cannot be done. Sex is but the symbol of an inner duality which must be itself transcended and wrought into a unity. It is not transcended by physical means or rituals. It is a transcendence in consciousness.” (EA 385)
  11. Taurus Affected by the Fifth Ray through Venus:
    “We have somewhat considered the rays and their effect and relationship as they, through Taurus and its rulers, pour their force and energy into individual man, or into humanity as a whole. The two rays which directly affect the sign are, as we have seen, the fifth (through Venus) and the first (through Vulcan).” (EA 393)
  12. The Taurean Needs the Spiritual Aspect of Venus:
    [The Taurean subject] “…needs to grasp the spiritual side of Venus which emphasises that the Son of God who is the Son of mind is the instruments of God's love; he must learn therefore to transmute knowledge into wisdom.” (EA 394)
  13. Venus in Relation to Taurus—to be Considered in Relation to the Lifting of the Sacral Energies to the Throat:
    “Taurus, as you know, rules the neck and the thyroid gland. This is essentially the region whence must emanate the creative activity of the man who is upon the Path. The throat is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so that creation through love and by the will eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy. The right use of the organs of speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic changes.” (EA 397)
  14. Venus and Taurus—Active in Relation to the Second House:
    “It is interesting to note, for instance, in connection with the second house (and the same idea can be applied to all of them) that Taurus, the mother of illumination, and Venus, the endower of mind plus the embodied soul, are related and active in this house. The light of matter and the light of the soul are both involved in the use of energy and in the problem of what is desired, what is regarded as loss, and what shall be the gained objective. It is, therefore, the house of values—material or spiritual.” (EA 511)
  15. Venus in Relation to Taurus—Connecting to the “Seed House of Illumination”:
    “Capricorn.—Ruler: Venus, governing the second House, which is concerned with economics, the distribution of money and metals and which rules Taurus, the ‘seed house’ of illumination and the new emerging light.” (EA 538)
  16. Venus in Taurus and the Lower Concrete Mind of the British Nation: “Venus rules Taurus and Libra as well as Gemini and hence the well developed lower concrete mind of the British nation. The intuitive mind however needs development.” (DN 83-84)

A Summary of the Qualities and Processes which Venus Represents

  1. Venus in Relation to the Three Personality Vehicles: Archetypally, Venus opposes the Moon. Venus stands for the soul and the Moon for the personality and all of its vehicles.
  2. Venus brings proportion and beauty of form to the physical vehicle. It also renders it susceptible to pleasure and pleasantly retarding magnetisms.
  3. In relation to the etheric body, Venus balances, harmonizes and refines, working for the integration of etheric flows.
  4. Venus is very important in relation to the astral body, elevating the quality of desire, refining it, rendering it less discordant. As well, Venus bring light to the foggy astral sphere being a strong force for the dissipation of glamour.
  5. Venus brings illumination to the mind, rending the concrete mind responsive to the “Son of Mind”. Under Venus, the lower mind can become the “mind held steady in the light”.
  6. Venus in Relation to the Personality as a Whole: Venus stimulates the flow of solar fire towards the personality. Archetypally, the personality is under the control of Mars and is thus an instrument of separation rather than of unity. Venus begins to reverse that trend, less wisely at first (for it may produce many retarding alliances based on pleasure) but far more wisely later, inducing harmonious and unifying relationships based on higher values.
  7. Venus in Relation to the Integration of the Personality: As Venus promotes harmony and concord, it renders the personality vehicles more cooperative, more easily attuned to one another. Through this concord, the influence of the soul can more easily enter, adding its own cohesive effect, drawing the personality and its vehicles into alliance. Venus can present luminous and attractive values to which all personality vehicles will give accord.
  8. Venus in Relation to the Fusion of Soul and Personality: It is in relation to this fusion that the influence of Venus excels. In mythology, Mars and Venus are in love; they symbolize, respectively, the personality and the soul. Venusian magnetism is ever-attractive to Mars, who does what he can to refine his nature and make himself worthy of acceptance by his lover. This is the training and ‘domestication’ of the personality desiring to receive the full inflow of soul energy
  9. Venus as the Planet of the Light and Love of the Soul: Regardless of the ray it is expressing, the soul, on its own plane, is a center of light and love—two divine qualities closely associated with Venus. Venus in the astrological chart shows the area of experience and the manner in which the loving illumination of the higher mind can enter the personality consciousness and life demonstration.
  10. Venus and the Influence of the Solar Angel: The ultimate origin of the redeeming Solar Angels may be Sirius from which they ‘journey’ to the “heart of the Sun” and, thence, to Venus before entering the sphere of expression represented by our own planetary scheme. These great beings (who are the “Hearts of Fiery Love”) are loving and luminous educators and redeemers of our human race. Their influence carries, especially, the higher note of Venus. Through the placement of Venus in the astrological chart one of the chief modes of entry for solar angelic energy can be discerned. The Solar Angels work principally through a refined and beautiful magnetism which eventually attracts the attention of the desirous personality consciousness. Venus, by placement, shows the nature of this magnetism and how it may be best utilized to assist with the processes of soul-infusion.
  11. Venus and the Content of the Causal Body: Only a high ‘distillate’ of human experience finds its way into the human ‘treasury’ on the higher mental plane—i.e., the causal body. Venus represents everything of spiritual value which we have ‘extracted’ from the many experiences of personal life within the three lower worlds of human evolution. When we invoke the power of Venus in the astrological chart, we find a way to access all earned faculties and capacities which constitute ‘the best within us’. Spirit, of course, is still better, but spirit is not ‘earned’ through experience. It simply forever is.
  12. Venus and the Building of the Antahkarana: The “rainbow bridge” (the antahkarana) which connects the soul-inspired personal man with his threefold heavenly ‘source’—the spiritual triad—is built and sustained very much with the assistance of the Venusian energy, which draws the lower and higher triads together. When the personality becomes soul-resonant, it is fit to make a sustained contact with the triadal world of atma/buddhi/manas. Venus is especially related to manas and buddhi and provides a higher magnetism which renders those spheres of vibration consistently attractive.
    Venus is a particular ruler of the three higher subplanes of the manasic plane whereon not only the causal body is focussed but the mental permanent atom which is the foundational center in the spiritual triad. Further, the love-wisdom energy of Venus is attuned to buddhi which, among other things, is the energy of “loving understanding”.
    The spiritual triad is the true soul, and resonates to the second ray, as a second ray expression of a first ray source (the monad). Venus is certainly not the only planet with relevance to the spiritual triad, but it is especially effective in relation to two of those vibratory spheres (the buddhic and manasic planes) which it is the function of the antahkarana to link to the lower personal consciousness focussed on the plane of concrete mind.
    We might say that Venus is very influential in building the first part of the antahkarana—the bridge linking soul and personality, and is a magnetic and sustaining factor in building the second part of the bridge which links more directly with the spiritual triad. Venus represents that part of the human mind which is ‘upward tending’, seeking its abstract source.

Specific Expressions of Venus in Taurus

Venus in Taurus for the Undeveloped and Average Man

  1. Venus in Taurus—Sensation, Earthiness, Pleasure:
    Upon the Mutable Cross, Venus in Taurus induces a strong attraction is towards earthiness and sensation-oriented pleasures. On the lowest turn of the spiral, this will indicate sensuality, and as evolution proceeds, sensuousness..
  2. Venus in Taurus—the Materialization of the Sex Impulse:
    Spiritually and subjectively, sex is an expression of the relationship between two of the great pairs of opposites—soul and personality. It takes the human being a long time to realize this. Venus in Taurus is, in early evolutionary days, a combination contributing to the materialization and physicalization of this internal union. The sex impulse operates purely in relation to the physical pairs of opposites (male and female) and only within the world revealed by the five physical senses.
  3. Venus in Taurus—the Love of Nature and Natural Living:
    Taurus represents nature, natural law (EA 245), and the natural man. Venus is what one desires, loves and values. Here, then, is enjoyment in the pursuit of natural, instinctive living.
  4. Venus in Taurus—the Glamor of the “Beauty of the Form”:
    Taurus (with its exalted Moon) is associated with the physical form and, through Venus, with the beauty of that form. Upon the Mutable Cross, Venus in Taurus inclines the person to be attracted (Venus) more to the form and its beauty (Venus) than to the cause or spiritual pattern lying behind and within the form. We could call this ‘beguilement by superficial appearance’, or the ‘glamor of the beauty of the form’. The paintings of Dante Rossetti (in the Pre-Raphaelite movement) illustrate the beauty of form peculiarly characteristic of Venus in Taurus.
  5. Venus in Taurus—Involvement in the Life of the Senses:
    The senses reveal the “not-Self”. There are five senses; Venus has numerical affinity with the number five through the fifth ray which it transmits. Taurus represents the “not-Self” in a dyad with Aries—Aries representing pure being and the Self. Further Venus represents the forces of attraction and magnetism, and Taurus stimulates desire. With this combination, especially, in early days, there is a “going out” in desire towards the “not-Self” (the object), with which union is sought. The earliest example of this is the sex-instinct, and all the physical appetites.
  6. Venus in Taurus—Engagement with what Appeals to the Eye, the Ear and the Sense of Touch:
    The whole sensory realm is so engaged in this combination, but especially the three senses of seeing, hearing and touching. Venus rules the ajna center associated with sight, and Taurus is the “Mother of Illumination” (and is, thus, associated with the eye as the organ which is sensitive to illumination). Taurus rules the sense of hearing. Taurus is also a tactile sign, and Venus a planet inducing refined touch. The sense of touch is particularly associated with the astral body (with which both Venus and Taurus has strong associations). Venus (holding place in the “Logoic Quaternary”) may well be the center of astral focus for the Solar Logos, and, Venus (associated not only with manas but with kama-manas) is strongly related to the process of evaluation through touch.
  7. Venus in Taurus—Musical Instinct:
    Venus is the planet of art and beauty and Taurus (ruling the sense of hearing and the body’s one musical instrument—the voice) is one of the most musical of signs, with a pronounced sense of melody and rhythm. In early days, this can express simply as the love of song and dance, with no great sophistication involved.
  8. Venus in Taurus—Beauty Expressed through the Voice:
    Venus in Taurus confers the power to express beauty (Venus) through the voice (Taurus). The voice can also be used as a means of seduction, stimulating attraction to the things of the senses. This is the “honeyed (Venus) voice (Taurus)”.

Venus in Taurus for the Advanced Man

  1. Venus in Taurus—the Mind Expresses itself Through Intelligent Desire: