¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 1 pp.60-61 ¿Qué hay de interés?
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Asking what is of interest in a place and what you can do there.
Framework objectives / Launch: 8S3 (Modal verbs); 9C5 (Regions of the country).
Reinforcement: 8S8 (High-frequency words and punctuation clues); 8T6 (Text as model and source); 8C3 (Daily life and young people); 9C4 (Well-known features of the country).
Starters / Starter 1: Describing your bedroom and/or town using hay.
Starter 2: Tourism vocabulary: jumbled phrase game.
Plenary / Discuss strategies for reading and/or writing.
Grammar / se puede(n) + infinitive
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1a identify patterns
2.1d work out meaning
2.1e use reference materials
2.2b skim and scan
2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2k deal with unfamiliar language
3f compare experiences / Gramática
2a, 2c
Contexts / C The world around us
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3 / Recognise various tourist attractions. / 1a, 1b
Speaking / AT2/3-4 / Ask and answer basic questions about places of interest and leisure activities. / 1c, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand short texts about tourist sites and activities. / 2a
Writing / AT4/4 / Describe tourist attractions in your town. / 2c
Key language / ¿Qué hay de interés en Jerez de la Frontera? Hay … .
un campo de golf
una escuela de caballos
un espectáculo de
flamenco / un parque temático un paseo marítimo
una playa
una plaza de toros
un puerto / centros comerciales
un parque natural
un zoo
¿Dónde se puede practicar el golf? Se puede practicar el golf en … .
Se pueden ver animales y practicar deportes.
ICT Opportunities / Design a leaflet promoting tourist attractions in your town
Extension (B) / Cuaderno B, p.33
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2, tracks 16 and 17
Flashcards 26-30.
¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 2 pp.62-63 Tus vacaciones
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Say where you go on holiday and what you do there.
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8S1 (Word, phrase and clause sequencing); 8S2 (Connectives); 8T6 (Text as model and source); 8L3 (Relaying gist and detail); 9L4 (Questions and text as stimulus to talk).
Starters / Starter 1: Match the verb with the activity.
Starter 2: Conjugating –ar verbs.
Plenary / Discuss strategies for reading the email in 3a.
Grammar / -
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1c knowledge of language
2.2a listen for gist /detail
2.2e ask and answer questions
3f compare experiences
4e use a range of resources / 1a, 1b
1a, 1b
3a, 3b
3a, 3b
Contexts / B Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Recognise holiday locations, related activities, and modes of transport . / 1a, 1b
Speaking / AT2/4 / Say where you go on holiday and what you do; ask others. / 2
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand a longer text about holidays in Spain. / 3a
Writing / AT4/4 / Reply to an email, describing where you spend your holidays and what you do. / 3b
Key language / ¿Adónde vas de vacaciones?
Voy … a Barcelona / a Mallorca / al campo / a la sierra / a la costa
¿Cómo vas?
Voy en … autocar / avión / coche / ferry / tren
Me baño en el mar.
Tomo el sol. / Voy de paseo.
Hago surfing.
Monto en bicicleta. / Saco fotos.
Voy a discotecas.
ICT Opportunities
Extension (B) / Cuaderno B, p.34
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2, tracks 18 and 19
Hojas de trabajo, Resource and Assessment File, pp.69 and 70
OHTs 21 and 22
Flashcards 31-38, 28 (¡Listos! 1)
¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 3 pp.64-65 ¿Dónde fuiste?
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Saying where you went, what for and who with.
Framework objectives / Launch: 9S3 (Different tense modals); 8W5 (Verbs [preterite]).
Reinforcement: 8S1 (Verb, phrase and clause sequencing); 8S2 (Connectives); 8T2 (Expression in text); 8T4 (Dictionary use); 8T6 (Text as model and source); 9T2 (Features for effect).
Starters / Starter 1: Anagram game and revision of definite articles.
Starter 2: Preterite of ir: dice game.
Plenary / A volunteer explains the use of the preterite tense.
Grammar / Preterite tense of ir
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1d work out meaning
2.1e use reference materials
3b sounds and writing
3c apply grammar
3e different countries / cultures
4b communicate in pairs etc. / 4a
2, 3b
Contexts / B Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Recognise various urban locations, activities, family members and expressions of time. / 1, 3a
Speaking / AT2/5 / Say where you went, what you did and who you were with. / 2, 3b
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Recognise various urban locations, activities, family members and expressions of time. / 4a
Writing / AT4/5 / Write a postcard outlining what you did last weekend. / 4b
Key language / ¿Dónde fuiste…? Fui …
a casa de mi amigo
a mi clase de piano
a la piscina / a la biblioteca
al centro comercial
al centro de la ciudad / al cine
al estadio / al mercado
al parque
¿A qué fuiste? / Fui a la tienda a comprar un CD.
Fui al polideportivo a jugar al voleibol.
ICT Opportunities / -
Extension (B) / Cuaderno B, p.35
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2 , tracks 20 and 21
Starter 1, Resource and Assessment File, p.68
Flashcards 52, 53, 54, 58, 65 (¡Listos! 1)
¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 4 pp.66-67 ¿Adónde fueron?
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Saying where other people went (and why, when and how they went).
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8W4 (Word endings); 8W5 (Verbs [preterite]); 8S4 (Question types); 9W4 (Main inflections).
Starters / Starter 1: Practising preterite forms of ir.
Starter 2: Places in town: vocabulary brainstorming activity.
Plenary / Fluffy toy/ball game: practise subject pronouns and ir in the preterite.
Grammar / Preterite of ir
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.2a listen for gist /detail
2.2f initiate / sustain conversations
2.2g write clearly and coherently
3e different countries / cultures
4f language of interest / enjoyment / 1b, 2b
1c, 2a
Contexts / B Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Understand statements saying where people went, why, when and how; recognise various places in the town. / 1b, 2b
Speaking / AT2/5 / Say where you and others went, identifying various urban locations. / 3
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand statements saying where people went, why, when and how; recognise various places in the town. / 1a
Writing / AT4/5 / Write sentences to explain where someone went and when / how / why they went there. / 1c, 2a
Key language / ¿Adónde fue (Cristóbal Colón)?
¿Adónde fueron (Lucía y Tomás)?
ICT Opportunities
Extension (B) / Cuaderno B, p.36
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2, tracks 22 and 23
Grammar, Resource and Assessment File, p.72
Flashcards 67-78 (¡Listos! 1)
¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 5 pp.68-69 ¿Lo pasaste bien?
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Saying what you did on holiday.
Framework objectives / Launch: 8S7 (Present, past and future). Reinforcement: 8W5 (Verbs [preterite]); 8S1 (Word, phrase and clause sequencing); 8S2 (Connectives); 8T2 (Expression in text); 9W5 (Verbs).
Starters / Starter 1: Saying where you went last Saturday.
Starter 2: Conjugation of –ar verbs: matching game
Plenary / Conjugating –ar verbs: discuss memorising techniques.
Grammar / Preterite tense (1st person singular and plural; 2nd person)
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1b memorising
2.2e ask and answer questions
2.2i reuse language they have met
2j adapt previously learned language
3c apply grammar
4c use more complex language / 1, 4
3, 4
Contexts / B Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Recognise preterite conjugations of various –ar verbs and basic words relating to holidays / 1, 2
Speaking / AT2/5 / Say what you did on holiday and ask others. / 3
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand a passage about someone’s holiday. / 4
Writing / AT4/5 / Complete and compose sentences in the preterite about a recent holiday. / 5
Key language / Fui a … España / Escocia / Francia / Londres
Fui en … autocar / avión / tren / coche / ferry
Me alojé en … un camping / un chalet / un hotel
Visité … un castillo / una catedral / un museo
Compré … una camiseta / unas gafas de sol / una gorra / unos zapatos
Nadé en … el lago / el mar / la piscina
Lo pasé … fenomenal / muy bien / muy mal
ICT Opportunities / -
Extension (B) / Cuaderno B, p.37
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2, tracks 24 and 25
OHTs 23 and 24
Flashcards 33, 62, 68, 70, 74 (¡Listos! 1).
¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 6 pp.70-71 Fueron de excursión
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Saying what other people did on holiday
Framework objectives / Reinforcement: 8W5 (Verbs); 8S2 (Connectives); 8S7 (Present, past and future); 9L4 (Questions and text as stimulus to talk).
Starters / Starter 1: Conjugation of –ar verbs: gap-filling activity.
Starter 2: -ar verbs in the 1st person preterite form.
Plenary / General practice of –ar verbs in the preterite: dice game.
Grammar / Preterite tense (3rd person singular and plural)
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1a identify patterns
2.2g write clearly and coherently
3b sounds and writing
3d use a range of vocab / structures / Gramática
Contexts / B Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5 / Recognise preterite conjugations of various –ar verbs and basic words relating to holidays / 1b
Speaking / AT2/5 / Ask and answer questions about someone else’s holiday. / 3
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Recognise preterite conjugations of various –ar verbs and basic words relating to holidays / 1a, 1c, 2
Writing / AT4/5 / Write sentences about someone else’s holiday. / 4
Key language / Despertarse
Llegar / Cantar
Bañarse / Cenar
ICT Opportunities / -
Extension (B) / Cuaderno B, p.37
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2, tracks 24 and 25
OHTs 23 and 24
Flashcards 33, 62, 68, 70, 74 (¡Listos! 1)
¡Listos! 2 Rojo
Módulo 4 El turismo /
Unidad 7 pp.74-75 ¡Extra! ¡Cuba!
/ Activity no.Learning objectives / Reading a diary entry about a trip to Cuba.
Framework objectives / Launch: 9S8 (Inflections as aid to comprehension); 9L3 (Reporting and paraphrasing). Reinforcement: 8W7 (Dictionary detail); 8T4 (Dictionary use); 9W8 (Using grammar to understand words); 9S3 (Different tense modals).
Starters / Starter 1: Scanning text for familiar words and phrases.
Starter 2: Revision of high-frequency words: OHP activity.
Plenary / Discuss dictionary entries for different types of words.
Grammar / -
Skills (Programmes of Study – revised in 2007) / 2.1d work out meaning
2.1e use references materials
2.2b skim and scan
2.2a listen for gist / detail
2.2k deal with unfamiliar language
3e different countries / cultures
4d make links with English / 1a, 2a
1a, 2a
1a, 2a
1a, 1a
Contexts / E The international world; B Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/6 / Identify subtle differences between words and phrases relating to holidays, tourism and statements of opinion. / 1b
Speaking / AT2/5 / Ask and answer questions about the diary entry, one partner taking the role of its author. / 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/5-6 / Recognise a range of words and phrases relating to holidays, tourism and statements of opinion. / 1a, 2a
Writing / AT4/- / - / -
Key language / -
ICT Opportunities / -
Extension (B) / -
Resources / Cassette B, side 2 or CD2, tracks 28 and 29
Starter 2, Resource and Assessment File, p.68