Units 2-3 Test Review: Geography and Native Americans

DIRECTIONS: Use your notes in your INB to help answer the following questions and work on the following skills.

EXTRA CREDIT: My child has completed the study guide and has studied for AT LEAST 30 minutes. Please print your name next to the signature

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  1. Skills - Students need to know how to do the following
  1. Annotate a short reading
  2. Analyze short passages and answer corresponding questions
  3. Analyze maps and answer corresponding questions
  4. Analyze visual pictures
  1. Vocab – Students need to know the following words/terms (make sure to review ALL terms in your vocab section). All vocab words listed here need to be defined on a separate sheet of paper and stapled to the paper to receive credit
  1. Cause and effect
  2. Region
  3. Irrigation
  4. Latitude
  5. Longitude
  6. Absolute location
  7. Relative location
  8. Advanced
  9. Primitive
  10. Modification
  11. Adaptation
  12. Adobe
  13. Insulate
  14. Nomadic
  1. Answer the following questions
  1. What effect does the Gulf of Mexico have on Texas weather? (list at least 2)

More rain, milder summers/winters

  1. List characteristics of advanced cultures (at least 5)

system of writing; leisure time for activities like art; permanent settlements; cities with governments; farming

  1. List characteristics of how the first Americans lived (at least 3)

Nomadic, hunted big game animals, gathered food

  1. List examples of environmental modifications (at least 3)

Roads, houses (buildings); irrigation; a/c

  1. List examples of environmental adaptations (at least 2)

Clothing; building materials for houses

  1. List the 3 types of maps and their uses

Physical – shows landforms and bodies of water, physical features of the earth

Political –shows manmade boundaries such as cities, states, countries

Special Purpose – maps used to show one specific thing (weather patterns, location of oil…)

  1. What is the southern boundary of Texas? Northern boundary?

Southern boundary – Rio Grande River

Northern boundary – Red River

  1. What is the top cash crop in Texas?


  1. When did the first humans arrive in North America? How did they get here? What is the name of the theory? What historical event made this migration possible?

15,000+ years ago; they walked across the area that is now the Bering Strait (between Russia and Alaska); the theory is called the Land Bridge Theory; the Ice Age made this possible

  1. What were the first people who came to Texas following?

Big game animals

  1. Give a brief overview of the lifestyle during the 3 periods of the Stone Age (Neolithic, Mesolithic, Paleolithic)

Paleolithic – hunted large mammals, nomadic, lived in lean to shelters or caves

Mesolithic – hunted in groups, developed primitive language, sustained fire, hunted small animals and gathered berries/roots

Neolithic –development of farming, new tools, permanent homes, domesticated animals, leaders

Fill in the chart below with the information about the different regions in Texas.

Region / Relative Location in Texas / Weather/Climate / Landforms / Economic/Natural Resources / Cities (and relative population)
1) Coastal Plains / Southeast / Mild temperatures due to the Gulf
wet / Gulf
Rivers / Rice
Oil/gas / Houston
San Antonio
Corpus Christi
2) North Central Plains / North Central / Less rainfall than the CP
Cold in winter
Hot in summer / Hills
valleys / Farming
aircrafts / Fort Worth
Wichita Falls
3) Great Plains / Northwest / Drier than East Texas
Cold winters due to high elevation / Aquifers
basins / Oil
Farming/ranching / Lubbock
4) Mountains and Basins / West / Very dry
Temperature can range from very hot to very cold / Mountains
valleys / Ranching
rocks / El Paso

Fill in the chart below with the information about the different Native American Cultures.

Texas Native American Cultures / What region(s) did they live in? / How did they get food? (ex. hunting) / How did they get around? / War-like or peaceful? / What type of dwelling did they live in?
1) Gulf Culture / Coastal Plains / Fishing, gathering, sometimes hunted / Canoes, walked / Both, tended towards warlike / Grass huts, lean tos
2) Southeastern Culture / Coastal Plains / FARMERS, hunted and gathered some / Walked, a few had horses / Both, went to war when they needed to / Advanced and big homes (huts) made of sticks, grass and reeds (they were permanent)
3) Plains Culture / Coastal Plains / HUNTERS / Used horses once the Europeans brought them over / Warlike / teepees
4) Pueblo Culture / Coastal Plains / Farmed, hunted, gathered, traded / walked / Peaceful / Adobe homes (permanent)

Please list ALL the tribes in each culture:

Pueblo Culture:

Jumanos, Tiguas

Plains Culture:

Tonkawa, Apaches, Comanches, Kiowas

Gulf Culture:

Karankawas, Coahuiltecans

Southeastern Culture:

Caddos, Wichitas, Atakapans, Tawakoni, Bidai