Transcribing Assignment 4 Oral Interview

Okay, so what’s your name?


And how old are you?

I’m 21

And how long have you been going to SFU for?

Uhh I think I am in my fourth or fifth year

Okay, and how long have you had your Blackberry for?

I have had my Blackberry for about two years

And what did you have before your Blackberry?

Oh I think I had some really crappy Samsung like LG..

So not a smart phone?

No, not a smart phone

And would you ever consider getting a phone other than a Blackberry?

Uhh maybe an Iphone but definitely not a regular phone, definitely has to be a smart phone.

And why is that?

Just because it’s a convergence media, everything is on there. I check my emails, Facebook, I can talk to people, I can instant message people. So it’s just an all around good thing to have, especially when I am at school for like seven hours a day and I

don’t being my computer. It’s just everything is on hand.

So when you go on the Internet on your Blackberry how long do you spend on your phone on the Internet?

Umm usually if I am using the Internet on my phone it’s probably like to google map something or like sometimes in lecture if there’s a word I don’t understand I’ll look it up on my phone. Umm yeah it’s more for just like convenience I never actually sit

on my phone and browse the Internet.

So you don’t really sit on your phone on Facebook for like half an hour?

Umm I have the Facebook app but I don’t really go on that, like if I get a notification for it I will but it’s not like I don’t Facebook creep.

Do you upload pictures from your Blackberry onto Facebook?

Umm not often, occasionally but not often. Yeah.

Would you say that majority of you friends have Blackberries?

Yeah, definitely.

And what about family members?


No..So you use your, do you use BBM to communicate with your friends mainly?

Yeah mainly BBM. Umm it’s just faster that way, I don’t know why. Just you can see if they’ve read it or received it and what not.

Is that why you like BBM over text message or is there another reason?

Uhh mainly yeah and you can like, I mean it works just like instant messaging like you can scroll down and like find stuff whereas on your phone you have to like go back to your contact list and then find the person ummm if you want to send pictures it’s like on text message you don’t know like sometimes I have problems sending pictures to people with Iphones but on BBM it’s just kinda like this it’s like a unified sort or system so everyone will get your pictures and it will come up the same way.

And when you are using your Blackberry do you use it um like how often do you use it for like calling people or talking on the phone or friends calling you?

Um, not that often like I find I use it more for just like I don’t know if the bank needs to call me or my dentist needs to call me or like if I’m driving and I need directions but if I am trying to make conversations with people it’s usually just through BBM.

And umm do you ever umm like when you’re having a conversation with your friends, would you ever use your phone in the middle of a conversation with your friends?

Like when I am just talking to someone face to face?

Yeah say you and you friend are having a conversation about whatever you’re talking about and then your phone rings, do you answer it?

Uhh, no I usually ignore it but if I get like a BBM I’ll probably answer it quite quickly.

And do your friends are similar to that?


Umm what would you do if you had to go one full day without your Blackberry?

I’d live, but it would be really difficult, yeah, obviously. But I’d survive. But like the thing is like I will put my homework on there too like assignments that I need to edit then I’ll just like put on them on my phone and I’ll do it quickly before class and then upload it to my computer. So like, I don’t know sometimes I really do need it for school and stuff.