Mass Intentions for the Week
MONDAY, June 17, 2013
9:00 AMCatherine Maurer
Req. Marie Meng
9:00 AM Dolores Gallagher
Req. Bud and Claire Thalman
9:00 AMAsuncion Tijam
Req. Quien Family
9:00 AM Tina Petruzzelli
Req. Robey Family
FRIDAY, June 21
9:00 AM Harry Madison
Req. wife, children and grandchildren
8:30 AMDennis P. Dadak
Req. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lawler
5:00 PM Leo Gosciniak
Req. Funk and Dermody Families
Eleanor Kwiakowski
Req. Wendy Holdren
SUNDAY,June 23
7:30 AMElizabeth Tirjan
Req. Joanne Dinunzio and Family
Victoria Kopczenski
Req. Marie O’Neill and Ceal Mignona
9:00 AMSusan Hoegel Jorgensten Req.Tom and Renee Lavender
Tina Petruzzelli
Req. Marie McCloskey
10:30 AMWilliam Kyle
Req. Al and Eileen O’Brien
Danny (Donato) Gallicchio
Req. Virginia and Rene Harp
12:00 PMTina Petruzzelli
Req. Donna Miller
Dorothy E. Tierno
Req. OLPH Seniors
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn for
Robert and Margaret Garrison
At the request of the Garrison Family
The week of June 16th thru June 22nd, 2013
Please pray for all those who are ill in our parish that God’s healing power may give them courage and strength. To place a person’s name on the sick list, please call Deacon Mike Stinsman @667-8850x231
This week we pray especially for:
Loretta Straka, Eugene Diabundo,Darlene Cork,
Lilla Cervino
John Obuchowski, Frank Sgandurra
Mary Griffis, Bob Archer, Dorothy Archer, Jean Wolfe,Michael Hughes
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord
Our deceased family and friends
And let Your Perpetual Light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.
If you have a loved one in any of the area hospitals and wish prayers and/or a visit from one of our Hospital Ministers, please contact Rosemary Wolf at 856-667-5032, with the patient’s name and the name of thehospital.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy CommunionSchedule for June 22/23rd
5:00 PM B. Kamuca, R. Wolf, R. Milo
7:30 AMD. Gaffney, C. Hart, J. Fatula
9:00 AM K. Kelly, T. Kovalesky, D. Kornsey
10:30 AM M. Toth, J. Haggerty, D. Papeika
12:00 NoonC. Tartaglia, J. Melchiorre, A. Steck
Ministry of Reader
Schedule for June 22/23rd
5:00 PM S. Sharon Mc Carthy
7:30 PMS. Evelyn
9:00 PMC. Marrioneaux
10:30 PM Theresa McCloskey
12:00 Noon Marge Fretz
Sanctuary Lamp
The Sanctuary Lamp is available for special intentions. The Lamp burns weekly for deceased members of a family or requests for a special intention. The donation is $25. Please contact the rectory at 667-8850 x 210.
From the Pastor’s Desk
HIS WORD TODAYby Rev. William J. Reilly
“‘O Lord, my God, let the life breath return to the body of this child.’ The Lord heard the prayer of Elijah; the life breath returned to the child’s body and he revived. Taking the child, Elijah brought him down from the upper room and gave him to his mother. ‘See!’ Elijah said to her, ‘your son is alive.’… ‘Now indeed I know that you are a man of God,’ the woman replied to Elijah. ‘The Word of God comes truly from your mouth.’… ‘A great prophet has risen among us,’ they said; and, ‘God has visited his people.’”
The familiar story of the widow of Naim and the miraculous intervention by Elijah are so closely connected. How deeply we are affected when a child suddenly dies in an accident, or after a prolonged illness. Our hearts, filled with compassion, turn to bereaved parents to offer comfort and consolation. Certainly the events of Newtown in December gripped us all.
The Old Testament prophet and Jesus Himself were motivated by the same feelings and addressed the concern of the grieving mother. Life was restored and the witnesses were overwhelmed.
Our respect for life and doing something about it is of no less significance. The late Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago espoused what he called a ‘consistent ethic of life’ for all Catholics which include pro-life, not pro death which is abortion, nuclear war, capital punishment and euthanasia. Catholic social teaching calls us to respect life in all forms, from conception to natural death. May the action of Elijah and the hand of Jesus be our motivating force for children of all ages. His word and work were motivated by compassion and pity.
June 8/9th, 2013
1st Collection $ 8,778.00
2nd Collection $1,692.00
Thank you for your generous giving.
Year of Faith Prayer
O God our Father, in Jesus you call all Christian families and homes to be signs of living faith. By the light of the Holy Spirit, lead us to be thankful for the gift of faith, and by that gift may we grow in our relationship with Jesus, your Son, and be confident witnesses to Christian hope and joy to all we meet. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Congratulations to Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSchool Graduates
Readings of the Week
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday1 Kgs 17:17-24; Gal 1:11-19; Lk 7:11-17
Monday2 Cor 1:1-7; Mt 5:1-12
TuesdayActs 11:21b-26, 13:1-3; Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday2 Cor 3:4-11; Mt 5:17-19
Thursday2 Cor 3:15―4:1, 3-6; Mt 5:20-26
Friday2 Cor 4:7-15; Mt 5:27-32
Saturday2 Cor 5:14-21; Mt 5:33-37
MARRIAGE MOMENTS "Do not weep!" (Lk 7:15) There are many things to be truly sad about - the death or injury of a parent, spouse, child, or dear friend. We weep; and that is human. But the presence and touch of those who love us can comfort us and eventually soften the weeping. How do you comfort your beloved when hard things cause him or her to weep.
PARENTING POINTERSDelayed gratification is one of the most important life skills you can teach your child. Find a way to model this skill for your child today - waiting for a treat, doing a chore before relaxing, waiting for a friend to arrive, waiting to open a present...
Our Lady of Perpetual Help is recruiting altar servers throughout the year. Call John Napoli at 856-824-9686 or the rectory office at 856-667-8850.
Pastoral Council Meeting ~ June 13th7pm in the PopeJohnRoom
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Conference is happy to announce that the recipient of the Marie Leins Scholarship Tuition Award in BurlingtonCounty is a student attending Our Lady of Perpetual Help School. This award is for the school year 2013-2014 in the amount of $1000. As with all matters regarding our quest, confidentiality prohibits us from announcing the name of the recipient.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th , at 7:00 PM in Nolan Hall. New Members are welcome
June 9th thru 15th
Sunday10th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Monday8:00 am Divine Mercy
7:00 pm Altar and Rosary Mtg. CR
7:00 pm State of the School Mtg.NH
Tuesday 7:30 am Adoration
2:00 pm Sterling ~ M
Wednesday7:00 pm Baptism Class CR
Thursday 9:45 am/ 7:00 pm Study of Matthew CR
2:00 pm Mount Laurel Center ~CS
7:00 pm Pastoral Council Mtg. PJR
Friday 7:30 Singles NH
Saturday4:00 pm Confession
5:00 pm Mass
Physician–Assisted Suicide
What is at Stake ?
A Recipe for Elder Abuse .
The NJ Death with Dignity Act A3323/S2259 is a recipe for elder abuse. The most obvious reason is due to a lack of oversight when the lethal dose is administered. For example, there are no witnesses required at the death; the death occurs in private. With this situation, the opportunity is created for an heir, or another person who will benefit from the patient’s death, to administer the lethal dose to the patient without his/her consent. Even if he struggled, who would know? Oppose the NJ Death with Dignity Act (A3328/S2259) Visit:
to let your legislators know where you stand on this issue.
JUNE 15th
Fun and Food Fest
Step right up…..and get you early bird tickets for the OLPH
Food and Fun Fest!!
The Food and Fun Fest ~Saturday,
June 15th, 12pm –4pm
Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSchool andParish
There will be games, face painting, karate demonstrations, fire trucks and of course plenty of food!!
Ticket prices are:
Moon Bounce:
5 tickets for $5.00 if bought in advance
3 tickets for $5.00 at the Food and Fun Fest
10 tickets for $5.00 if bought in advance
8 tickets for $5.00 at the Food and Fun Fest
Don’t delay…buy your tickets today!! You can purchase tickets by calling the Rectory at 667-8850 or via email at .
Family Name: ______
Address: ______
Please send me:
____ Moon bounce tickets at 5 for $5.00
____ Game tickets at 10 for $5.00
Please make checks payable to OLPH
Senior News(info on all events call Jim or Tina 856-779-8105) All meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 12 Noon, at the Maple Shade Municipal Complex on Stiles Avenue
2013 Trips and Events:
June 17th, Summer Social Dance at 25 Club
Sept 2-6th trip to Rockin Horse Resort in Catskills
Join our School Family !
Academic Excellence in a Safe,
Faith Filled Environment
Our Lady of Perpetual HelpSchool
is now registering students
Please call our school for information –
779-7526 ext. 225
All parentsconsidering enrolling new students
in Nursery (3 years old) through 8th grade,
may call the school office at 856-779-7526
to receive a registration packet.
to Mrs. Sherri Hunkins,
awarded Best Teacher
Our Lady of PerpetualHelpSchool awarded
Best in South Jersey by the Courier Post.
State of the School Address
Monday, June 10th, 7PM
All Parishioners please join us in Nolan Hall. By the call of our Baptism we have theprivilegeand responsibility to be aware of this important ministry in the parish.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help is in search of a School Principal, interested candidates should
e mail resumes` to
O.L.P.H.School Alumni Members!
The Alumni Committee of the O.L.P.H.School Board is attempting to locate and register ALL graduates into the Alumni database.
The committee’s goal is to attempt to reunite classmates and rekindle old friendships lost over time and distance. If you would like to participate, please complete a Data Collection Form online at You can also request a copy of the form through E-Mail at or fax your request to 856-661-1077. We are also registering past Teachers, Administratorsand Staff Members. Please do not wait; complete your form today!
Join Us For the Fun!
It’s VacationBibleSchool Time!
Our adventure begins in the
Royal Hall of Nolan
Monday June 24th thru Thursday June 27th
~ Daily Drawbridge lowered at 9am
Sharp ~
~ Daily Drawbridge raised at 12:00 Noon
Adventures of the Kingdom Include
~ Singing ~ Dancing ~ Crafts ~ Games ~
Bible Stories ~ Epic Movies ~
~ We welcome Kings & Queens
4 years to those entering 4th Grade ~
~ Tickets are $15.00 per member of the
Royal Family ~
~ Hurry…Chamber space is limited to 60
~ Please call the PREP Office at 779-7529
to register~
Teen Volunteers are needed for the Vacation Bible School Royal Court, Please call the Prep Office. 856-779-7929
The parish is in need of a new Protecting God’s Children Program facilitator. This facilitator trains all parish volunteers who work in any ministry involving children. All training, supplies and materials are provided by the Diocese. Once the required training is completed, this position requires approximately 8-10 hours per year of work. Please call Michele Salvino at 779-7529 or Deacon Mike Boehm at 667-8850 ext. 212 for more information.
Mark your Calendars
From Stephen Schwartz and John Caird comes a joyous and inspirational musical about parents,children and faith... not to mention centuries of unresolved family business!
Freely based on the story of Genesis, CHILDREN OF EDEN is a frank, heartfelt and often humorousexamination of the age-old conflict between parents and children. Adam, Eve, Noah and the "Father"
who created them deal with the headstrong, cataclysmic actions of their respective children. The showultimately delivers a bittersweet but inspiring message: that "the hardest part of love... is letting go."
Show dates:June 13 8:00pm
June 14 8:00pm
June 15 2:00pm and 8:00pm
June 16 2:00pm
At BurlingtonCounty Footlighters
808 Pomona Road, Cinnaminson
Tickets: $15.00 donation at the Box office the day/night of the show
Or$15.00 donation plus $1.00 service fee at:
*Proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to Free to Breathe and the Lung Cancer Alliance c/o Barb'sBreathers and Team Lung Love.
Come out for the next
Bingo Night ~ Thursday, June 20th 2013
7:00 to 11:00 PM In Nolan Hall
the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month
with some exceptions
Bingo Volunteers Needed
Oklahoma’s Need
We can all relate to what Oklahoma is going through and as a result of that understanding we have had inquiries as to how we can provide assistance.Catholic Charities in Oklahoma has asked that we please not send clothing, food, etc.What would be extremely helpful are gift cards.I checked the local region and the following are compatible stores which would sell gift cards here that could be redeemed there.Not many businesses are open but Home Depot and Walmart are two local stores that are open and providing assistance.The address to send gift cards is:
Catholic Charities
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
1501 N. Classen Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK73106.
If you are interested in making a financial donation, the site below will take you directly to a donation page for Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City.
St. Martin of Tours Parish in Northeast Philadelphia, Tours at the Shore reunion for alumni, friends and current and former parishioners onSaturday, Aug. 24, from3 to 7 Keenan's Irish Pub, 113 Olde New Jersey Ave. in North Wildwood, N.J.
Tickets cost $30 and include domestic bottled beer, wine, soda and food. Tickets are available at the door.
For more information, call St. Martin's at215-535-2962.
St. Matthew Parish “RIDE THE TIDE”
Parish and School Reunion ~ Saturday July 13th , 3-7pm at Keenan’s Irish Pub, North Wildwood.
Purchase tickets on-line:
More info: or call
Donna 215-264-2032
Pilgrimage to theHoly Land
Fr. Bob Grattaroti ofSt. Joseph’s Parish is leading a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
February 4 – 13, 2014.
Visit Bethlehem, Galilee,Jerusalem& more.
Daily Mass at the Holy Sites.
Call Mike Milano at
1-800-773-2660 for a flyer and more information.
HolyCrossHigh School
offering two Summer Enrichment Program opportunities for students entering Grades 7 and 8 in September, 2013.
SummerEnrichmentAcademy - Students will be engaged in all of the disciplines. Courses of study: Language Arts, Mathematics, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Theatre and Art.
Dates: July 1to July 26– 8:30 AM – 12:00 Noon
SummerRoboticsAcademy – Students will explore and expand their talents while being introduced to the exciting field of robotics. Students will enhance skills learned in middle school while utilizing the motivational effects of robotics to excite and inspire them about Math and Science in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
Dates: July 1 to July 19, 2013 – 12:30 – 2:30 PM
Registration due by June 24, 2013.
For more information visit or
call 856-461-5400 X3008.
Holy Cross HSYouth Football Camp
Calling all football players entering grades 1 – 8!
The Holy Cross HS Youth Football Camp will be held on July 9th, 10thand 11thfrom 9am – Noon at the HolyCrossHigh School football field!
The camp staff is current and former HC football coaches and HC football players. The purpose of the Holy Cross Youth Football Camp is to provide basic and advanced instruction in preparation of youth and high school football. The coaches will introduce drills and skills that make football fun and improve a player’s ability to perform during competition. They will stress the importance of having a positive attitude and doing everything in life to the best of their ability. The cost of the camp is $75 per player.
For more information about attendance and registration, please contact HC Head Football Coach Frank Holmes .
“God Has
Visited His People”
Camden Catholic Cherry Hill Hosts
“An Irish Summer” 2013 CampDates and Details
Experience the finest athletic and academic programs in the state at CamdenCatholicHigh School's varied summer camps, hosted by accomplished faculty and a veteran coaching staff. What better way to prepare yourself for the next level than participating at CCHS Summer Camp. Read on for additional details and contact information for registration.
Athletic Camps
Boys Basketball
Week 1:June 25-28, Week 2:July 1-5(off on July 4th)
Week 3:July 8-11,9am-12pm, $100, Entering Grades 4-9
Coach Jim
June 24-28, 9am-3pm, $200, Entering Grades 4-9
Coach Bob
Girls Basketball
July 15-18, 9am-12pm, $125, Ages 8-14
Field Hockey
Sssion 1:June 17-20: Session 2:June 24-27
6:30pm-9pm, $150, Entering Grades 4-9
Girls Soccer
July 15-July 19, 9am-12pm$100, Entering Grades 6-9
Coach Varsay Lewis
Any further questions, please contact Athletic Director Marlene 856-663-2247, ext. 55
ArtsAcademy Summer Courses
Digital, media, visual, and performing arts courses are offered.
·Music: July 8th-July 25th, $350, Ages 11-18: 9am-12pm,
·Theatre: July 8th-July 25th, $350, Ages 6-18: 9am- 12:30pm, Monday –Thursday
·Fine Art: July 8th-August 1st, $350 per class
Ages 11-18: 9am-12pm, Monday &Wednesday,
Art for the Beginner
Ages 14-18:9am-12pm, TuesdayThursday,
Expressive Drawing & Painting, AP Studio Art I
(ages 15-18 only)
·Digital Art: July 8th-August 1st, $350 per class
Ages 11-18: 9am-10:30am, Monday –Thursday,
Art & the Computer: Graphic Design
Ages 11-18: 10:45am-12:15pm,Monday–Thursday
Theatre Arts Summer Camp
WHERE:CamdenCatholicHigh School, 300 Cuthbert Road, WHEN:July 8-25, 2013, 3 week session , Monday thru Thursday-9:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
WHO: All students WHAT: "Annie, Jr." COST: $325.00
DIRECTORS: Nancy Werner-Kaiser/ Jeff Bruckner (Arts Academy Faculty) Designed for those students who are interested in the Creative and Performing Arts, particularly Theatre Art. Students will spend three weeks engaging in the basics of dramatic performance including the following: theatre skills such as character interpretation, vocal production, and stage presence, as well as choreography, costuming, make-up, and other aspects of theatrical production. On the final day of class, students will perform in a theatrical presentation that will showcase the skills that they acquired during the camp. Space is limited and students will be accepted on a “first come” basis.Questions please contact Mrs. Nancy Werner-Kaiser, Theatre Arts Faculty/Camp Director @856-663-2247, ext. 101.