Sessions - Morning sessions are 9 am until 12 pm or 1pm and a full day session is 9am until 3 pm term time. We do not offer afternoon sessions only. Children will be required to bring a labelled packed lunch if staying after 12 pm. The Pre-school provides a mid morning snack and milk. Sessions must be pre-booked each term (as we must adhere to staff:children ratios)A minimum of two sessions per week must be booked to attend Mobberley Pre-School. Two sessions can run consecutively over one day. In order to claim the full 15 hours Free Early Education Entitlement parents must claim it over a minimum of 2 days as per Section 4 of the Cheshire East Council Parental Declaration form.

Registration (Fees & Charges) - No registration fee applies and a uniform is not compulsory. Fees are payable 38 weeks per year and are not based on just attendance. If your child does not attend for whatever reason, the session must still be paid for to ensure the place is held open for your child. Refunds or credits will not be given for sessions where your child does not attend due to sickness, appointments or holidays in term time.

Fees will be invoiced at the start of each term. Invoices must be paid within 10 days upon receipt. The Pre-School regards none or late payment of fees as a breach of the ‘Parent Contract’. None/late payments will incur a fixed administration charge in respect of any outstanding invoices. In the event of none-payment or late payment of fees in breach of this contract the Pre-School shall serve written notice of such none or late payment requiring payment to be made within 7 days of the date of the notice on the parent/carer. The Pre-School reserve the right to make an additional administration charge for each such notice served. If for any reason your child will be absent long term (continuous period of more than 3 weeks) please inform the settings Manager. Additional fees or charges payable in addition to the term fees chargeable must be paid in full before the end of term. None-late payments of additional fees and charges will incur a fixed administration charge.Unpaid fees may result in suspension or termination of care unless a revised acceptable payment plan is agreed and strictly adhered to.

A minimum notice of 4 weeksmust be given in writing for a permanent withdrawal of your child from the setting,or reducing your child’s sessions once an invoice has been issued for the term, late notice will incur a fixed administration charge.

The Pre-School may reserve the right to charge parents for late collection of their child from the provision for each 15 minute period, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Payment - We accept most payment methods, details can be found on the invoice, and we also accept childcarevouchers from registered voucher providers. If paying by cash it is a parent’s responsibility to obtain a receipt.

Funding - Children who qualify for the Early Education Entitlement places will have this amount deducted from the invoice unless your child is accessing thefunding entitlement only. Any additional fees not covered are the parents responsibility and are payable within 10 days upon receipt of the invoice.None-late payments of additional fees will incur a fixed administration charge. If your child does not attend over a period of 3 consecutive weeks for whatever reason then the Pre-School must be kept informed and has a duty to notify Cheshire East Council as per ‘Parental Declaration’ form.

If a parent withdraws their child for whatever reason and is in receipt of the Early Educational Entitlement a minimum notice of 4 weeks must also be put in writing with a reason to change provider if applicable.(further terms and conditions can be found on the Cheshire East Council Parental Declaration form – section 6)

Late Collection - The parent /carer is responsible in notifying the Pre-School immediately if they will be arriving later than the pre arranged time to collect their child. It is also the parents’ responsibility to ensure that children are collected on time as agreed. If you are not able to pick up your child by the agreed time alternative arrangements must be made. Please notify the Pre-school if an unauthorised person will be picking up your child, verbal or written permission must be received before we will release a child to anyone who is not authorised on the registration form. In the event that a parent cannot be contacted, it is the policy of Mobberley Pre-School to call an emergency contact should a child remain in care after the agreed time. The Pre-School may reserve the right to charge the parent for the additional time the child is at the provision, in increments of 15 minutes, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Partnership with Parents- A Parent/care is expected to support and contribute to the Pre-school in whatever way they can. We believe that children benefit most from early year’s education and care when parents and settings work together in partnership.Our aim is to respect that parents are children’s first and most important educators and we will support this by involving them in their children’s education. Parents keeping the Pre-school informed of their child’s current interests within the home environment as well as sharing news will help their child’s key worker plan their next steps.The health and wellbeing of each child is of paramount importance and we can only achieve excellent welfare standards for each one if parents help us to understand their needs too.

Exclusion/Withdrawal of a child - The Pre-School reserves absolutely the right to consider exclusion of a child on a permanent or temporary basis only as a last resort. However, under certain circumstances, the exclusion of a child may be the only option open to the Pre-School committee. Reasons for Exclusion may be considered in one or more of the following circumstances:

A child or parent /carer exhibits repeated violent and/or uncontrollable behaviour.

A child or parent/carer persistently directs abusive or threatening language towards either a member of staff or to another child.

A parent/carer persistent antisocial behaviour or problems of an indefinable nature.

The behaviour of the child or parent/carer is such that the Pre-School, in its absolute discretion, considers that their actions are detrimental to the health, safety or well being of the child, other children present or any team member.

The child through his/her behaviour is perceived to represent a physical risk to him/herself, to other children or to team members.

Illness - If your child is unwell and cannot attend the parent/carer must inform the Pre-School by 9.30 am on the day or when reasonably practicable, by telephone or email. Depending on the symptoms parents may have to consider excluding their child from the Pre-School in accordance with our guidelines for ‘Infection Control’. Parents are required to notify the Pre-school if their child is unwell and inform the Manager as to the nature of the illness or infection so that the correct procedure can be followed. Should your child be well enough to attend we do require parents to notify the Pre-School of any illness that has occurred. This ensures our staff team is able to monitor for any signs of reoccurrence or for unusual child behaviour. In extreme cases this will also ensure any symptoms of infectious diseases are identified early and managed effectively.

External services and babysitting- The parent/carer under this contract understands that any provision of babysittingand services by a person employed by the Pre-School takes place entirely outside of the Pre-School opening hours. The parent/carer acknowledges where they do engage a person employed by the Pre-School on such a basis that they do so entirely at their own risk and that neither the Pre-School nor the insurers shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever.

Limitation of liability - The Pre-School shall have no liability whatsoever to any parent/carer or child in relation to loss of or damage to the goods or property of any parent/carer or the goods or property of any child admitted to the Pre-School. Any property brought by the child or the parent/carer left by them at the Pre-

School is done so entirely at their own risk. This includes use of the car park, your car and contents.

Smoking - It is against the law to smoke in a public building, the premises are a designated no smoking zone.

Parents/carers, as well as staff, volunteers and visitorsare not permitted to smoke during core session times within all areas of the Pre-School environment, including the outside areas.

Digital Use - Parents are not permitted to use personal mobile phones or other devices to take photographs within the Pre-School setting and in the vicinity of a child or children in the care of the Pre-School.

Social Media - At no time should any post be made by a parent/carer on social media in reference to another child, a parent/carer or a member of staff in association with Mobberley Pre-School.

At no time must photographs or materials be posted or published that identify the children, staff or other parents without consent.

We request parents not to publish photos of their own child or other parent’s children with their names on social networking sites without consent.

Personal data - The parent/carer will notify the Pre-School of any change of address,emergency contact numbers or personal information in relation to their child immediately. All parents/carers will have access to files and records of their own children - but not any other child of the setting.The Pre-Schoolis registered with, and will comply with all requirements of the Data Protection Act.1998


Please sign pages 1-3 of the ‘Parent Contract’, print and date to confirm you have read, understood and agreed to the Terms & Conditions of this, the Parent Contract

I...... agree to the above terms and conditions in respect of my

child...... attending Mobberley Pre-School Playgroup.

Parent/Carer Signature...... Date......

Parent full name......