ValleyViewPublic School

School Community Council Minutes (Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 at 6:30 pm in library)

Meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.

Present (in alphabetical order): Barb Broda, Sherry Chabai,Amy Cicchelli,Muhammed Hayat, Danielle Holmes, Sandeep Kakan, Gary Lew, Colleen Marquis, Punam Persaud, Leanne Verkley, Shawna Zarucki
1. A brief review of the Team Group Norms for 2014/2015 SCC Meetings started the meeting.
2. February Minutes were approved by Barb Broda, and seconded by Danielle Holmes.
3. Principals Report: (Please also review Principals report on school website)
Website updates: Board updates from the Creekwood Community,Fraser Institute, etc.
Upcoming Events: Mathletes, Vision Care, Scientists in the School, Artists in motion, etc.
Fraser Institute Report: 6th Top School in Durham. A great achievement!
Grades 1-3 attended musical Jack and the Beanstock
Grade 3 Learn Not to Burn/Swim to Survive

Grade 4 & 8 students randomly selected to take part in TIMSS (Science and Math Assessment) on April 9th

Student Participation in Events: Heritage Fair, Abilities Expo, Eco-Challenge, etc.

Kindness Program: A program where the children had a dog in the classroom to discuss proper care, respect and work involved to properly care for pets.
Safety: Icicles were cleaned up for safety around the school and certain areas blocked off
March 2 & 3 Phone lines down. Twitter, school website and letter went home to inform parents
March 4 during the power outage, bottled water was provided and manual toilet flushing occurred
Conservation Authority has sent a memo re: safety and the dangers of being near open waterways during ice melts and warm temperatures
EQAO: preparations have begun and assessment dates are May 26-28 for Junior (grade 6) and June 1-3 for Primary (grade 3). June 4 is the make-up date
Career Day: More discussion and organization needed to take place before parents can come in to the school to talk about their work (Mr. Kakan previously volunteered to lead organization)
Mr, Kakan requested for an explanation regarding the breakdown of the Maple Syrup Farm trip.

Mrs. Chabai explained how school bus costs, plus the school rate to specific locations divided by the number of students attending will determine the cost per student.

4. Teacher’s Report

Ignite Learning: Mrs. Marquis talked about the seven core ignite learning beliefs and the SCC was broken down into small groups and provided feedback to specific questions.
5. Financial Report

$2859 is presently in the bank due to the fact that theSCC had a successful movie night and officially raised $674 and Pancake Day raised $785.

A $100 cheque was sent out to Racing Against Drugs but we still need to payout Scientist in the School $2600, Grade 8 grad $225 and the Cost-sharing of the movie upgrade licencing- $142. We also need to leave the 2015-2016 SCC a float of a minimum of $200. This gives us between now and the end of June to raise more money.

One last FundScrip order will be placed at the end of April / early May (mother’s day). This will ensure that a final cheque for the 2014-2015 school year will be sent to us in June.

6. New Business
Possible second movie night May 14th or May 28th. Looking into movies: Cinderella, Home, Avengers, or Strange Magic.

Possible two pancake days for 2015/2016.
Regional SCC: Punam attended a meeting which lead to our discussion re: PRO grant application. We did brainstorming regarding having parents come into the school to listen to a keynote speaker and then follow their children into their classes to learn with them for a morning – possibly title event “Spend a Day in Our Shoes”. Amy and Barb willing to work with Punam on the application form which is due May 19th
Below, Punam has provided information for two igniting opportunities workshops coming up. For more information on either, please contact Punam or Mr. Lew.

What Parents Need to Know NOW to Help Their Teens Succeed
Symposium for Parents/Guardians/Mentors/& Their Teens (Grades 7 - 11)
April 15th, 2015
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Ajax HS
Featuring Keynote Speaker: Shelley-Ann Brown
Four workshops to choose from; useful parent resources for all

SciTech Talk

April 9th,
7:00 pm at the Education Centre

(400 Taunton Road, Whitby).

Stonemore Daycare Centre will be open Easter Monday.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:59 p.m.

Next meeting June 11, 2015 @ 6:30 pm