Chapter 10: Presents

Min Ji had helped you move all the presents into your room. You sat on your bed cross legged as you looked

at all of them. Although there were only 8 other people at the party, the presents seem to fill up your room.

‘HyunSik and ChangSub still bought me more…’ you thought, sighing as you read the name tags. “I think you

should open the two presents from me and Ilhoonie!” Min Ji suggested, handing you a medium sized box

with a smaller one on top. You carefully unwrapped the white paper of the bigger box and peered into the

box. Peering back at you was a cute hippopotamus toy. “Aw!” you said, going into a spaz of cuteness

overload. “Thank you!”

You shuffled over to give her a big hug. “Now open the smaller box!”

Unwrapping the smaller box, you took off the lid. It was a small photo frame with a picture of the two of you,

on the first day that you came to Korea. You smiled at her, “Min Ji… you’re the bestest friend I could ever ask

for! And I’m glad it was you who I moved to Korea with!”

She looked at you embarrassed, “It’s okay… I’m just glad you like me enough to be my friend!”

You saved SungJae and Peniel’s presents for last. So far you had received many different things from adorable

headbands to a cook book (from MinHyuk with a note inside saying ‘When you become my sister in law, you

have to cook for me!’). You decided to open Peniel’s first. It was an envelope that was decorated neatly and

delicately with ribbons and stickers. “Happy birthday Ji Eun-ah!” it said on the card, “Hope you had the most

amazing birthday with BTOB and made lots of memories!”

You smiled, ‘He’s so sweet.’ And flipped the card over. There was a sticky note attached to it.

‘Ji Eun, I hope you didn’t forget the promise you made oppa when we we’re playing hide and seek. I will see

you at 7.30 on Monday night. I’ll pick you up! Make sure you’re ready! P.S. I’ll give you your birthday present


‘What promise?’ you thought to yourself, trying to think back to when you played hide and seek. All you

could remember was being in a closet with SungJae and… kissing him. You blushed red and your face heated

up. You put the sticky note by your bedside table so you wouldn’t forget to get ready.

“SungJae oppa’s present.” You said aloud, holding the small, palm sized box in your hand.

As you tugged on the ribbon that held the silver box together, you heard a bell noise coming from inside.

Taking the lid off, you saw the most elegant bracelet. It had a golden bell charm hanging off, as well as the

BTOB symbol and a cute banana charm. You smiled at it, it was so perfect. But it looked expensive. You

clasped it onto your wrist and admired at the way it reflected light so prettily as well as how snugly it fit. It

was probably the sweetest birthday present you’d ever received.

“Wow… that’s gorgeous!” Min Ji said as you displayed it for her. She carefully played with it. The doorbell

rang. “Coming!” You yelled, getting up and running to the door. Opening it, you saw a box at the foot of the

door. “Oh, how strange.” You said, as you picked it up and brought it back into the apartment. Curiously, you

cut open the sticky tape that was holding the flaps down and stuck your hand into it. You felt a piece of hard

paper and picked it up. ‘Happy birthday sis! Hope you enjoy this little gift and take care of him! I didn’t pick it

out personally but the thought still counts!’ it said, signed by Ji Young.

You looked inside the box. There was a glass bowl, filled with pebbles and a fake plant and water. ‘A fish?’

you thought, taking it out carefully so the water wouldn’t spill. You put your face up to the glass and saw a

small, bright blue and silver fighting fish. “Min Ji! Look at what I got!” you called out, as she came hopping

down the stairs. “Ooooh!” she said, pressing her nose against the glass, “He’s pretty! What are you going to

name him?” she asked, poking the bowl. You smacked her hand away, “You’ll frighten him!”

She looked at you sheepishly, “Mianhe, but he’s just so pretty I wanted to see him move!”

You giggled slightly. ‘What should I name him…’ you thought, putting the new fish by the window in the



“Ji Eun!” Min Ji screamed excitedly, “It’s time to go to watch BTOB at Music Bank!”

She was dressed up really cutely, “Ilhoonie said to come to their dorm and we can go together!”

You nodded and quickly changed into black skinny jeans and a light blue blouse.

“Let’s goooo!” she said, pulling on your arm. “Okay, okay! I’m coming!” you smiled at her excitement.

You arrived at the BTOB dorm, and before you knocked, the door opened. “Oh! Annyeong Min Ji, Annyeong Ji

Eun! Please come in!” EunKwang greeted you. He was wearing a white t shirt and black track pants. “Oppa,

don’t you have to get into costume?” you asked, giving him a puzzled look. He chuckled, “Nope! We will

change into it when we get our hair and makeup done in the green room”

‘So that’s how it works!’ you thought to yourself as you walked into the now familiar dorm.

Without knocking, you opened the door to SungJae’s room. He was standing in front of his mirror looking at

himself without a shirt on and just plain shorts. You turned a bright red. “Mianhe!” you yelled before closing

the door and covering your eyes. You stifled a laugh.

The door opened and he poked his head through, careful not to reveal his bare upper half. “Oh, Ji Eun.” He

said, blushing that you had caught him checking himself out. “I’ll just be a moment.”

He closed the door and a few seconds later it opened again. “Annyeong!” you said, bowing.

He grabbed you and pulled you into his room, shutting the door behind him roughly. SungJae grabbed your

left wrist and pulled it up to his face, looking at the bracelet he bought you. “You like it?” he asked, watching

your every facial expression. “Of course! It’s the prettiest thing anyone has ever gotten me and I’m glad it

was from you!” you stated. He unexpectedly wrapped his arms around your waist, picked you up and sat on

the bed with you on his lap. “I’m glad.” He said, and you could smell his fresh cologne.

“I’m so nervous to perform in front of you today.” He said, looking at you seriously. You smiled, “Oppa! You

have already performed in front of me plenty of times so there’s nothing at all to be nervous about!” you said

enthusiastically. He sighed with a smile. “Okay… but if I make a mistake, promise you won’t laugh at all!”

You nodded eagerly, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I promise to not laugh if you make a mistake!”

He looked at you cutely, and then pulled a super ugly face at you. “Ew!” you said, playfully pushing his face

away. “Wae?! You don’t want me if I look like this?!” he teased, pulling the face at you again. You got up from

his lap and ran outside, bumping into HyunSik. “Whoa! Slow down!”

You smiled and greeted him. “Yah! Ji Eun!” you heard SungJae yell, running after you. “Sorry oppa! I have to

run away from the scary man!” you said as you ran into their living room.

You bumped into something firm. “Ouchie!” you said, rubbing your nose. You looked up to see a smiling

Peniel standing before you. “Annyeong!” he said, before pulling you into a hug. “Hi Peniel oppa” you

managed to say before he squished you into his chest. By then, SungJae had run into the room, seeing you

both embracing each other. You pulled away and turned around. Trying to not make it awkward, you ran up

to him, “Oppa!” you said, acting cute. He looked at you and smiled. “It’s time to leave for Music Bank.” He

said towards Peniel. “Okay! Let’s go Ji Eun!” Peniel said happily, holding onto your hand and dragging you to

the front door. You quickly grabbed onto SungJae’s hand with your free hand and shot him a look. ‘You’re the

only one for me.’

CHAPTER 11: Girl

“Oppa! Hwaiting!” you said, as SungJae went onto the stage, “BTOB Hwaiting!”

He shot you one last glance as he ran onto stage. He was in performance mode. They got into their

positions and waiting for the music to start.

“Here is BTOB performing Irresistible lips!” the MC – who happened to be HyunA – announced. You sat

at the T.V in the Green room with Min Ji, both of you holding onto each other. When SungJae started

singing, you squealed, “HE’S SO HOT!” causing the other people in the room to look at you. Blush a light

shade of red, you turned back to the T.V, watching your favourite boy group sing and dance.

“MY ILHOONIE~!” Min Ji yelled as the camera focused on him. Even more people looked this time, but

she didn’t mind.

A sweaty bunch of guys came back into the room when the performance had entered.

“How were we?” HyunSik asked, smiling and panting at the same time.

“You were great!” you replied as he ruffled your hair up.

“Ji Eun!” you heard Peniel call.

“Oppa! Well done!” you said as he bounced over to you. He ran his fingers through your hair, causing

you to blush.

“I hope you haven’t forgotten about our date.” He said, smiling softly.

‘A date?!’ you thought, hiding your shock with a giggle.

“Of course I didn’t! I will be ready… hopefully!”

You saw MinHyuk staring at you; obviously he had heard what you were talking to Peniel about. Even

though you didn’t think you liked Peniel in that way, he was just way too sweet to reject.

SungJae grabbed you by the shoulders.

“Ji Eun-ah!” he said happily, “Did Oppa do a good job?”

You turned around and smiled cutely, “Yes! You were the best out of everyone!”

His face softened, pulling you into a hug.

“Sweaty!” he said, not letting you go.

“Ew! Oppa! Let me go! I don’t want to be sweaty!” you scolded playfully. He let you go and without

anyone seeing, he planted a kiss on your cheek.

“Thanks.” He said, smirking at you. Your hand instantly went to your lips, “Oh!” you said in shock. Before

you could say anything he had walked off to get a drink of water.

“Hello!” you heard a cute, female voice say.

You turned around, “Hello!” she said again, smiling brightly at you. You pointed at yourself, silently

asking whether or not she was talking to you. She nodded.

“Annyeong!” you said, bowing. She giggled and came up to you.

“I’m HyunA! What’s your name?” she said, linking arms with you and bringing you to the refreshment


“I- I’m Ji Eun. Nice to meet you!” you stammered.

“Aigoo!!! So cute!” she said, “You don’t need to be shy!”

You smiled at her and nodded your head. “So! I see you have captured the heart of BTOB!”

You blushed, not knowing what she meant.

“I saw SungJae kiss you on the cheek earlier!” she giggled, playing with your hair.

You blushed even harder. “You two would be so cute! He’s my dongsaeng! And this is the first time I’ve

seen him so crazy over a girl… I mean there was that other girl… I forgot her name but nothing

compared to the way he looks at you!”

‘What other girl?’ you thought to yourself. Although HyunA was lovely, this ‘other girl’ that she

mentioned lingered on your mind.

“Anyways, you can call me Unnie because I know we will be great friends! Nice meeting you, Ji Eun!” she

said, giving you a hug and waving as she left to go MC again. You smiled and waved, “Bye HyunA unnie!”

you said.

EunKwang came up to you and put his hand on your back, “Shall we go for dinner?” he asked smiling

happily. You nodded and followed him, Min Ji and the rest of BTOB out into the car park.

“What should we eat?” Ilhoon asked, “I feel like eating spaghetti!”

“No! We ate that the other night… Let’s eat Japanese!” MinHyuk suggested.

“Yum! Japanese!” you said, agreeing with him. BTOB looked at you, “Okay. Japanese it is!” they said in


You wanted to ask SungJae about this ‘other girl’ but you knew it would kill the mood of BTOB. The

restaurant was filled with laughter and chatting. Sitting in between EunKwang and MinHyuk, you felt

more at ease, like they were going to be there if you decided to go out of control. You felt SungJae look

at you a couple of times, smiling and trying to talk to you but you just ignored him because you were

slightly upset and confused.

‘He didn’t tell me about this other girl.’ You thought, sighing.

“Ji Eun! What would you like to eat?” MinHyuk said, leaning over to you,

“I recommend this!” pointing at the teriyaki beef bento set. “Hm… Oppa how about we share?” you

said, cutely. He smiled, “Sure! Well if you order that then I will order… Karaage?” he questioned. You

nodded and closed the menu book.

“Wow! Yummy!” Min Ji said when her food had arrived.

“Yah!” she suddenly yelled, hitting Ilhoon’s creeping chopsticks.

“You have to wait for everyone else to get their food then I will give you some!” she scolded him.

“Okay… well since I’m so hungry, I’ll just have to eat you!” he said, grabbing her by the waist and pulling

her close to him so he could pretend to eat her arm. You giggled, they were so cute.

“Hey! No PDA!” HyunSik said jokingly. The waiter set down the tray of food in front of you and MinHyuk,

and slipped you a piece of paper. It was a phone number.

“Whoa! Ji Eun!” MinHyuk said. Starting to tease, “Getting phone numbers from boys!” you blushed

looking down. “Well, who wouldn’t want to be her boyfriend? She’s cute!” EunKwang said, poking you in

the cheek.

“Yah! She is MY cutie!” ChangSub cut in playfully. You blushed even more, looking at your tray.