‘Cloud’ sharing encrypted files using BoxCryptor

BoxCryptor is an alternative method of encrypting data to Truecrypt. BoxCryptor will create a folder containing files encrypted by the program, and mount that folder as a drive. Unlike Truecrypt, you can see the folder and the files within it through a normal explorer window. You can also delete any files held there, and add any files direct to the folder.

BoxCryptor has been specifically designed with the cloud and mobile computing in mind; and when asked for a location for the encrypted folder the program has, as possible options, Google drive, Dropbox and skydrive. There is also an app available to access the folder directly through an iphone or an android phone. Unlike Truecrypt, you don’t need to unload the drive letter from the folder to allow online synchronisation to occur, as the folder is seen as a normal folder and doesn’t require exclusive locks by the encryption software.

1) Following the BoxCryptor Setup instructions, create the encrypted container in the local Dropbox, Google or skydrive folder, within your local ‘My documents’ folder. In the following example we have created several folders, each with different passwords called BoxCryptor, Boxcryptor1 and Boxcryptor2. Not that I can only have one loaded as a drive to the machine at any one point in time.

2) Connect one of the files to yourself through BoxCryptor as a Drive, and copy over the files to the relevant drive that you wish to share with someone.

The Dropbox upload icon on the bottom right of your windows screen should show that Dropbox is uploading the encrypted file.

Logon to your Dropbox user. The following screen will be displayed

3) Right click on the encrypted folder you wish to share, In this case Boxcryptor.bc.

On the dropdown menu select ‘Share link’

4) The following popup box will appear. Enter the email address for the person you wish to share this file with.

5) When the following prompt appears, click done

The user you have invited will now receive an email and when they click on the enclosed link they will be verified and in their Dropbox will see the shared file.

Unlike Truecrypt they will be able to look into the folder BoxCryptor online, and in their own Dropbox folder on their local machines and see the separate files. They will not however be able to read those files. They will need to run BoxCryptor on their own machine and load the folder as a drive using the password you have given them. They will then be able to open the files and to add new files to the directory if they so wish. These files will then be encrypted.

Note they can also add files direct to the folder Boxcryptor.bc on their c drive. These will also be synchronised to others who are sharing the folder, but these files will be unencrypted.